Dying, Feeling, the mind, body, soul, spirit,what is consciousness?)


From this condition after ‘stroking out ‘ and falling into  a propane fired wall heating system in the middle of winter, well the ‘stroke’ was merely a symptom, misdiagnosed lung cancer that had metaticized into the brain leaving 17 ‘lesions/tumors’… causing my balance to to gradually deteriorate to the life threatening stage.  The closest VA hospital was 140 miles away, and the quickest they could ‘evaluate me’ was in 6 months… well within the limits of the so called VA Choice system, so they committed me to a local civilian trauma center…. and then quickly commenced to forcing piles of paperwork on this fine hospital who took me in with just a VA Id card. The VA issued an “authorization code” to commence procedures, and then commenced to slicing and dicing the invoices from the hospital so they wouldn’t get paid fully if at all. You know how things slip through the cracks, right? So, the VA has imposed THOUSANDS of dollars in direct payments over time to this hospital (who shall remain nameless, don’t want to get sued,,,,)

Your humble piper found himself in a civilian ICU, this poor guy below, got direct service… I’ll take the payments in the ass,  just by the fact that I KNOW I’m still living on this side of the grass… after 6 months of radiation and chemo-therapies, started the next day…. after they pronounced me “non transportable”(I have other neuro problems, which the VA was mistreating with pain meds… which I got addicted to, and then just realized what was happening…. and quit cold turkey.  (Not recommended.)


“This is my brother Tony Mims laying in the concrete floor in the VA hospital in Murfreesboro. The “Doctor” wasn’t sure if  he was sick enough to be admitted. No the sickness was in the white suit, myself, having interacted with these white suits calling themselves ‘doctors’. Since we now know that the VA is hiring non qualified doctors who have had their licensees pulled, just to fill slots(who the hell would want to work for the VA?)

(per his sister…)This man laid on the concrete floor for 8 hours, as we tried to get him put in a bed. This man cannot even walk.
He served this country and in turn is taken care of by a system, but notice that nice wrist band? They had enough time to hook him up to the billing/tracking system, I bet you thought VA benefits were free? Nah, only if you’re broke, otherwise every visit requires you to enter insurance information, which they compare with the IRS, they DO collect insurance payments. I’ll bet most of you didn’t  know, that most Korean war vets don’t get ANY VA benefits…. I know this for a fact because I know a few, met them down at the local civilian doctors office. I’ll bet nobody told Mr. TRUMP this when he’s up there making speeches somebody else wrote for him AND while ‘anti Trump’ Federal Employees literally call him and us, ugly names… We Vets are the “Prancing Peacocks”,  Mr. Trump mostly “carrot top, Mr. Impeachable, I’ve lost track.

But the good news is,  there are decent and caring people within that organization, somebody just needs to do an audit, a character/qualifications audit. …  oh, and a prayer might help. This new guy Mr. Trump put in charge, well, looks like just another bureaucratic clown… we shall see. Otherwise this entire post should be renamed:



Negligent homicide has gone on for too long at this ‘institution, an institution being guarded by senators protecting pharmaceutical companies, medical device companies, etc, etc. There are also other congressmen telling the truth. That the VA is hiring non qualified persons. I saw hints of this when I was forced to go to the Oncology clinic 140 MILES AWAY, in the snow avoiding three crashes.  If I gave you names and details, then, the VA would pull every benefit I have left, including the good things they manage, like my chemo drugs, (which I think my nurse practitioner is responsible for sneaking under the doctors nose (a ‘doctor’ I haven’t seen in 4 years????). She has always seemed to care about her patients. But tell me what you think when you see the ‘doctor’, and he doesn’t have anything sewed on his white costume, no name, no MD, no specialty, no unit, nothing, nada, and he gave me a geneic hospital business card without his name on it…   hmm, what I was warned of….

But when a guy immolated himself in front of a VA hospital/clinic about this same time period,  nobody cared except 1 person I saw on FOX news, who you could tell, somehow forced this one line story without pictures or video (naturally…) the look on his faced was haunted…. everybody else I heard or talk to just shrugged their shoulders….


What caused this great country  to sink so low, that all the patriotism it can manage is a hotdog on memorial day and fireworks on the 4th of July,,, symbols in a land that degenerates daily and the young, laugh and party on.

Well, to all of you without heart or soul…. karma is  a bitch.

































































in a civilian hospital… after th











Thunderstorm   STOP







e VA put me here because they didn’t have room in thesolutely sure that this was a mercy handed down by Creator for teaching purposes. Maybe because this is my third NDE (Near Death Experience. Maybe its )

What does it feel like to DIE? For everyone its different of course. But in my case I was given the blessing of witnessing the Intermediate stages of fully conscience to floating up towards a fully circular spinning rainbow, what some animal vets tell their clients is “The Rainbow bridge. ” It exists, but not as a bridge, think, it is the main interface/connection between the Aethereal reality and the two nonmateral ‘layers’ of opposing energy levels perched above and below ‘ethereal reality ‘ as we know it. Reality as we know it is merely interactive inter-opposing energy fields of opposite types running in the opposite direction. With chaotic entanglements and embedded universal conscienceless.

When I ‘died’, I saw the shapes of entities walking around the hospital, many entities, lost, unsure of what to do, where to go, where they belong now… many were simply scared out of their wits thinking they were in hell or on their way. Which I saw was true, but hell, it was also pointed out, was a definite choice to be made because ‘hell’ had many levels of learning. I also saw many working on hell or rather the Door to Hades. In truth, most were in a place called LIMBO, wandering in the gray foggy area between the Holy Light and the Lake of fire (Archas, the Great Consumer of all light in the universe. (Read Enoch Book of Secrets, Chap 26-28). What the Babylonian priests did to the definitions of the ‘managers’ of the Tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil, when they invented Catholicism, and turned good into evil and evil into good. What they sought, was power and control for themselves and their new emperor; Constantine,… who demanded it.

When my legs were dangling from the edge of the grave my perspective widened to observe, internals, many ‘entities’ were nothing more than magnetic fields, inside, empty of spirit, or chaotic, keeping them here looking. Others had seen the great Holy Light and were drawn to it, gone, poof. I sensed I was given the Choice to stay and go through the misery of material life for some time longer because there was work I had to finish, including this tome that wears me down having to write, rewrite, erase, rewrite, ad infinitum….

At the bottom of this extravaganza of souls searching, was a Door being worked by many hands, and many simply walked in and disappeared.  The thought was given to me “The Bottomless pit will allow YOU to exit for your light will allow you to push your way to the Light. The Light is where LIFE in the Universe proceeds from the Temple of the Light, also called The Trinity, The Barbelo, Father -Mother – SON. This in reality is the Actual Root of the construction of life through the DNA helix, also called the Medicine Wheel by native tribes, it is the Root of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil also called the Tree of Life.

When you fall into death there is an indeterminate time of chaos in the mind as the three components of the human material, mind/soul, spirit begin to be without ‘consciousnesses’ you get to travel around looking in this fog of semiconscious awareness ‘waiting’ and be met and guided and consoled  and then, depending on you, pushed back into the Universal Central Nexus where a new soul will automatically attach itself from your old soul/spirit onto a new few being formed that will only attach itself to you. This is the Infinity Nexus controlled by entities known as The Archons (who were renamed devils by mens new churches, to be used for control of the population by fear. These are pictures of Egyption ‘Gods’, helpers, spawn of Pistis Sophia/Isis, a minor ‘god’ on the Tree of Life, who was one of the Elohim…. (Who can know?)

At the end of this vision I collapsed into days of blessed sleep, with the knowledge that Man is of three, just like everything else in this universe… spirit/Barbelo initiates Spirit, which is injected into the material life Infinity Pattern Combination energy nexus where your ‘pattern’ automatically attaches to your seed/mother/twin, or, something goes wrong and you are recycled. But regardless, there is life eternal, and judgement is like a spanking.

Consciousnesses cannot exist without a brain organizing the Universal Flow of entangled energy flow manifesting in captured fields like a movie camera sticking long enough to form a basis of memory, so it takes a constant flow of energy to keep a soul connected to its spirit and its brain/body simultaneously.

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First Blood

First Blood

Our heart goes out to Rep. Steve Scalise, and everybody else who’s become the first blood of what is rapidly becoming Civil War II.  We have argued for months, that if the democrats didn’t calm down, and accept responsibility for their 2016 loss, that their violent rhetoric would lead to actual violence. I have news for you democrats… it wasn’t the Russians, nor Comey, nor collusion, it was simple, plain old fashioned incompetence.  You put forward a tired, sick, carpet worn candidate, who had no message, didn’t listen to the advice of her advisers, and was wrapped in the coat of arrogance and fooled by pollsters who were drinking the koolaide of The North East Establishment.

And I have more news for you, your pollsters are STILL getting it wrong. Everyone I talk to, still supports President Trump, and sees and understands what The Establishment Swamp is doing to OUR Agenda of Make America Great Again. And, none of us in flyover country, have heard from any ‘pollster’s. We only see one thing; New York and Washington DC has lost its collective mind, the media is deranged, and their lemming like followers have little humanity left because theirs is a virtual world having been trained since birth that there is little in the way of consequences for their own actions, and that political correctness is their replacement for good manners. This was exemplified by the recent election, and the democratic candidate who could not even come out and give a concession speech. Pathetic, came to mind then, now all I see is evil manifesting as “sweet words on the tongue, like honey, that grow bitter in the belly”. Talk of reconciliation, unity, backing down off the tone and rhetoric of late… seems to have lasted about a day. Gov Terry “in Clinton’s pocket” McAuliffe, came out of the gate hawking more gun control. I wonder what would have been the result if everybody on that ball field had the right to carry? It was a truism in the old American west, that Robert Heinlein was right; “an armed society is a polite society”, despite what you have been taught, ‘outlaws’ were few and far between, today, we breed them like pigs.

It is now obvious, that democrats not only don’t want the America of my youth(if such a thing is even possible anymore), but don’t know the difference between common sense and nonsense. They have been screaming nonsense about Russians for the past many months, while the rest of us, have been getting more and more angry.  We also see, it isn’t just the democrats, but, The Entire Establishment, of both parties and the Opposition party, the Media, who are desperate to bring down Mr. Trump and keep their money machine and global empire intact. They obviously know something we don’t, that the System is failing, and they don’t want Mr. Trump in That Chair when the financial music stops. They also want a war with Russia(to cover their tracks?), and in that alone, take it from an old Vietnam vet, they are madmen, all of them. Who would want a war with a nuclear power?

I expect the next sounds will be a new focus on gun control… and ramped up rhetoric, they will blame Mr. Trump for everything, including Obama’s failures. Hmmm, oh wait, they already are. We,  vets, have been warning for months, that a continuation of the lack of accepting the election, and taking responsibility for their failure, as well as blaming ‘The Russians’ (and beating the war drums) will cause more and more people to fly into fits of rage so that more and more of us are compelled to defend The President. Outrageous rhetoric inciting violence, when it exceeds the standards of civility, always, always, leads to incivility, just like an old fashioned feud. I’m surprised nobody has been arrested for inciting violence, we used to have laws against this. So that proves to me, that the progressive left has captured most of the country, or at least, keeps them in check because of fear.

For months, the democrat leaders have been ramping up the rhetoric, telling their people to “resist” Mr. Trump’s agenda, and all of us who voted for him. All while their media cronies follow their lead with pictures of decapitations and false Julius Caesar plays picturing a modern orange haired president being knifed to death. They are still following the false fantasy that they ‘really won’ the election because of a few extra dead and illegals in California who ended up ‘voting’, somehow…

But, they don’t seem to understand they are preaching to a choir not raised up with manners and civility ingrained in their very souls, the result of abandoning God in the public square. They are stirring up a generation of Godless snow flakes and social justice warriors, who want their safe spaces, and truly believe all the BS shoveled down their throats by the MSM.  They truly believe they, unlike all the generations who went before, can have the proverbial “Free Lunch” and live without ever having to be offended. What did the leaders of the democrat party think was going to happen?

My generation was trained as ‘Meek Warriors’.  We were taught to have a thick skin with sayings such as “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.”, to “Turn the cheek”, but, these sayings become hard dogma, the foundation of doctrines of devils.  This has been turned upside down, as children are being taught from an early age how to be a cry baby, to make themselves the victim of every situation, they are taught to be weak and how to use political correctness to their advantage. They are not taught the ancient meaning of meek, which was; Power under control. A Meek Warrior demonstrates their strength of character by ‘Turning the other cheek’, in the face of insults, slights, or minor assaults. But likewise, we were trained up in the differences between a minor insult, and an attempted murderer… would you really turn the other cheek if someone had your wife by the hair, and was about to do terrible things to her? Why is it so hard to get intentions and verses so conflated to the point of creating entirely new churches? This is teaching the differernce between weak and Meek…

So in the Way of Jesus we were told to stand ready to defend the innocent, or yourself, by “selling your coat and buy a sword”. Today, preachers divide the ancient scriptures into verses and doctrines based on single verses, which lead to ‘Doctrines of Devils’. What is a Doctrine of Devils? Anything that allows evil to thrive.  Political correctness is the root of apathy, passivism, complacency, or the ingrained stupidity of ideology and doctrines that make people think, that they do not have a duty to fight evil, or even, what evil is. That is what political correctness does, it confuses minds through emotional contortions, it creates derangement, which is defined as; cognitive dissonance, minds that cannot take care of themselves in reality because their reality is a fantasy, and when its tenants do not hold true they lose a piece of themselves in madness. The ultimate doctrine of devils. Revelation 10 warned us of this. That evil is not a ‘problem’ as taught by the orthodox church, but is built into the Universe and everybody in the Universe. It is up to you to overcome it.

Today, evil is good, and good is evil, as everything turns upside down in the world and political correctness divides us into verbal combat, as these warring tribes have now degenerated to actual combat. This was predictable, and we predicted that violent rhetoric would degenerate into violence.  If anyone thinks this is going to get better, understand that this is only First Blood, and once shed, will probably get out of control. For once the dogs of war are unleashed you cannot control where they run.

We have a need for knowing how to integrate ideologies and doctrines into the Way of the Meek Warriors, again. We have a need to understand the Foundation of evil is The Little Book of Revelation 10, the sweet words, like honey, that grow bitter in the belly. For evil uses sweet words to turn your minds into jelly, and by political correctness ye shall know them. Anyone who claims special status, or victimhood, is manipulating your mind for their gain, and when that doesn’t work, they always, always, revert to violence, because they are the Beast within man, the animal that lies beneath the veneer of civilization.




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Kabuki dance in the theater of the damned III

Kabuki dance in the theater of the damned III

Kabuki dancing with Gomer Pyle
Kabuki Dance in the Theater of the Damned

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable.”
-John F. Kennedy

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it’s profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
–Frank Zappa

“In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations and epochs, it is the rule.”
–Friedrich Nietzsche

“When any nation mistrusts its citizens with guns it is sending a clear message. It no longer trusts its citizens with guns because such a government has evil plans.”
— George Washington

“It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.”

“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes its laws.”
–Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild

Act 1

The Red Kabuki theater was brightly lit with many Red Kabuki wannabe’s, all debating who of the many should don the funny hat and robes of The Red Grand Poobah. When suddenly, from the back of The Theater of the Damned, a White Knight on a white horse, crashed through the doors. His finely trained warhorse prancing, strutting, spinning, and then, jumped up onto the stage. The crowd went wild, at last, a Contest!, a Show worthy of us! they cried out. The White Knight dismounted, and everybody saw he had a great sword and a Great Trumpet, and he raised his Trump and blew a Great call, “SLEEPERS AWAKEN!” , and all the Red Kabuki wannabes cowered in fear. “He’s not playing fair!” they whined, “He’s not nice.” they cried, “He’s not one of us!”, they screamed at the top of their lungs, “He can’t talk about THAT STUFF…” they whispered among themselves. But the Audience had been awakened from their long slumber, and wasn’t listening to them anymore, all they heard from them was “same stinky stuff, different day”.

The Blue Kabuki’s, well, there were only really, two, and one was dressed in pink, for he would not claim himself to be a true Blue Kabuki, he only shared an occasional beer with them. But, we couldn’t have a coronation in this country, we had to have a Dance! A show! We had to at least give the audience the Appearance of a Contest!

In reality, under the stage, little blue kabuki rats were scurrying around, making sure to chew the wood in the stage underneath the pink Kabuki wannabe, and he did, in the end, fall through the rat hole of rot and corruption, leaving only one, who was given the funny hat and Robes of the Grand Poobah of the Blue Kabukis in a great, yet hollow celebration. For few noticed, because the lights were low, that the seats in the Blue Kabuki theater were, kinda empty.

The many Red Kabuki dancers, instead of debating issues and ideas, were now arguing and throwing things at each other and making speeches about the same old stuff everybody was tired of hearing. Yet the White Knight was speaking truth to power, and saying new things, things everybody cared about yet had never heard before, and a great gasp erupted across the theater of the damned. Everywhere in the theater, the Voices of the Damned, the Gomers, hillbillies, and the now politically profaned white people, who had designed the Theater itself, whom the Blue Kabuki called The Irredeemable Deplorables, heard The Trump and were waking up out of their lifelong slumbers, whispering to each other “Who is HE?”. They became angry at being called ugly names, ‘Racist’?, ‘Deplorable’?, White nationalists’?, what’s a xenophobe?, they asked.

The Peanut gallery, in the balcony above, frowned and whispered among themselves, sighing a collective “Huh? He’s not allowed to talk about THAT stuff! He’ll give away The Game!”. They whispered and mumbled, and cussed and threw hissy fits, they laughed, they decided among themselves, that this, person, could not be allowed to be a Kabuki Dancer, for how could he be a Kabuki Dancer, if he did not believe in the Kabuki Theater, if, gasp, he could not be bought, bribed, intimidated or threatened? For the Peanut gallery’s main job you see, was to maintain the Illusion of Democracy so that the men behind the curtain could pull the strings of the Kabuki puppets on the stage. But in the corner of the balcony, there was a little fox who said “I’m of two minds.”, and the rest of the gallery sneered.

Who was this White Knight? The Audience screamed in ecstasy, delight, horror and confusion, ‘this is no kabuki’ they thought… so the peanut gallery delivered, showering the White Knight with handfuls of fecal coated peanut shells, hoping to bury the White Knight in a mountain of stinky sticky chaf, surely The Audience would see?.

But, you see, the peanut gallery only talks to others in the peanut gallery, so they couldn’t see that the Audience was angry and very bored with ‘same crap, different day’. The Audience was hypnotized by the White Knight. So the mountain of stinky sticky chaf simply slid off the White Knight leaving his armor shinier than ever, and with his mighty sword of truth, he pointed it at the peanut gallery, and a great light came forth, and out of that great light came an army of little tweety birds filled with light, and were loosed upon the theater of the damned.

The Audience, in both the red and the blue theaters, were horrified, and saw the faces of their damnation, when the darkness was lifted and a little tweety bird whispered in their ears, light bulbs appeared above the heads of all the theater goers in the great middle of the theater, the right side cheered, and stomped and clapped, and laughed at the peanut eaters, as the faces of ugly lying demons staring down at them from the peanut gallery were finally exposed.

Suddenly, the theater of the damned was filled with light and it morphed, like magic before their eyes, the red kabuki wannabes, their red costumes dissolving, revealed a class of clowns holding suitcases filled with dirty money standing there. The only one left was The White Knight sitting atop his beautiful steed.

In a grand thunderous celebration the White Knight dismounted his horse, walked onstage out of a doorway of light, and was handed the silk Robes and funny hat of the Red kabuki Grand Poobah. “It doesn’t really fit!” he said, so he donned a baseball cap and threw many similar hats out into the Audience, who were shocked and squealing in delight.

Act II

The theater was dark, with two lights shining down on the Red and Blue kabuki dancers, the damsel in distress, named America, was tied to the railroad tracks, crying, while the train was coming closer, ever closer. The dark theater was filled to overflowing, those in the left side of the theater were drinking champagne, smoking dope, sticking pins in little Red Kabuki dolls, molesting kids and otherwise throwing a party before the Main Act. They just knew the Blue kabuki would win, they knew because their number shamans were never wrong, were they? They were chat chat chatting away on their little tiny screens in front of their faces, their whole Universe was reduced to those little tiny screens, their humanity, morality, had been reduced to a collective mind, and those who were not connected to the Hive Mind, well, they were deplorable, their opinions unworthy of discussion among The Sophisticated Ones. They had truly become cyborgs, nothing but neurons in the collective hive mind of the Blue Kabukis, listening only to the Voices of the Peanut Gallery and their number shamans, who laughed and told them there weren’t enough Gomer Pyles to make a difference, and they Believed.

The right side of the theater had many faces in stern contemplation, watching the numbers of votes, state by state, on the big map screen above the Kabuki dancers, it was early in the evening, and it appeared, that another Blue Kabuki would be celebrated into the Peoples House, the Palace on Pennsylvania avenue. But, this was no surprise, ‘everybody knew’ The People wanted the Blue Kabuki, since, really, “it was her turn”, wasn’t it? Besides, The Red Kabuki was a racist Cad, wasn’t he? The Peanut Gallery said so, and so it was, “really, trust us”, they said, “party on!”. Only, the Right side of the theater was silent, in contemplation, and filled with righteous indignation at the Blue kabuki and the peanut gallery, for they did not believe anymore. After Bill the Blue Nafta Kabuki brought economic war and tied the final knots of the damsel on the tracks, came the Red Shrub kabuki who brought the so called Patriot forever war, and then came Barry the Blue Caesar kabuki that brought internal chaos, racial division grew strong and everyone was forced into insurance servitude, or else face the IRS, and the land of the free had become the land of lies, and the lower the unemployment numbers went, the higher the unemployed became, as they saw the Blue Caesar kabuki, take vacation after vacation, understanding dawned across the breadth of the Theater of the Damned, in the left, right, and middle isles, that the white Knight was right; WE WAS HAD.

The battle between the Red and Blue Kabuki dancers was vicious, more vicious than anyone had ever seen. The sword of the White Knight with the Red baseball cap, danced and swung through the air as the sword of globalist darkness thrusted and seemingly parried every blow. “Crook!” says the White Knight throwing the Blue Kabuki back on her heels, while reaching down with his mighty sword, and in the space of a blink, straining in the middle of the fight, to thrust out towards a knot of the damsel tied to the railroad tracks, and he swiftly cut through a knot. “He cut a knot!” screamed the great middle, as the right side of the theater roared “Lock her up, lock her up!”. The Blue Kabuki was sweating, her white makeup running down her face as she desperately attacked the Red Giant, but for every strike she landed upon him, the wound was healed like magic. The Red Kabuki, parried and thrust his great sword of truth, and again, spun around and cut yet another knot as he swore and yelled at the top of his voice “LIAR! CROOK! THIEF! GLOBALIST!”, as the Blue Kabuki was tiring, coughing and sweating, melting before the eyes of all. The great middle was struck in awe, and the right side of the isle was swooning in ecstasy, as a great cry went forth accross the theater “He cut another knot, he cut another knot!”

Yet, this time, the Great Light showed the blue rats scurrying out from under the stage into the Audience, and the peanut gallery. The Blue Kabuki’s were caught in their own trap of lies, “The White Knight was right, you cheated the pink Kabuki”, they yelled! Spreading filth and disease everywhere, a disease of the mind and body, sewing confusion, misinformation, and lies, as they have always done. For the primary doctrine of the Blue Kabuki, was the Little Book, that book of sweet words, like honey, that grow bitter in the belly. They believe in their Little Book of lies, that rot the body, and the nations, with the sweet honey sounding words of envy, with which they would force fairness and equality for all, so they could have power, forever. Unfortunately, since they were the Blue Kabukis, what they really meant was, they were selling equal misery for all by selling the Doctrine of Coveting the fruits of your labor, and the White Knight exposed the Great Lie.

The Great Lie of the Red and the Blue Kabukis, and the Peanut Gallery, were all just part of the Game of The Haves to keep The Havenots in confusion and ignorance of their true enemy. The Kabuki shows were merely part of the reality show of The Haves, who had become greater on the backs of the Havenots. The poor had become destitute, the middle class had become poor, and the well off, weren’t so well off anymore, a million bucks just ain’t what it used to be, they said. The many years of sweet words on the tongue, like honey, had grown bitter in the belly. So the man on the white horse, speaking words of salt, was like medicine to their souls, having become rotten from too much sugary lies and they now understood, their America had been tied to the economic railroad tracks awaiting the train of Globalism to finish them off.

At the end of the match, the Blue kabuki was beaten, bedraggled, and simply worn out with the effort of fighting the White Knight. She was no match for him. At the beginning of the last night of The Contest, the peanut gallery, with their blue colored glasses, were braying like donkeys that she had won, despite all evidence to the contrary. The match, was being decided in the Theater of the Damned as millions of Watchers went into their little booths, and dropped a red pill or a blue pill into the palms of The Counters.

When the counting was done, the White Knight cum Red Kabuki had won, by a landslide. But the peanut gallery could not bring themselves to say the word. The Blue kabuki’s whined and made excuses, it was ‘The FBI’s fault, it was the Russian’s fault, it was ‘fake news’, it was anybodies fault except the Blue Kabuki’s. The Blue Kabuki, could not even present herself on that night to concede to the White Knight, no, she sent out her Chief Councelor to tell the crowd to ‘go home, the votes are still being counted’, while she, threw a hissy fit in the hotel room, throwing things and screaming, hugging her teddy bear and coloring in coloring books, and crying in little blue kabuki fits to the point where the counselors knew, she could not be presented on that night, for she was wasted away and drunk as a skunk.

In the end, the Blue kabuki’s and their peanut gallery had fooled themselves. They thought that only talking to themselves, and agreeing with each other, and crunching numbers, was enough to fool The Great Gomer, for they were only a bunch of ignorant, racist, and deplorable hillbillies, right? They thought things would be as they had always been, that they could buy their way into the Grand Poobah’s seat in the People’s Palace on Pennsylvania Avenue. But they were wrong, they fooled themselves, and their excuses only made Gomer smile from sea to shining sea. ‘We see you, the real you.’ said Gomer. ‘We understand all too well’, Gomer smiled and laughed. ‘Traitor, liar, crook’ as Gomer stuck his middle finger in the air across the country with the cry ‘Lock her up!’. But the White Knight cum Red Kabuki cum Grand Poobah of All The People, merely deferred, magnanimous, humble in victory, had no desire to humiliate her, seeing she was beaten, and broken.

You see, many Red Kabukis are still mad because the White Knight beat them, and The Blue Kabuki’s still think, they won because their rats and their roaches brought in more blue pills than red pills in the few places where they run things, and still they cry ‘We are more popular, it was the FBI, and the Russians!

And sadly, they are more popular, in those massive and corrupt stack and pack metropolis rat holes they call home. Yet Gomer was everywhere else, and Gomer came out of the woodwork, having never dropped a pill before, or having dropped blue pills their whole lives, to make sure that the Blue Kabuki was finished off, for good. And the cry of Gomer was heard across the land, in sort of drawling hillbilly laughter;

Surprise, surprise, surprise!

And a Great Sigh of Relief was heard across the Theater of the Damned; Thank God its OVER!
It was over, or was it?


Well America, you think “Thank God, Its over. Now we can ‘Move on’.” The Kabuki Dancers lost, the Knight on the white horse won, yet remember the original article on “Kabuki dance in the Theater of the Damned”? At the the end of the Kabuki play in Act II if I remember, the Red and Blue Kabuki dancers swapped their robes for Purple, the Royal Purple. What did we see play out on election night, or rather, the day after? The color Purple on the LOSER and her Husband, this was a signal. And all kinds of unconfirmed rumors now circulate about some dude named Soros backing and paying for all these ‘anarchists’ that are now going to “burn white America down”.

God I hate it when I’m right… Many of us have been saying since Clinton I, The Shrub, and especially The Black Caesar, that you see the attack on WASP culture right before your eyes coming from both the left and the right. But now, we place our faith in the White Knight, so I do pray to God, that ‘they’ don’t get to him. I also pray that he can do what needs being done, what he said he would do, unfortunately, he will not be king, so there are many things he will not be allowed to do. And he has many enemies within the Red Kabuki club, for they are bent on world domination, and it appears, with their Blue Kabuki allies, a war with Russia.

The White Knight goes into office with the entire establishment against him, the Blue Kabukis are even demanding impeachment, within the first 30 days of the new administration… rational thought is on vacation in Washington D.C., animalistic fury is on full display. How can the White Knight succeed, when even some of ‘his own people’ are against him? Does Washington care about the country, or their agenda, maintaining their Global “Full Spectrum Dominance”, and expansion into a global government? How can the few nationalists left win against a globe of globalists? Are we seeing prophecy play out in front of our eyes? That The Last Trump gives a message to the people of God, yet, the Beast wins in the end… for a short time, and then, The Final Battle?

If you accept that from the beginning, then you will be less disappointed. America is a Republic after all, at least, for now. A presidential candidate says many things to get elected, but this one was obviously different. Hillary has no soul, she is a plastic person who was trying to talk about what her ‘circle’ talked about, and trying to sell it to regular people. She told us that turds could be polished and picked up by the clean end, and nobody bought it. For the White Night, spoke truth to power, told us what we were all thinking anyway, that we had been screwed by the Hillaries of the world, and he awakened the sleeping masses of us ‘deplorable racist hillbillies’. Hillary screwed up when she called us those ugly names, but, socialists can’t help themselves, their ideology is their religion. Their ‘religion’ is the ideology of coveting, the anti-God religion of The Left, and no matter what she did or said, she couldn’t hide it. America’s eyes had been opened, and Gomer Pyle came through loud and clear; Surprise, surprise, surprise!

It warmed my heart to see Charles Krauthammer so thoroughly humbled, because he said “there weren’t enough” of US to make a difference. Well now we know, there are… we made a difference, but just barely. Now we get to see if a peaceful revolution can make any difference. For that’s what it was, it was a ‘phenomena’, that became a ‘movement’, that morphed into a peaceful revolution. But, here in NC, they made it hard, for the first time in my over 40 years of voting, the powers that be, removed the big R and D, at the top of the paper ballots which read “Straight party ticket”. They removed the ‘coattail effect’ in NC, and Mr. Trump, still won. This was done to the ballots by the Republicans, who controlled the State Board of Elections. They just KNEW Hillary was going to win, so they attempted to remove HER coattails… and it backfired on them. Why? Because they believed their own bullshit, and didn’t trust the people or The Times they were in. They did not have ‘eyes that see’, and were blinded by The Light of the Media’s echo chamber. McRory was a victim of his own machinations, if he had simply trusted us, he would still be governor.

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Ken Wheeler – Another proof of the Unified Field of God

In Einsteins General Relativity, it was merely a ‘nutty theory’ until astronomers proved the theory in measuring starlight, as it was bent around the Sun. In other words, during a solar eclipse, the star patterns were compared to patterns minus the eclipse, and the light was bent approx 1.7 arc seconds in conformance to the prediction of General Relativity. In the demonstration below, you will notice, that magnetism also BENDS LIGHT.  But Einstein, like all other physicists, cannot ‘quantize’ gravity.  The visual demonstration below shows that gravity, AND magnetism bend light, so, at some point there is a linkage between the two, or they are manifestations of the same underlying mechanism, what Einstein called ‘The Imponderable Ether’. I think would have been completely ponderable, that is, measurable, if the Nature of Duality of Creation was taken into consideration. That gravity, is merely the Aether acting with and within mass. Gravity being the incoherent part of the mass, and magnetism being the inner coherent field of the core, which is probably uranium not iron(since uranium is heavier than iron, and the core remains hot, thus, the Earths core is a low grade nuclear reactor that has aligned atoms spinning at its core.) Giving a gravito-magnetic field.

The following youtube demonstration, is, yet another confirmation of the Unified Field of God, without God, or the Hyperspacial Architecture of the Universe. Ken Wheeler is correct in his observations and deductions, but, like Einstein, not his ultimate conclusions. Ken says there is no need for a Grand Unified Field theory, because, as he states, there is no need to unify what is already unified, except, he doesn’t explain where The Light comes from, or where inertia goes to… It is ‘dielectric’ meaning the existing knowledge that an electric current has both a light flow forward, and a counter flow of ‘holes’ backwards, simultaneously.   However…

Ken Wheelers demonstration and explanation of a magnetic vortex field.

He, like myself, has returned to the beginning of 19th century electromagnetic scientists, and that the original experimenters were more correct than modern quantum mechanical science, because, there are no such thing as particles, they are the ‘Illusion’ of Materialism. That all matter is merely, what he terms ‘incoherent’ magnetism, what we call; Chaos, or chaotic magnetic fields. Two different words with the same meaning.  He fails to explain, Why, but he is correct in his proving that there is an “Aether”. He cannot draw the final conclusion, because, like all scientists, he excludes the aspect of  ‘The Extraterrestrial Religion’, or the Architecture of God. In other videos of his, he explains ancient metaphysics and the concept of The Soul, yet cannot seem to tie this in with his theory of magnetism and its relationship to The Aether and ultimately the Source of Entropy. No, he merely deduces that this is the ‘static inertia’ of the matter. Inertia is not a ‘static’ force, it a ‘maintaining’ force, ie the property of matter in motion to remain in motion unless something else causes that motion to change or stop. Newtons laws are still valid in this Universe, to a certain degree.

. This is why a Unified Field is necessary, to unify the Mystery Doctrines of both science and religion, which causes all the other disunity in the world, because they are the foundations of all things.

His conclusion, although demonstrated, draws the wrong conclusion, that, the center of the magnetic field is simply a….  well…  of the ‘dielectric inertia’. He fails to explain where the Light GOES. What he calls ‘static/unmanifest inertia’, a reciprocating inertial hyperboloid, a dual vortex, or a toroid, with a dead zone in the center. He cannot make the connection, that the Light is being ‘consumed’ by the Aether.

His demonstration is also proof of Michael Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell’s thesis that magnetism is a ‘rotational phenomena’.  But, he does not explain WHAT the field is composed OF. He correctly states that it is a vortex field of the Aether, but fails to conclude that the Aether itself is consuming the light due to the process of Entropy. He cannot connect ‘normal’ space-time to subspace (The negative energy realm, or Consumer of Light, ie ‘dark’ energy of the particle physics guys…. ) He also fails to explain WHY the field is spinning…  what Causes the Spin.  In this regard, he is a truth seeker, but like all truth seekers we are all on our separate paths, containing different ‘knowledge matrixes’ in our brains, that cause us to come to different conclusions based on that knowledge, at that time.

It is also a good visible proof of the Unified Field of God, but he rails about the hubris of particles physicists, like we do, but his style itself, can be full of hubris, and he cannot see that just because he is partially correct in his thesis, he is arrogant in declaring that there is no need for a Grand Unification Theory. Less importantly, he is not likeable to some people because he is full of anger, he curses excessively, and says he merely seeks wisdom above all things.

But wisdom begins with knowledge, and ends in empathy, kindness, and humbling the ego, not shouting at the top of your lungs, that only you are right, and the rest of the world is wrong. This is because knowledge fills a man with pride, but too much pride, like the false self esteem promoted by our education system ends up turning out people that we used to have a word for; Self Centered Jerks.  He is capable of balancing this persona, with the persona that speaks about the soul in his other videos, which even there, he cannot make the connection that the soul is the dark half of the human being and the connection/interface between matter and conscienceness, the spirit connection to the Universal Mind, which is what we call the Entanglement of the Infinities.

Ken is very smart, but he comes across sometimes as a self absorbed jerk. We do not discount his observations, and can see past this, simply because he is angry that main stream science, cannot see that at the mechanical level, he is right. Ken, in his many videos, demonstrates correctly, that Phd’s, are a Club, and you either kiss their butts and work on ‘baby steps’ as you are told, or, you are ejected from The Club. Many people, including Dr. Steven Greer, see and understand that the mainstream is hiding much knowledge, because they are afraid. Ken doesn’t understand that the mainstream knows that Einstein got some things wrong, because he had no understanding of what e (energy) was, and that it was both light and darkness, light energy and dark energy combined. The only way this can be reconciled, with all observational science, is in terms of Light and Dark ‘energy’, becoming One.

Ken explains light as a coaxial field, but doesn’t explain its Source, and all things are merely perturbations in the aether, and magnetism being the be all end all as the manifestation of dark energy, as his experiment above clearly demonstrates, you would have a universe of nothingness. There would be no balance, no Zero Point Energy field, no electricity, no light, no animation, no movement. The entire Universe would be nothing more than a black lump of darkness, without life, without movement.

That, in order to have motion, you have to have something pushing things around, in order to have rotations and orbiting planets, in order to have spinning energy fields imitating ‘particles’, you have to have two things, that end up in exactly what he describes as the only possible explanation of the Universe, energy flow being retarded, or impeded by capacitance or consumption and slowing of the energy. As we said in the Unified Field of God, the Universe(‘s, on many harmonic layers), must be composed of both the Source of Light, and the SINK, that is combined with a third force of Spin, or Pi(what the Ancients called; The Voice of God) So God, can be viewed as a hypercosmic entity, that is merely The Force of Chaos upon the Dual Energies, light that boils the waters of the Aether, and are spun into chaotic interactions that resemble bubbles, or, particles. This is what we refer to as; The Quantum Foam.

A magnet, as Ken says, is merely a ‘coherent’ point. But he never draws the conclusion of What is Causing the Coherence. Which are aligned atomic vortexes, at one with the Aether. Each atomic entity, merely falling into a state of attraction/alignment with the atoms around them. Ken also correctly states, that gravity, as a stand alone entity ‘force’, what Einstein called a ‘warp’ of space, is incorrect. There is no such thing as ‘gravity’, there is a chaotic magnetic harmonic level, above or below the ‘static’ magnetic field of the Earth. As our experiments in the gravity wind showed, there is a ‘frame dragging’ effect that can be measured magnetically, but, only if you eliminate the electromagnetic side effect known as hysteresis (ie inertia, the ‘storage’ of magnetic flow within the Aether, which causes the aetheric ‘waters'(what we term; The Protogenic Force/Dark Energy) to continue in the same direction past the point of impetus or when the current is switched off, causing the solenoid magnetic field to remain in place for a fraction of a second after switch off, and thus, hysteresis/aetherial inertia being the primary cause, for the lack of efficiency in electromotive systems as we showed in our article; The Aether.)

Ken has correctly come to the conclusion that The Universe is electric, or more correctly, electromagnetic, dielectric, of two kinds of energy, light(electric),and dark(Aetherial/magnetic), without both, there would not BE anything. But, we then arrive back to the primary question; From WHERE, exactly, do the two opposing forces, flows, potentials, COME FROM? He cannot answer this, but, like scientists, they cannot make the leap to hyperspace and subspace, because they have no Foundation or ability to observe and measure.

The logic of Einstein was unassailable yet incomplete, the atomic bomb proves that all things are energy, so, there MUST be, a source and a sink of that dynamic flow of energy, and those ‘dipoles’ must exist OUTSIDE normal space-time. But in addition to the dipoles, there must be a third force, a force that causes the Spinning of Energies into dual hyperboloid or vortex toroidal structures, the third invisible Force of Pi.

The ancients, knew more about the structure of the Universe, than moderns. But they all had the same religion, a religion left to them by Transdimensional Entities, what could be termed extraterrestrials, angels, or archons, or even devils or ‘The Gods’. This was the Religion of the Sacred 3 Primal Forces. Of which we only have fragments, myths, and metaphors left to us.  We also have ancient stone structures, of which, interestingly, form pyramids and toroids, both of which, are manifestations of dualistic energy constructs, designed to manifest energy on multiple harmonics, from the material to the spiritual, forming, giant hyperlight attractors and concentrators, that take incoherence and form coherence using nothing but ‘chaotic’ mass and geometry. Thus converting the incoherent gravity field, into a coherent hyperenergy field.

But, this was not for the purpose of energy generation, although… may be possible, it was not the primary use. No, it was used as a ‘Gateway of Souls’, back to the Light of God. This was shown in the stone scribbling, where there was always a ‘sun’ above the pyramid, or an ‘all seeing eye’, but this was not The Sun, but The Son of God. Because it is the function of the First Begotten, The Logos, The Word, to be the manifestation of the Intent of the Creator, because the Creator cannot enter The Creation except by proxy, or the Creation would cease to BE,  because it would lose its third force; Pi, The Voice of God, that said to ‘Waters’ of the Aether; BE THICK(Enoch II, Book of secrets, Chap 26-28).

Logically, magnetic fields, must have ‘something’ that causes this ‘action at a distance’. Something that transmits that action, or is the media of the action. This has been known since ancient times, sadly we have lost that because it explains everything that to science and religion are merely ‘mysterious phenomena’. But, if you brought forward a proof, a mechanical device say, that would create free energy, or a practical anti-gravity field generator, those inventions, and you, would disappear very quickly. And then we would be left with just another urban legend. This is how the world works, we really do battle against spiritual wickedness in high places, bent on maintaining the status quo ante.

Now think about this, and the fact that such people, if they really have these technologies, being in charge of the solar system, or the galaxy. This is the final battle, the battle against Mammon/Materialism. But this cannot happen as long as competing belief systems dominate, and Mystery is the mechanism of division and ignorance. As long as people must fight merely to survive, and the System is in place that causes the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer, we will not progress to a spiritually based civilization. The only civilization type, that is allowed to gain the stars. Materialism is its own limit, the Illusion of the Particle is the barrier to understanding, and the mechanism of division of religions.

The above video is an image of the ‘macro’, this is what we showed you as the ultimate ‘micro’;



yinyangThe Chinese Yin-Yang-(Tao), which is the ultimate structure of the ‘quantum particle’, or quantum vortex, that is at the center of the 3 Primal Forces of the Unified Field of God;

This is not as complicated as it looks… basically H=+infinity, I=-infinity, all spinning at Pi. Resulting in energy and mass. The chart below the circle, the God calculus,  magnifies the Zimp line at the zero point of the circle…

The Hopi say that;

hopi++(+infinity) + (-infinity) = 0 (Zero point energy field)

Hyperspace + Subspace + embedded universal intelligence = Normal space-time

Finally, in the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismagistus, the statement;

As above, so below.  Is a part of the Ancient Knowledge, the Unification of Energies of the ancients. A knowledge that Enoch said came from fallen angels. Did the ancients understand the structure of the Universe better than we moderns?

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Cheap Krauthammer crap and The Last Trump

trump-flagHere is a prayer to the Soul of Charles Krauhammmer, who as we have all been notified has very little time left due his contracting cancer.  As one who is fighting this insideous diesease as well we sympathaize.  GOD bless you, old man, you were still one of the smartest people in the world, even if not all of us agreed with you all the time. All I can say is argue your way through the Archons towards the LIGHT in order to get off the wheel of life…


“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable”
— JFK  (John F. Kennedy)

The lesson of history, of the War of Northern Aggression, is simple JFK told us. At the time, the northern industrialists, didn’t want southern cotton going to their competitors in England, so onerous export tariffs were laid upon southern cotton at the behest of said ‘Robber Barons’.  This ended up being 2/3rds of the tax base of the Federal Government at that time.  The south wanted to secede peacefully, and be left alone to live in peace, but the northern money powers pushed for war, no ‘peace talks’ succeeded, because the Elite money powers in New York, wanted the south and southern democrats, crushed.

At that time, a lot of southerners were not willing to fight for ‘The Planters’, or slavers. Slavery was not universally accepted in the south, and was a dying institution in the west, already outlawed in England. It would have died on its own eventually. It was not the Causus Belli of the war, it was Lincoln’s propaganda tool, to turn a war he was losing, into a Cause, a Cause that attracted volunteers.  The Yankees did crush the south, and then punished us, and subjugated us, and then declared that secession was ‘illegal’. It was a successful use of propaganda to achieve an agenda, the 1860’s version of political correctness.

I am left with the thought, what is so different today? Only instead of slavery, we have a Federal government forcing states to allow boys into little girls rooms, we have imported workers(H1b’s), illegals and Muslims being forced down our throats, without a requirement to assimilate or the states having any right to oppose it. We have the wholesale destruction of the foundations of western civilization, using the propaganda tool of calling any who disagree with the globalist ‘multi-cultural’ agenda; a racist. And as the history books of that time were mostly written by the winners, today, we see history being rewritten before our eyes, in real time. For truly, the globalist multiculturalism, is the imposition of no culture at all, and the elimination of American WASP culture, ‘fundamental transformation’, in the words of our Dear Leader.

We went through a time when speaking about the New World Order, was considered ‘conspiracy theory’, but the primary tool of the Elite, as always, is simply humor or ridicule, to make people who believe in this no different than those who believe in UFO’s, or in the past; slavers.  So now we arrive in a new time, when this arrogance of The Elite, extends globally, and continent wide, and we the People, are awakening to a New Paradigm of an Openly Arrogant Oligarchy in the whirlwind of globalized perfidy they have sewn upon the whole world. They give the appearance of justice, but in reality all we have now, is Just Us. But, this is always the way with centralized power, it gathers more and more power to itself as it grows. To those with eyes that see, it has truly grown into a black horseman of greed, where the scales of justice have become a new politically correct weapon against the poor, and the new Slavers, are the Globalist Elite.

There are those who still believe in America, and capitalism, and cannot see the Truth, because they don’t want to, it would cut into their profits. They profit from the System, and will not accept any talk about conspiracies, when, The CONspiracy is in process in front of our eyes. This is no different than any other time in history, those who profit off the system will fight to protect it… they are the true useful idiots, that we can see as the True Believers caught in their own Illusion of Ideologies and religious doctrines, which hold them in “submission to Godly Authority”… yet, Godly Authority, along with Elvis, have left the building.

The Piper usually doesn’t comment upon current events or political realities except in a prophetic sense, and in this sense, we see ultimate fulfillment of the metaphor of Nebuchadnezzar’s statue, the four horsemen and the 7 headed Beast, writ global. The head of gold(the central banks and old royal families), the breast and arms(the true believers), standing on the two legs(ideologies left and right), supported by the ten toes of iron and clay(The ‘Lost’ Ten tribes, The Caucasian people divided by iron minds and sticky clay of emotions, who literally own or control the entire world and built civilization as we know it on all 7 continents.

This is also mirrored in the physical of the First(pre Adamic) races of clay, who became the sons of Cain(Who did Cain run off and marry in the land of Nod? Gnosis provides the answer.), where the Caucasian race is the Last race, of Adam and Seth, which became the Sons of Abraham, Ishmael(Cain) and Isaac(Seth) ). These ten toes are also indicative of the foundational ideologies of capitalism vs communism, mind vs emotion, and different races with differing spirit gifts of  mind and emotion, so the metaphor works on many different physical and spiritual levels. But, all this knowledge from the ancients, was burned by The Elite of the time, and the teachers were burned at the stake as ‘heretics’. Truth, and power, are always at odds, for only the ignorant and divided can be well kept serfs.

In our time, the ‘true believers’ have a mouthpiece, that we call; The Media. And you can now see the Truth in the Globalists perfidious verbal vomit, as George Will, Chief verbal vomiteer now quits the Republican party, and his buddy, Charles Krauthammer, both men I used to idolize, now show their true colors to the Globalist party, the party of the Elite Establishment and their true god; Mammon. All while other ‘talking heads’ espouse the view that there is no such thing as ‘The Establishment’, pretending it doesn’t exist, its a joke only hillbillies believe. This is merely the same movie with a different set of actors.

The current crop of lies and misinformation emanating out of The Globalist Elite Establishment Corridor of the  Collaborators and Sycophants, is just too much to be ignored. The(to create a new moniker) GEECCS, pronounced Geeks, have now gone over the line with their attacks on regular poor white folks, and how The Poor ‘hillbillies’ themselves are responsible for their own miserable conditions due to our uneducated ‘racist’ and anti-globalist ‘attitude problem’.

In fact, they are speaking to the WASP’s, the White Anglo Saxon Protestants, our culture, our nationalism, our very individualism. They know, we, are in the way of a global government being implemented slowly by economic warfare and like the ancient Romans, by the importation of slaves and their cultures to dilute us, to depress our wages and take what jobs there are left, to reduce us to ignorance, dependency and destitution, to be ultimately devoid of history, culture, family and individuality, totally dependent on Them, and what passes for their ‘New “Post Industrial” Economy’. And like the 6th chapter of the Revelation of John, we shall be delivered into destitution as the Beast says “… a penny for a measure of wheat, and three pennys for a measure of barley, and spare not the oil and the wine”, a society totally delivered into destitution and serfdom, you see it beginning.

In point of fact, for decades, ‘they’, have been, and are building, a New American Empire, and are convinced if they don’t succor their partners with ‘progress’ and defend the world from ‘Evil Hegemon’s, the world will collapse back into anarchy and somebody else being the Global Hegemon in the vacuum created by our ‘pulling back our horns’. They may be right on some level, but they screwed the pooch by destroying their own people in the process. We have become Rome, we threw off an aristocracy of royalty in 1776, only to replace it with an aristocracy of money, and the tree of liberty is very thirsty.

It is curious, that these same Geeks, when I was a child and a young man, used to brag that the USA had the ‘best standard of living’ in the world, and we did. Anybody, with an 8th grade education, or less, could work hard, and become a success, that, is what America WAS, but no longer. They have destroyed Opportunity itself, through onerous regulations and requirements for new businesses. It is centralized crony capitalism manifested as GLOBALIZATION, the love of money that is the root of all economic evil in the world, and America’s corporate greed is the root of all evil because they circle the Source of Money, The Fed.

Their so called ‘Free Trade’ agreements always lead to the same result, the disenfranchisement of labor, the elimination of competition and higher profits at the expense of all those not in The Oligarchs Club. The side benefit, as you now see in the ‘clearing’ of The Clinton candidate, is that The Law only applies to You and me, despite a full and complete vilification by the Elite law enforcement officer of the land, she is beyond the law. Her economic plans, are simply more of the same, only bigger and more centralized, while speaking out both sides of her mouth, caught in more lies than a true American should be able to accept, but The Media covers for her while deceiving us into thinking she is the second coming, like Obama the First, she will be on a par with Caligula.

Which reminds me of what my grandaddy told me once, “A poor man robs you with a gun, a rich man robs you with a lawyer.” No truer words were ever said… but an ancient corollary is now evident, politicians rob whole countries with ‘laws’ they are told to write by the money powers that control them, and nothing shows the true colors of a politician more than so called ‘Free’ Trade treaties. As Ross Perot predicted, NAFTA destroyed America by the loss of over 65,000 factories and millions of good paying jobs.  TPP, if passed, will be the utter destruction of WASP culture and will turn America into a ghettoized third world shit hole, ripe for subjugation into the New World Order because The People will beg for it. Who is to blame? Is it those evil men who do what they do, or the good people, who have done nothing? Or is it the preachers who have told the good people to remain passive so they can receive their “free ticket to paradise” by ‘submitting to Godly authority’ while preachers collect their 30 pieces of tax free silver?

So, the question to ask, Mr and Mrs America, is; Do you really think, the crowd that screwed up America, is going to fix it? Has anything ever been repealed or truly fixed despite whoever gets elected? If you think that the ‘experienced politician’ will fix what’s wrong, you are living in the fantasy world of idealistic childhood. The only way politicians can get elected, is to sell themselves to The Money Powers, regardless of party or ideology. Don’t you wonder why they never talk about The Issues WE want to hear about? This is the essence of Mr. Trump’s appeal, he calls a spade, a spade. He is a practical man, not an ideologue. He is an imperfect man, yet, he admits to his imperfections. How many of you, can say you are Perfect in the eyes of God? There was only one perfect man, yet even His messages were attacked by the Money Powers at the time, remember?

This election is between nothing more than Trump or Goldman Sachs, the money powers that buys government and puppet politician flunkies. The only question to ask is, do you want America First, or America Last… because you know in your heart that the only way the Globalists can succeed, is for America to be reduced in stature, in family, in culture, in the cohesive bond that American’s used to have. They do this by using the “sweet words on the tongue, like honey, that grow bitter in the belly”, the most succinct definition of political correctness I’ve ever read.

You Geeks have a lot of nerve, you are the pot calling the kettle black. You cannot look into the mirror and see that your globalist lies, fantasies and policies have failed, you just keep throwing good money after bad, and then, you keep printing money into an almost worthless state because you have failed to recognize Peak Debt follows peak oil, peak resources, peak population that Earth can carry, and now, Peak Attitude. Which tells me, you very smart people, have an agenda because you know what you’re doing is stupid, unless, you have an Agenda, the destruction of the American Dollar and the culmination of the Cloward-Piven strategy, which will probably require a monetary reset, which must, by necessity, lead to a new, totally electronic, global currency. And we wonder why The Lord attacked the Money Changers? Is this a powerful lesson in itself?, instead of what preachers preach, that this was His only Sin; Anger? Is there a difference between anger, and righteous indignation? You betcha.

You are Desperation personified as The GEECCS, who’s desperation comes across the TV as you now attack the front runner of the Republican party, with panic in your eyes and desperation in your emotional pleas, you see your money machine being thwarted, your empire assaulted, and your fiefdoms brought down.  Your cups of karma have been filled to overflowing, and the cups shall now be poured out on top of your heads. You have sewn the wind, and you shall reap the whirlwind… There. Will. Be. Blood. Either figurative or literal, take your pick, the blood in this country is already in a boil.

The whirlwind blowing in the country has a name, Donald J. Trump.  This is a whirlwind that was sewed by the Elite, who sewed the winds of perfidy and now reap what they have sewn. They pretend not to understand, and unfortunately, many of them don’t. This whirlwind rides the back of poverty, yet they call it ‘racist’, in order to avoid talking about the truth, The Failure of their beloved Globalism and the impoverishing of millions of once middle class Americans. America became AmeriKa as the poor become destitute, the middle class becomes poor, and the well off are not even so well off anymore. But what they don’t say, is that globalism was designed to fail, and bring in The New Thing, a global empire? That is the most logical conclusion, since, to maintain their power, they know, they must centralize, centralize, centralize all power, which, can only happen on the back of a Crisis.

This obvious trend of the Geeks, can only mean one result, they must ban cash, and institute a digital currency, totally under their control. This is what we are fighting against, the New World Order controlled by The Money Changers. Why do you think Christians have become a dirty word? When they reach their ultimate money-less utopia, Christianity must be a joke in the world, and their ultimate control mechanism, digital money, must have a secure delivery mechanism, a Mark of Loyalty and money, that “no man may buy or sell” without one. The only way it works, is if you and I, have become an anachronism, worthy of ridicule, and, punishment. We are almost there, but not quite. It is time to do “exploits” as Daniel told us.

In this regard, we have spoken at length with friends and family for decades about the future failure of The Information Economy. This has been the subject of many blog posts of many people, including Peggy Noonan and John Michael Greer, whose recent posts explained perfectly, and with intellectual honesty, about what is happening in the world, and America in particular. But bare mention has been made of The Paradigm shift that is now boiling underneath ‘polite society’.  Now, the Fourth Turning is here, and the Hero phase is upon us. Is Donald J. Trump, the Last Trump of God? Metaphor, coincidence, or prophecy, its a perfect fit, if, you understand the lesson of the Tens, and who the Caucasian race is. Preachers are guilty of dividing us into Jews and Gentiles, instead of those IN the world, and those OF the world. The Last race shall be first, and the first race shall be last, this is referring to spiritual evolution, but you wouldn’t accept that, because you have been raised as orthodox no matter your denomination, and also, as a ‘materialist’ with spiritual overtones.

For materialists, reality is not a spiritual journey in a holy reality, no, you are merely making money and trying to ‘be good’. This is the common thread in the ‘class’s of Noonan and Greer, the commonality that we are all stuck in a Universal Mystery, and there are many truths, because no one has an Absolute Truth. These classes, the protected class and salary class, could care less about anything but worshiping their true god; materialism, and you and I, are merely numbers in their machine. The fact that men like to labor in certain occupations, take up different crafts, work to make things or produce things and not just stand behind a counter, being retrained for a mindless job, makes no impact on their thinking, because ultimately, you have Zero value except where you fit in their highly structured economic model. You are simply a cog in their machine. They ultimately want to kill your soul, by forcing you to take a soul killing job. They do not accept this, of course, because in their world the only thing that counts, is numbers. They know the cost of everything, but the value of nothing.

Those who are opposed to The Donald, are the ones who are profiting from globalism and its tentacles from the vampire squid like central banks. Those who oppose him, don’t want to hear it, they expound mightily on the boob tube, that The Donald is a racist and all his followers are ignorant racist hillbillies. But as other commenters have told you, they are hiding the truth from you, and raping your minds, raping your pocket books, and raping your very souls. As John Michael Greer said, they are the “Salary class” that is the “protected class” of Peggy Noonan. Those who go through their lives in the bubble of the beltway or the towers and well monitored parks of New York, and want to sell us the idea that The Donald is actually one of THEM, and he is a traitor and trying to con you into electing a fascist demagogue. All this, that physically comes to you from the “spiritual wickedness in high places”, what we call, the GEECCS, the Oligarchy Dependent class sitting in sky scrapers?

One of the skills of the Piper is to discern the souls of men over the electronic media, this came clear one day while watching a guy named Ross Perot. He predicted all that is happening today with his famous line; “The Great Sucking sound of factories and jobs leaving America.” He was talking about what would happen to America if the GATT and NAFTA treaties were signed, and this was in 1992. I admit it, I voted for Ross. I was one of 19% of the population that voted for him, thus, giving Bill Clinton the White House with a minority 43% vote. I just couldn’t vote for Mr. “Read my lips, no new taxes” and “New World Order” George H.W. Bush, nor could my soul allow me to vote for the pandering crook; Bill Clinton.  The Donald has the same type soul as Ross Perot, (he loves America) who campaigned against Clinton… history may not repeat, but it sure does rhyme, as Mark Twain was wont to say. And now history rhymes again, with A Mother of Harlots running against The Last Trump of God. Metaphor, coincidence, foreshadow, prophecy? Hmm, I wonder.

Now, does this mean that The Donald is a Godly pious man? Of course not, we are all human and have come short of the glory of The Light of God. Donald is a business man, doing business in an evil system, that requires you to do whatever it takes to succeed. In this, we understand that he had to deal with politicians of both parties in order to gain permits, and contracts, and favors, like, well, quite frankly, ALL of them HAVE to in order to succeed. I know this because I spent my time in entrepreneurial hell, and failed miserably because I wasn’t willing to ‘play the game’, give kickbacks, and went bankrupt, just like The Donald used those laws to recover his profitability, that’s what they’re there for. It is the foundation of the world system, screw or be screwed. And like everything else in this country, there are two Americas, and now lady justice should not appear blindfolded, but as a one eyed pirate, God help us all.

America, you have not been screwed, you have been raped, and the Elite know it because they are The Rapists. That’s why they call you racist hillbillies. Their ability to look at themselves and their failed policies, is completely gone, because they know, if they do, they themselves will lose their own privileges and perks, that is why they are more vicious and self congratulatory than at any time I’ve seen in the last 40 years of watching politics, the ‘loyal opposition’ has now become bitter enemies, and the Harlot even uses the word; enemy mine. We truly are at the cusp of the end of the possibility, as JFK said, of “peaceful revolution”.

The divide between the Iron and the Clay has never been more ripe for a great rock to fall from the sky, and bring down the whole edifice of western civilization. Remember, the Mooslims worship a rock that fell from the sky ‘unhewn by human hands’, this is The Kaaba in Mecca, becoming allied to the Great Harlot, the socialist and the Mooslims to become a Pale Green Horseman. There are no more do overs, we either elect The Last Trump of God, or we will dissolve into chaos and civil war, truly, a time of Jacob’s Trouble that comes at the End of The Age( the true Age, started at the Birth of Christ’s spirit not his body).

For prophecy is not simply about countries and kings, because the meaning of nations was mistranslated, and this leads to the truth within. And only when you understand the Lesson of the Tens, the Ten toes, the Ten virgins, and the Ten horns, which are the Lost Ten Tribes, The Last Race, the Caucasians, do you see the true meaning of prophecy is oriented towards peoples, ethnic ‘nations’. When Christ said “nation shall rise against nation”, the original word in the Greek was Ethnos, ethnic. What do we see on our streets, now, today? Revolutions are seldom neat, tidy and quick, people will ‘suffer as long as they are able’, and then something breaks, and chaos is loosed upon the world.

Bernie Sanders, is, likewise, the left handed side of this new ‘spirit of revolution’ now growing. These both have come after The Tea Party and Occupy(remember them?). It would be illuminating to see, if Mr. Trump and Mr. Sanders actually ended up with the nominations, and went head to head in November, but I doubt it. The vicious nature of the Establishment Elite, says to me, that they will do anything to stop Trump AND Sanders, up to and including the hiring of patsies,  this is how The Establishment takes care of its own. (The die is now cast, this was written before the Republican convention, there is no more NeverTrump, only bitter clingers. And Bernie has been vanquished by the perfidy of his own party. So it will be The Contest of Contests this fall between the Harlot and The Trump. Hold on to your hat, no telling what last minute ‘crisis’ will hit before then.)

But in the process of all this, like The Donald and The Bern, America has heard the Trump, and is waking up. We are finally seeing that my friends “Billy and Bobby Sue” Hill billy, are starting to understand, that they’ve been HAD, big time, writ large. And that, their poverty is not their fault, as the Elite tell us, that “poverty is the fault of the poor”. That meme, as we said, like Elvis, has left the building, never to return. Because, as we already said, The Great Sucking sound actually sucked 65,000, read that number again, over 65,000 factories have been outsourced and off-shored, two of the favorite words of the Elite country club class, and the millions of satisfying “living wage” jobs that went with them, has left Potemkin America in a near third world status with everything in decay, with the grand exception of those areas that are awash in government fiat money. People in general, not being educated anymore in the basics, don’t understand that the New Normal, of Globalism, is about Grand Theft America. And what they are stealing is your souls, your culture, your values, your religion, your money, your property, turning you from American into AmeriKan. The destruction of WASP culture is the end game, to deligitimize your history, and eventually turn you into an enemy of the state.

To own it, or control it all, for that is the only way their new world order can succeed. Unfortunately, too many useful idiots remain in positions of influence. These idiots, including the Idiot in Chief, pretend that all is well… as they cook the books on the economy, and the planetary weather data to fool us all into thinking global warming is man made. They will use this made up data, to reduce coal fired power plants to the point where peak electrical demand cannot be sustained in the future, and brownouts and blackouts result. This will be the final nail in the coffin, as “light is taken from the Earth”. We have made the prediction for a few years, that they will then declare that air conditioners and refrigeration is an enemy of the planet, when the true enemy, is Them. This must be because their agenda is Green, the last horseman is Pale Green, the death worshipers come, they ally themselves with Islam, whose color is Green. This will make southern cities uninhabitable, and food scarce, and only they will have air conditioning. For without refrigeration, modern life is not possible.

(Update; The Black Caesar has now announced that they (he, himself, without Senate ratification) have signed the Paris Treaty, and that chlorofluorocarbons will be outlawed. And like nitrocellulose being defined as an illegal explosive, they do not have to outlaw air conditioning, or guns, merely make the base chemicals that make them work, illegal. Sneaky bastards, May God damn them all.)

When I was a child I remember the adults joking that, if politicians could figure out how to tax the air we breathe, they would do it. Well, they have, it is the infamous carbon tax, that will be shoved down your throats by a UN mandate, as they also take your guns by the UN Small Arms Treaty signed by the Black Caesar. The Mother of Harlots, will be the end of all things decent.

Now, the other night, I was just watching Fox news, O’Reilly, and he was talking to Charles Krauthammer, someone I used to respect but has now dropped to an all time low by basically attacking Mr. Trump and all of his ‘uneducated’ blue collar trash supporters, and saying there weren’t enough of us to put him in the White House.

But Charles made a statement that brought home our current predicament. That our society, our economy, is now, a “Post Industrial Information economy”. He went on, to basically say that if you’re not highly educated(and part of The Club), in our new system, you’re basically worthless, a throw away. He and O’Reilly were talking about “white rage” at the new system. And he was basically saying “Fuck them, they need to get over it, and go back to college”. No he didn’t curse, he never does, but I take it that way because basically what he and all the GEECCS are saying, is that those who work with their hands have no value. He pretends that we are in a new economy that doesn’t drive cars, live in houses, eat food, or use electronic devices, or, that its best if we are no longer a self reliant nation, because, this is the key, The GEECCS don’t want NATIONS anymore… and they are busting hell wide open to make it so. What he doesn’t say, is they have fulfilled Karl Marx’s prophecy, of a globalized capitalist economy that drives wages down and drives the hearts of the ‘proletariat’ to rage and violent revolution. Well, we’re almost there.

We, have known for some time, that the “Information Economy” is what Bill Clinton did to us when he signed the GATT and NAFTA treaties. This caused the prophecy of Ross Perot to come true, what Ross called, the aforementioned; “Great Sucking sound” of factories leaving America. Clinton and Gore, knew what they were doing when they sold out to the massive campaign donations from China at that time(1992). It was a political stink, true, but unprovable, like all things Clintonian. (Yes, its been a term since that time because of all the scandals, ‘accidental’ deaths, suicides and murders that circled around the Clintons in Arkansas and the White House. Does the name Vince Foster have a ring? He shot himself in the head, and didn’t leave any blood. Amazing eh?) And now, America gets a do over, because another businessman could be running against another Clintoon… oops, Clinton… (since starting writing this, she beat the system and was ‘cleared’ by the FBI. We have the best government money can buy.)

What these establishment bastards are saying, is that they have created this new, what they now term, Globalist economy. Because back then, we, those who supported Perot, said that the new information economy would be a disaster, the term “oursourcing” hadn’t been invented yet. We said “Will we stop driving cars? Stop living under a roof? Stop eating food? Wearing clothes? Or Shoes? Or playing with toys? How are you supposed to eat, drive or wear ‘Information’? Well, we got our answer, didn’t we? It was The BIG Lie, at least, if you are an American. But that America doesn’t exist anymore, it was outsourced, even our damn flags have “Made in China” on them, and take exactly two windstorms before they start fraying at the seams… Then along comes The Last Trump, actually making noises on TV, calling the GEECCS out? Somebody has the nerve to stand up to them? Oh yeah, as the Arabs say; The enemy of my enemy is my friend… now do you understand ole wise ones in The GEECCS? Your time is limited, the Trump is blowing out a message; SLEEPERS AWAKEN!!!

Those who don’t understand why the illegal immigration problem is not being resolved, by either party, is simple… The Republicans get cheap labor. The Democrats get voters. And the Catholic church gets pew sitting tithers. The Social Security system gets lots more workers. The Corporations get H1b visa holders that come to work in the new 21st century version of the Company store, a low wage plus an apartment. In all cases, white guys need not apply, but we white guys, are The Racists?

This ‘fundamental transformation’ of the economy, and society, has been ongoing for decades, but only recently have we awakened to what’s going on. White ‘culture’ must be eliminated, rights from God have to go away, to be replaced by privileges from your ‘betters’, including it seems, the Right of perverts to go into the little girls room. What Mr. Trump was saying, it seems, is that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. But this like most things, can be twisted into a pretzel by our ‘media’ and their owners.  This reflects the confused and degenerated ‘PC culture’ that America has become, that we cannot even understand the difference between boys and girls.

They, The Elite, give no value to skills, or values, or culture, and they don’t want anybody hanging around that really, really understands and remembers the way it used to be. These are ridiculed and reviled as potential ‘domestic terrorists’. To the discerning eye, you should now see the Truth… there are no political parties anymore, there are only the Haves and the Have nots.

Unfortunately, the chickens must come home to roost, because they have forgotten the lessons of Henry Ford. The chickens are pissed because they LIKE building things, creating things, seeing the results of their labor in a beautiful new thing. Factories weren’t just mindless labor, but in many cases required skilled artisans. If you see the quality of products coming out of China, you understand what I’m saying. The Chinese are like the Japanese were in the 1960’s when we had a saying “Cheap Jap Junk”, the Japanese learned and actually invited American quality control experts into Japan. Their entire society shifted around the concept of ‘quality first’. Nowadays, we say “Cheap Chinese Crap”, and they are now figuring out, that they cannot pay their people crap, and produce good products because their only focus is on cheap. You can’t have it both ways. They will eventually get the message, or people will quit buying Chinese goods, and that leads us back to Henry Ford.

Henry Ford had a problem, he could make more cars than he could sell. Nobody had any money. Nobody was making more than what was termed “subsistence wages”. Rich people don’t like to pay people more than they have to, and if given the choice, they will pay you the least amount possible, that is a natural side effect of doing business in the System of Usury, The GEECCS System, called Mammon which means Materialism, everything costs more than it should and everybody has their hand in your pocket. Nowadays, the bar for new businesses has been set so high by regulations, fees, permits ad nauseum, that for the first time in history, more small businesses go out of business than start in business, but this also suits the GEECCS, no competition is good and they have lobbied their way to the cat birds seat.

When I was young, we had a joke; “We have the best government money can buy”,  only the joke has lost its humor as we saw it play out on national TV, there is no justice anymore, we have; Just Us.  The GEECCS know the cost of everything, yet the value of nothing. That men are not simply economic units, only enters their mind if that value is sports oriented. They have suppressed wages to the point where we are back where we began before the days of Henry Ford,  but worse, we have degenerated all the way back to Rome, and slavery days, only they don’t call them slaves, they call them illegals and H1b’s, and they don’t know why regular white folks have become poor? Why, its because its planned that way. They can’t have a New World Order as long as America is still ‘America’, with the threat of 200 million gun toting screaming white folk, now can they? So they turn you into sheep, by using the mind raping tool of political correctness.

The GEECCS, to include Charles Krauthammer are not ‘bad’ people, they have merely fallen into what I term the Trap of Mind Fads, like the ‘Information Economy’ meme. Its a false idea, because having a self sufficient economy is not what they want, they want a bunch of ignorant dependent sheep, while only a few at the top truly understand what’s going on is a Global Chess game.  Management likes its salary class to all think alike. They get these ideas, these ‘memes’ going, and they go viral in that community because everybody ‘goes along to get along’.

The point of this is, the GEECCS is like an academic fraternity club, who know each other by their secret code words. A bunch of over educated idiots hanging out together pretending to know something because they know the Words, the Gab, the Talk, but can’t walk the walk because they’ve never actually Done It, Made Something, worked the floor, know how things work, what it takes, but they do know when their buddy or The Man says something, they all fall in line like lemmings, right off the cliff.

This is not say that there are no good managers, there are, but they are few and far between. Mostly nowadays, they give management and supervisory jobs to college educated idiots who know all the latest globalist management fads and talking points. They have all forgotten what Henry Ford is most famous for, if they were ever taught it in their leftist liberal colleges and universities. Henry Ford did not invent the assembly line, he improved on it. But what he is most famous for is the invention of (unheard of at that time) “Disposable Income”, by doubling the wages of all his workers to $5 a day, so they could afford to buy one of his cars. Henry understood economics on a most basic level, if people have money, they will spend it, if they do not, they cannot.

Mr. Trump understands that real economies grow by taking dirt out of the ground and producing something new, this is ‘new wealth’. This rising tide lifts all boats, globalism is the reverse, sucking the water of life out of the land. They cannot understand why sales have stagnated or gone down. Well, duh. Henry also thought through the economics enough to know that this new money would circulate into the economy, and others in the ‘service’ industry may be able to afford a car. In short, he invented the Blue collar middle class in this country. And now, the modern managers are busy destroying it by trying to use a management ‘fad’, called globalism, to increase profits from a historic 5-10% to unheard of 20-30+%, on the backs of the ‘uneducated’, and can’t understand why half the Blue collar middle class wants to put their necks in a noose, and the rest of us have become desperately impoverished, and through ignorance will beg them for any scraps off their table. This is the end of the paradigm of the Black horseman, where ‘ a measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny, and spare ye not the oil and the wine’ is their goal; a new serf economy, where you are the serf and they are the aristocracy. This is how its always been, America was an aberration in history, now do you understand what the confederacy was all about?

This is obvious, but they have much to defend, and can either be ignorant or pretend to be obtuse, either way, we all lose because the Virtuous cycle of Henry Ford has now become the Vicious circle of Bill Clinton(who started the true down spiral by signing GATT and NAFTA), spiraling down the drain of economic degeneration into wage deflation and economic destruction. People cannot spend what they do not have, the wages of the greedy is, ultimately, economic suicide. This describes globalism perfectly, because that is what Karl Marx and the Revelation of John predicted would happen, and has begun in earnest. Only this generation of managers, media and bureaucrats, are also, in the long  run, victims hung on their own petard.

Likewise, Charles has fallen into the Globalist/Information economy mind meme. I bet, in fact, I know, he drives a car(a very tricked out car for the paraplegic), I’m sure he eats, and wears clothes, yet he probably thinks that paying a few dollars more for those products is economic HERESY. HORSESHIT CHARLES. We USED TO, because they were better products and we had the money, we HAD the ‘best standard of living’ on Earth when I was a young man.  You have been deceived by your buddies(do you ever talk to anybody outside the beltway anymore?), and you may have to pay the price of the whirlwind you have sewn.

Charles, you have basically said that men who work with their hands have less value than you over educated philosopher kings. But you masters of the Universe, can’t fix your own tire, or fix your plumbing or electrical, or make a knife with old junk car parts with nothing but fire, air and muscle controlled by your mind. That the only economic value we have to your kind, is to change your oil, and make your burgers. Not understanding that the souls of men, especially white creative men, LIKE to make things with their hands, and are diminished, and devalued by your very class (your words Charles, this is a ‘class’ issue, not a ‘race’ issue.) arrogant attitude. You are the 21st century version of ‘let them eat cake’. For when you take a man’s purpose and passion away, you rob his soul. It is not always ‘work’ to go to a factory and work hard to produce what used to be the finest products in the world, it is fun to pound metal and create something useful from something thrown in your trashpile.

If the proof of the pudding is in the eating, then, what does it mean when America is borrowing money from China?  It proves a basic tenant of Adam Smith economics, new wealth can only be ‘created’ when it comes out of the ground, is then turned into final products using mind and labor.  All other forms of ‘wealth’, are simply an illusion, like the FIRE economy of the USA(Information Economy became FIRE; Finance, Insurance and Real Estate, an economy FOR the ELITES).  What is truly demeaning is to hear some talking head tell us that all those Chinese coolies produce products that are worthy of OUR money, the Mexican illegals are ‘suited’ for hot work(sending OUR money home), and white guys either get with the program and go into debt up to your eyeballs and get a degree, or go to hell… Which demonstrates the failure of the management fad of the 1990’s New Information economy ‘you’ guys were building, you remember the saying; “They work, we think.” or its many variations that mean the same thing.

How’s that working out for you now Mr. and Ms. college graduates, who’s ‘thinking work’ has been outsourced to India, or have you merely been replaced with an H1b Indian now living in the company apartment building? How’s that working for ya, when you have tens of thousands in college debt, but can’t find a job in ‘business management’ because businesses are shutting their doors? How’s it working out for ya Mr. Phd in gender studies? How’s that BS degree in black history working out for you? We have become a nation of faddists, following talking twits, common sense, is no more.

Yet, Mr. Charles Krauthammer, has the nerve to get all sanctimonious about Mr. Donald Trump? When Mr. Trump gets up there and tells it like it is? That all YOU SELF CENTERED BASTARDS in the NY/DC corridor, have screwed the whole country, and left yourselves as the lords and ladies, the new aristocracy of the American Monied Royalty? I have news for you Charles, and all your twit friends, I used to like Fox news, but no longer will I watch it. I’m boycotting Fox.

You noticed I called Donald; The Last Trump? Is this a metaphor, a coincidence or the real thing? Who can know. Does this mean I’m saying he is a prophet, a Godly pious man? Oh no. All I’m saying is that God often uses the Outsider, the contrary or unpopular guy for getting His messages out. The Donald is on a mission from God because I sincerely believe he loves America, what America used to be, and what it could be again, if it get its collective head out of its own emotional arse. No matter whether Mr. Trump wins or not, he has performed a mission for God in the sense that he has blown his trumpet loud, and the message is clear;



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Kabuki dance in the theater of the damned -redeux

“Three things that cannot stay long hidden, the Sun, the Moon, and The Truth.”

The Blue and Red Kabuki dancers now join forces against The People, The Elect, and show the country, and the world, their true faces. They are those who worship money, and power, above all other considerations. The Republicans cannot abide the man on the white horse, the last Trump of God, a flawed man, who gives a wake up call to the silent majority; SLEEPERS AWAKEN. The Establishment Elite are in a panic as the global meme of antiglobalism sweeps the world. They will do anything, say anything, kill anybody, to maintain their grip on the money power. In the end, that is the power they seek to retain, the control of money, and budgets, for there is the source of their power. If Mr. Trump wins the election, excpect the electoral college to become the last battle ground. If he takes the Whitehouse, expect the entire apparatus of government to fight him. But before that, if he wins the election, ‘they’ are already blaming the Russians for ‘interfering in the process’, and could, declare the whole thing ‘compromised’. They cannot see, their entire collectivist agenda is the problem, and immigration as the visible knife in our backs that is starting to bleed like a stuck pig. Europe is crumbling because of it, and America is in their sights. And too many preachers are helping to bring us down by siding with the government, for money, instead of preaching truth to power…

Mysterious polio like diseases, tuberculosis, dengi fever, all frightening, old, once thought eradicated diseases, making a come back, in the US of A. Why? Is there no common sense left in the Kabuki dancers? No, of course not, that would directly attack the method of their madness; multiculturalism. For when you have multiculturalism, you have no culture at all. No protection of your way of life, your morals, values, even your lives are forfeit to forces that can only succeed if your particular culture, the WASP culture, is eliminated by the ‘Religion’ of Progress, the primary religion of the globalists and their dual ideology of secular materialism… the Duopoly of left vs right, where both sides report to the same set of bosses. Bosses who use the game of Trivial Pursuit, to hide the real issues of today, bogging barely educated men and women down in firestorms of emotional nonsense, taking up valuable media airtime, leaving precious little airtime for real issues. When someone does have the gall to speak against ‘The System’, they are attacked by both sides. The Kabuki dancers in the theater of the damned, hide and obfuscate, deny and lie, all the way to the halls of power and control, the ultimate aphrodesiac. Anybody who mentions their ultimate goal, global government, is ridiculed, since their mission is to work for ‘you’, not themselves. When they are caught red handed, no time is given on the air, only air time is doled out to Trump’ed up faux paux in the past. Yet, their golden haired child, who raped women, is given a pass. The lies stack up to heaven, the bowls of Karma are full to overflowing, the kettle is steaming and ready to blow, America is on the verge of civil war, regardless of who wins, violence has already begun… but remember who drew first blood, the Blue Kabuki has now burned down a Red Kabuki head quarters, beaten people, vandalized cars, caused anarchy in the streets… we are all waiting for First Blood to flow.

In this time, the Globalists, and Hillary-> in particular, we have a crowd of globalist madmen bent on disestablishing the American culture in order to desensitize us into accepting all kinds of ‘new normals’. The new normal of a global police state, the global economy that benefits only the richest of the rich and the rest of us will eventually get the shaft. This is the purpose of the keeping of information hidden about muslim attackers, and Black lives matters anarchists, as well as the influx of thousands of so called ‘refugees’. In this matter we have been reminded of what we have forgotten, as well as the cost of being ‘nice’. For nice guys finish last in this world, and the Last Trump has been warning us all; SLEEPERS AWAKEN.

Is this metaphor, prophecy or coincidence, we cannot say. We can say he is right, simply based on the facts in our face, The System is rigged. America has become a nation of The Bezzle, The Scam, the Racket. He is tough as nails, and tough is what we need right now, period. For all of us have been overcome by the “Sweet words on the tongue, like honey, that grow bitter in the belly.”, the most perfect definition of political correctness ever written. In these simple biblical words lie the fruit of karma, you reap what you sew. If you listen to the winds of nonsense, then you will reap the whirlwinds of chaos.

The Kabuki dancers would have you believe they are being nice by bringing in thousands of third world dregs, without any vetting, or even a basic physical examination. This is why Ellis Island used to exist, and to get your ‘walking papers’, you had to enter in one of the few institutions that provided America with an extra layer of safety against walking epidemics, by vetting and examining every potential immigrant, this is the process of legal immigration. But the Kabuki dancers don’t care, they don’t care about America remaining America. They know, that as long as WASP culture stands, and America remains America, they will never implement a global government.
Know this, it is not that the idea of a global government is a bad thing, no. But, not with the current crop of philosopher king wanna be’s we have. For they know things we do not accept, but it is because they have kept the facts from us to foster their own agendas, and they are even bragging in low places how their primary agenda is depopulation and global government, by whatever means necessary.

James Howard Kuntsler, in his blog, said as much just the other day. These two faced ass wipes complain, bitch and moan about politicians destroying America, and how the oil situation is the killer of civilizations, and how the crooks that run the show should all die first, but in the end, it is necessary for a massive depopulation event to happen in order to ‘save the planet from ourselves’. They have no vision, they have no souls, for they, and all the other democrat and many republican voters have no minds, they only have weak minded hearts. Hearts that will accept any bullshit thrown out there, as long as it has the primateur of the Media and the Politicians, especially, the issue of illegal immigration.

This is just like Rome, overrun by slaves, that destroyed the small business men, because the slave operation owned by a senator, can wipe out any and all competition, that’s what happened in Rome, and left former small businessmen dependent on the Emperor for food and entertainment they called “bread and circuses”, America has begun that slow slide into moral and economic irrelevancy. Rome went tits up because they overextended themselves, debased(watered down) their money, and created a welfare/warfare state. Ask yourself; What has America become? Like Rome, now, any corporation, that owns a politician or two, can import H1b visa holders, or hire mexicans, and throw white and black people out in the street without so much as a by your leave, and the government lets them get away with it. This is happening all over the country, yet, it is state sanctioned murder of America, which will leave us a festering, diseased, unemployed, shit hole of a country, left in the back wash of the duopolistic religion of ‘progress’ as the Kabuki dancers dance in the theater of the damned.

On the other side of the equation of duopoly, we have the billionaires like Elon Musk, and others, who want to take us to outer space. They see a future of rocket ships and space stations, Mars colonies, and Jupiter explorations, eventually, they see technology taking mankind to the stars. But, there will be no stars for mankind, because mankind cannot reach the stars with the profit motive. The capitalists haven’t figured out yet, that capitalism benefits only the capitalists, everybody else, and everything else, including Earth resources, are too thin to support such an endeavor. It would take millions, if not a billion peoples resources to mount such a simple expedition to Earth’s closest star Alpha Centauri, only a short 4 light years away. It would take the commitment of a race of people desperate to escape a planet that is dying, or a desperate race to beat an asteroid on a course to inflict an ELE, Extinction Level Event, on our home planet. That such a thing is inevitable, or a corona mass ejection is more likely to come in our lifetimes, than not. But, we don’t have any men of vision, we have whiners, and con artists in charge. Men of vision do not have enough resources to fulfill their visions because their visions are so visionary, and visions do not come cheaply. How many regular Joes, do you think, can afford a ticket to ride a spaceship for over $200,000? Space travel, to them, is merely the 21st century equivalent of a high dollar Disney world, not what it should be, an Arc or lifeboat for the species. We have minds, but we are always drawn down into the common denominator of money.

The last such visionary was JFK, and that worked out real well for him, eh? There are some who say we would have never walked on the moon if JFK had lived, and that if it wasn’t for the cold war, we would never have had the motivation or financial allocations. Regardless, it took the entire resources of a nation just to stand on the moon and look back at Earth, a blue floating marble in a vast darkness, and only a few men ever went, and what they saw awed them to the bone, and convinced most of them that there was something desperately wrong with planet Earth. That something has been around since the beginning; the Rule of Gold, that; He who has the gold, makes the rules. The only way to save humanity, from an oilless, and a Universe filled with Chaos, is the Golden Rule. But it is hard to be spiritual, when your life, or your job, depends on your love affair with materialism. But as we have said before, it was always the love of money that destroyed America almost from the beginning. It could all be fixed in one stroke, but as long as the Head of Gold rules the world, it will be hard to accept that governments should be abolished, and banks, and corporations. No, it will take a true species threatening event to awaken people, the Last Trump is awakening many that The System is rigged, it will take a war to light the fires of real global revolution.
In Jesus name we pray, but, do we know Jesus, or do we know what preachers say?
I think we are divided, and useless as meek warriors. The meek warrior stands up to evil. Yet preachers are divided into denominations, and schools of thought. Thus the Body is divided, not united as our enemy is.
This is why I abandoned the Church in the Search for Truth. Buddha said there are three things that cannot remain long hidden, The Sun, The Moon, and The Truth. The Truth, is the Double edged sword that comes out of the mouth of the Lord… The Doubled edged sword was historically the symbol for truth because it cuts both ways…

The Truth is, our Bible was not written by God, but by Rome. And those who search the Truth know, it is merely a fragment of what was long ago… Thus in this time the ‘sword comes out of the mouth of the Lord’, Revelation was a Gnostic prophecy, but Gnostics were burned at the stake to eliminate competition with Orthodoxy. Orthodoxy pays lip service to God, while truly worshiping Mammon. This is what divides us, the spiritual and the material. We think men can perform prayers and rituals that will give us a ‘free ticket to paradise’, this is the essence of the Anti-Christ spirit. That you can buy your way into paradise, when, paradise is free, but heaven is not.

We have had our humanity stolen by false prophets, we have had the truth stolen by false churches, that have divided us into arguing over bible verses, instead of trying to integrate them into Oneness.
Oneness says, that men defend the righteous and the innocent, and deliver them from evil. Preacher will say to be ‘passive like Christ’, yet leave out the lesson in the Temple with the money changers. Preacher will say this is the only ‘sin’ that the Lord committed, but was this a sin, or a lesson? Every thing He did was a lesson by example. In our time, the money changers control all things… yet we are divided over everything because ‘evil crept in unawares’, and we are seduced by the ‘sweet words on the tongue, like honey, that grow bitter in the belly’… the most perfect definition of political correctness ever written.

He showed the The Way, that the Meek Warrior loves his enemies. Part of that love is tough love, to show them the error of their ways. Part is to demonstrate the superior character and moral strength of the warrior when he ‘turns the cheek’ in the face of insults. But also, to understand that there are different levels to evil, and you must ‘sell your coat and buy a sword’. Preachers say these are contradictions in The Word, but those contradictions were caused by the Founding Fathers and their zealous reediting of ancient manuscripts. They argue about them, but that is because they use basically the same book, without guidance from ancient scripts. They cannot integrate into Oneness because they went to seminaries, brain washing universities, like the Elite, they are One with The System of Babylon… they preach to ‘submit to Godly authority’, yet, where is Godliness in Authority?
Babylon, a much used, and abused term was defined even in the writings of the Bible, yet preachers cannot see it because they are too anal retentive, too literal minded, in defense of The System. Because they all know, The System IS Babylon. They have sold their souls for 30 pieces of silver to preach ‘non politically’, while getting their tax breaks. They cannot see the truth because they are the modern Pharisees, who bow down to the modern version of Rome, they follow men’s law, not God’s. Babylon was a system, not just a kingdom. Daniel told us what it was, history told us how it works. The Money changers of Babylon invented the most vile instrument in the history of mankind; The Fixed Contract of Debt… backed up by the Kings soldiers, and given moral authority by the Priests… sound familiar? It should, it is the Rule of Gold, that; He who has the gold, makes the rules.

This was shown in the prophecy of Nebuchadnezzar interpreted by Daniel. A metaphor of the empires that would come after Babylon, that would be “like Babylon, but not as good”. This is what America is based on, The ‘Republic’, that the international bankers have taken control over, and the Church has now turned hard left in support of The Beast(the Animal emotions in man, greed vs envy, as the duopoly of division and control. What I term; The Kabuki dancers in the Theater of the Damned…). The Church is the Holy Mother Church, a woman, a Mother of Harlots named; MYSTERY speaking ‘anti’ Christ messages/blasphemies. Who rides a beast named Babylon the Great, with seven heads and ten horns… seven continents, and ten lost tribes. The Horns are shofars, the symbol of Leaders of the Lost Tribes of Israel, the Caucasian race that controls the whole Earth… I know, I know, this is very controversial… but, objective research, and the Spirit speaking, will speak to your hearts, if you can simply understand the anger and hatred of Judah. The ‘lost sheep’ is who Jesus came for, eh? Yet, those sheep were never ‘lost’, they went into hiding. Running away from Judah and his ‘temple law’, which became changed during their long stay as captives in Babylon. All of us were polluted by the Babylonian Mystery religion, the idea that priests can intervene between man and God. This is the foundation of Orthodoxy, that man can get to God by the actions and rituals through other men. The only way to God, is Jesus, the First begotten Son, the Logos, the Word, and your own actions in defending innocence against evil…

We, America, used to be the good guys. We have not been the good guys since the 1950’s, we have been an empire of money, that became debt. All of our institutions are oriented towards arrogance and power over everybody, especially their own people. As they lie about the economic situation, people are confused. Then they are caught in more lies, lies that serve but one purpose; Power and Control, the Great Aphrodisiacs of the Mammon Worshipers. You can serve God, or Mammon (materialism), but you cannot serve both masters. Thus good people can only be controlled by the appearance of morality, this is the purpose of political correctness, the Illusion of Goodness, sweet words on the tongue, like honey, that grow bitter in the belly. We, The People, have never had anything but the System of Babylon, since the time of Babylon… we have never known anything but the Rule of Gold, and only the Golden Rule can conquer it. When the black horseman of the money changers falls, many will awaken to their own cowardice.

This gets down to literal, metaphorical, spiritual, physical, scientific, principles, we have a choice between a religion of ‘faith’ without proof of God, or, worshiping a philosophy of science, not only without God, but actively seeking to disprove God. They hate God, and teach our children that Godly people are backwards, neanderthals, old fashioned, “Hasn’t science proven there is no God?” they say… The Great Falling Away has been happening for decades, in ‘Gods Time’, where a thousand years is as a day, and a day is as a thousand years. This is the most perfect explanation of Einstein’s Relativity ever described. Yet, Einstein resented scientists using his theories to prove there is no Creator. I use Relativity, and the Books of Enoch and Nag Hammadi, to mathematically prove that God MUST exist for all things to BE. This came to me after 40 years of seeking truth outside the hypocrites of church, and I saw the doors of heaven open, just a crack. Enough to reveal that we are all deceived, by those who worship money. This is the foundation of all evil, for the love of money truly is, the Root of all Evil. The lesson of the rich man tells us to abandon wealth, and follow Him, but, in this System, if you do, you will be attacked. So what is The Way Forward?
We are given the answer, but we cannot see, because our preachers are blinded by mammon. We must go “into the wilderness” on the wings of a mighty Eagle, oddly, the Symbol of Rome, and America. We escaped persecution in Europe, and came to America ‘on the wings of an Eagle’. And now, we are persecuted again, and the persecution is met by confusion, and disparate messages from our leadership, because they themselves are divided into camps, denominations. A house divided against itself, cannot stand. But we cannot unify because The Lord must come again. Well, really? His true teachings were found, yet rejected, again, by modern pharisees. These were called the Nag Hammadi codexes, the books of Enoch, and others, that were buried by ancient Gnostic sages under severe persecution from the Catholics. If I told you that Jesus was a Gnostic, you would have to ask yourself, was Jesus a ‘Christian’? Be careful with your answer, because He was not a Jew, in the standard modern definition of that word. He was an Essene, a Gnostic Jew at war with the other ‘sects’ of Sadducee and Pharisee, like our denominations today(remember the influence of Babylon?). He called them vipers, he attacked them physically, in the temple, through their source of power; the money changers. He showed us The Way, to leave The System of the money changers, to go into the wilderness, and live like lilies of the field, to become our brothers keepers. Not in the way of Churches, but in the way of our own economy, outside the ‘economy’ of The System. The System wants only one thing, your dependence and loyalty, to Them.

Eventually, we must all depend on ourselves. I am learning how to be a blacksmith and to grow my own medicine, having worked at a pharmaceutical company as management, it can be done since all the things to heal the human, grow upon The Earth. This is the Source of medicines. Today, they are trying to push plastic drugs, for plastic people, for plastic politicians to use to control us, yet the side effects are often worse than the cure. This is because they are all byproducts of petroleum… they produce poison along with healthcare, they don’t care, its all about the money… as all the recent lawsuits have proven. Like the drug companies, the justice system, the VA, the Military Industrial Complex, the banks, they are all part of The Bezzle, the national disgrace that is the precursor of global government. They want it. They all want it because it will give them all what they want, power and control over all people and nations. This is a forgone conclusion, as we all know it must happen, at least for the short term.
But, as the black horseman falls, the Last Trump of God is blowing a message in the whirlwind sewed by the Elite. The messenger, as always for God, is flawed, imperfect, an outsider. His message is simple; SLEEPERS AWAKEN, this is happening as the Dark day of the Lord(a time of darkness is seen as madness in society) as WWIII is being designed by these evil people to hide their crimes and take power, like the Phoenix that burns down its own nest, and rises from the ashes, as the banks are having problems, as the weather is having problems, as the Earth is having problems with Earth quakes and volcanoes… the Signs in the Sun, no spots, are very telling, but they use the issue of global warming, and tell us that we are the problem, when in fact, it is the Cycles of Earth, natural, not man made, we contribute only a small percentage of the problem, but, it is a ‘crisis that cannot go to waste’, and their solution is ‘The Green Horseman’. The Death worshipers come as the Greens, oddly, the color of Islam is also Green, and they have become allies to form a pale green horse… the black horseman is the scales, of the money changers, the paradigm of banking and the Illusion of Justice, will morph into the Pale Green Horseman of Gaia worship, and the Moon god, Christianity and the Church must succumb to their own division based in the Doctrine of Mystery, the primary doctrine of the Church.

Therefore, the Elect, must stand against The Elite. The Elect are those who see through the Illusion of Reality, in its many deceptions. We will become The Remnant, and the Meek who inherit. Prophecy is becoming history, if you have but ‘eyes that see’. But those eyes have been put out, by the forces of Mammon, and it is almost time, for the veil to be lifted and the face of true evil to be seen, but by then, it will be too late, as most all will have been happily deceived by their own Leaders. I say ‘happily’ because most people want to believe The Illusion instead of The Reality.
The Elect begin to awaken, yet many have had their eyes taken out, and their ears plugged with dung. The Sea roars in confusion, as the global beast of emotional and irrational ideology begins its march against the Saints. The Darkness of power unites the darkness, for power attracts evil like moths to a flame, and moths swarm, yet they become allies in their fight against The Light.

Now is the time for the Meek Warriors to rise, and do exploits.

PS: I apologize for the length and breadth of this post. I get carried away sometimes. Normally I would just exit the page and delete the post. But, I see many who are confused, who listen to preachers and argue about scriptures and what they should do, or not do. They see the same old same old, and have become tired and many are leaving The Churches because of the Division of the Word. They do not understand that there was once much more, and that it was destroyed by the same types who The Lord chastised. Those who doubt these words, need only seek the Truth in the original words, and reading Origen, the Church Father who was declared a heretic because he tried to bring orthodoxy and gnosis together. Read who The Heretics were, and the councils and synods that battled over the inclusion of Gnostic works of Revelation and John into your Bibles. What was removed, was the ‘private teachings’ of Jesus, and now, those teachings have been rediscovered by the serendipity of God. This is the sword of truth that comes out of the mouth of the Lord. But, we have all forgotten the original meanings of words, and the language of the spirit, which is metaphorical images. It is the what we need, to quit arguing among ourselves over things forgotten and the ideologies of the rich. The only ideology we should recognize in the future, is the ideology of The Family, which contains both right and left within itself. To learn the lessons of the temple money changers, and the lesson of Samuel and Saul, that we “demanded a king to rule over us”, and so has it ever been since.
The only question The Elect need ask is; How has all that king stuff worked out for ya over the last few thousand years or so? Is there another Way, that does not include governments of men? Is there a new constitution, call it; a global Constitution of the Confederation of the Kingdom of God, that could create a climate ‘in the wilderness’, outside The System? There is, but we refuse to see, because we love our comforts, we have yet to ‘sell our coats(of comfort), and buy a sword(of truth)’…

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Trump and the Kabuki dancers

trump-flagThe Piper doesn’t comment on current political games, except in the prophetical sense, but in this case, we think a Great Awakening is happening in a spiritual sense. The Last Trump of God is blowing in the whirlwind of perfidy sewed by The Elite  globalists. This is the Essence of the battle for which we are now playing out using the final peaceful box of liberty, the Ballot box. Do you understand now? How they manipulate the candidates, and ALL candidates are OWNED by THEM? This box has already failed, and the tree of liberty is thirsty. Now, the latest out of them is the nifty idea they are floating that ‘The Establishment’ doesn’t exist, they ask ‘Who is this Establishment?’, and you should laugh if you are wise.

We say the Last Trump of God in a metaphorical sense, perhaps a foreshadowing? We don’t say this because Donald J. Trump is a Godly or pious man, oh no, quite the opposite. But, God often uses the weirdo, the unpopular man, as a messenger, and his message to America is clear;


Your country is being stolen by the Elite globalist oligarchy and those who profit from it, all those like Charlie Gasparino of Fox who got mad when he asked if NAFTA should be repealed. Yes, it should, and this should be obvious to those with “eyes that see”. They are now desperate to maintain their control over the crony part of the capitalist system, and that, is the Essence of the Battle. For in this election cycle, there are only two choices, a vote between the Last Trump or Goldman Sachs et. al. .

Mr. Trump represents a rebellion against globalism and the centralized political economy, a revolution against The Great Lies like NAFTA and whatever comes afta.  Mr. Sanders revolution represents an emotional backlash against capitalism because most of his followers don’t know anything except what Bernie is going to give them, which, is what The Cronies have taken from everyone, true economic freedom. But it is not capitalism at fault, it is crony capitalists in New York and D.C. Understand that those who take the Globalists money, owe them favors, and Mr. Trump takes no money from Them. That is the Key to Understanding. We can only hope, in this general election, he doesn’t capitulate to The Powers that Be, and remains himself.

Those who have eyes that see, see the great consternation of the Sycophants and Elites, even Paul Ryan cannot support Mr. Trump ‘at this time’. Which is Washington speak for “until he tows the line and agrees to our terms”.  Talk of ‘Republicans for Hillary’ are a dead giveaway of where these people’s loyalties lie, and it ain’t with you and me.  Talk of third parties are nonsense since they just don’t have time. Now noise of support the Libertarians, the pot smokers, really? This whole silly season does more than simply take a hard turn into the absurd, it is REVEALING, that The Donald is RIGHT, and ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’, the Donald is their enemy, and thus, my friend. Notice, it is both republican and democrat dancers that hate Mr. Trump, now giving away The Game out of their own desperation. These people do not love America, they have bragged about it in the past, calling themselves Internationalists(as long as THEY are in charge of the Empire of Debt. ).

This is a Godly revolution of righteous indignation against a bunch of rich metrosexual perverts who have screwed the economic pooch, and are trying to foul up the cultural nest as well. We don’t need to go into a lot of details, if you don’t already know The Deal, just go back to sleep, and if this revolution fails, when you wake up, you will find America has become a third world shithole and you should hang your head in shame, for you laid down on the altar of liberty and took a nap.

JFK said it best, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable”. Thus the flag at the top of this post is not something I would ever expect a yankee billionaire to take to heart, but southerners will understand. It represents that level of hatred for the Washington and New York NAFTA/CAFTA/TPP loving Elite called The Establishment(and THAT is how you KNOW THEM), and The Donald, is now righteously exposed as NOT IN THEIR CLUB. Regardless of what niceness prevails eventually, it will all be theater for us unwashed masses, Kabuki from the dancers in the theater of the damned.

(Trump Revolution flag is placed in the public domain.)


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The AEther

The AEther
By D. Michael Lambert (aka Piper Michael)

“When forced to summarize the general theory of relativity in one sentence: Time and space and gravitation have no separate existence from matter.”
–Albert Einstein

“Recapitulating, we may say that according to the General Theory of Relativity, space is endowed with physical qualities; in this sense, therefore, there exists an Aether. According to the General Theory of Relativity space without Aether is unthinkable; for in such space there not only would be no propagation of light, but also no possibility of existence, for standards of space and time (measuring-rods and clocks), nor therefore any space-time intervals in the physical sense. But this Aether may not be thought of as endowed with the quality characteristic of ponderable media, as consisting of parts which may be tracked through time. The idea of motion may not be applied to it.”
–Aether and the Theory of Relativity
by Albert Einstein, PhD
Address delivered on May 5th, 1920, at the University of Leyden in the Netherlands.

“Today’s scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.”
–Nikola Tesla

Confirmation Update: Universal magnetic field discovered


The Michelson-Morley experiment, is famously called; The “most famous failed experiment in history”. This experiment was designed to show a shifting light beam in an interferometer, that would indicate movement of the Earth through The “Luminiferous Ether”.  Our premise is that Michelson and Morley’s hypothesis was wrong, and thus, the foundation of modern physics is wrong. That light is not an indicator of the Aether of Einstein’s general relativity, but, merely a visible side effect of the transmission properties of it. It is not ‘luminiferous’ or The Source of light, as they assumed, but, must be the ‘carrier’, which by necessity is opposite to light, in order to provide a foundation or firmament for the ‘hardness’ of matter, and all of the unresolved “mysterious phenomena” of physics, to coin a word; magneto-iferous or proto-magnetic. In other words, it must be, the ‘Dark Energy’ that modern physics strives for, yet cannot seem to get its ‘hypothesis’ on. This is because of the aforementioned failed experiment, that sent physics down a rabbit hole of particles instead of forces, without an Aether to carry the forces.

Light is less than half of reality, most of reality is dark, or invisible, this is why they have so much trouble defining so called  ‘dark’ energy. It must be the source of the magnetic field, the opposite of the electric field, which is composed of, for lack of another word; ‘photons’… light waves. If this is so, then this; ‘Dark Aether Theory’, if proven, eliminates the probability of the magnetic mono-pole, and most probably, the graviton, and provides a foundation for a Universe of Opposing Forces, not particles. That, particles, are merely the surface illusion of something that goes deeper, much deeper into the substrate of spacetime, something we call, the 3 forces model; hyperspace, normal space, subspace. The sources of e(energy), i(binding force), and the obvious geometric-chaotic structures we see manifested within all natural matter from the atomic, to the galactic scale.

Of these 3 ‘Primal Forces’, the one that defines reality is that which binds everything into One. It is the binding force and the transmission media of traditional energy, e or light, in Einstein’s simplest case equation of Special Relativity; e=mc2, must also conform to the necessary ‘imponderable AEther’ of General Relativity, and, the Source of  ‘Dark Energy’ of quantum physics. It is curious, that these factors also conform to James Clerk Maxwell’s foundational principles of magnetic moments, that the magnetic field is inherently everywhere at once, without potential or flow, and is “a rotational phenomena”. It is also curious, that a moving magnetic field causes e or electricity, to appear out of nowhere, moving at c(the speed of light) through a conductor, springing forth spontaneously from nothing more than the splitting of a magnetic field, and can go on forever( as long as the conductor survives), implying, that the e itself,  comes from ‘outside’ the wire, a realm of infinite e, and that what generates e is rotating within itself. In other words, we wave a magnet over a wire, and a current is measured moving at c, yet, the magnet is not moving at c, thus, implying something is going on here, that hasn’t been explained or is being ignored. But Tesla and others have tried to explore, this obvious, hyper/sub space geometry of these basic or primal forces, yet modern science says that particles are the source of forces, not the other way around as Einstein said. The only thing that ties all things together, is the concept of The Aether, and what IS it. Physics refuses to accept it, because to accept a force/aether based Universe, is to accept hyper-physical implications, the concept of a Hypercosmic Creator Force.

The Aether therefore, may not be measurable in the traditional sense of the measurement of movement, but instead, of the measurement or observation of the internal structural geometry of electro-magnetic fields, and that, electro-magnetic inefficiency due to hysteresis is a direct result of ignoring this ‘phenomena’ for over a hundred years of scientific inquiry. It has been, and still is, an ‘unexplained phenomena’ of physics and engineering.

This is the result of only concentrating scientific inquiry on the ‘approved list dogma ‘ of things that can be seen, instead of those things that cannot be seen. In this regard, the Aether, cannot be seen, but, can it be proven? If so, the only way to do so is to abandon the 21st century and return to the foundations of modern physics in the 19th, when the Aether theory was abandoned. Our presentation is based on a simple observation, that;

A sloppily wound electric coil, generates more heat and lower magnetic field strength, than a structured and well wound coil.
This implies, that the GEOMETRY of the coil, is IMPORTANT. It also implies there is something missing in standard electromagnetic theory. And that, that something has to do with the fundamental nature of electromagnetism itself, since, nobody knows what causes the phenomena called; Hysteresis. The property of a coil to ‘store’ a charge, or, keep a charge moving after the magnetic impetus is removed. It is our hypothesis, that the electromagnetic field is generated from the surrounding Universal Aetheric field, what is erroneously referred to as; The Vacuum Energy or Zero point field, is, in actuality, a ‘Dark’ or Invisible Aether, and, that even the ancients knew about it.


The Aether is, the Dark energy of physics, the ‘Imponderable AEther’ of general relativity, the source of material hardness by supersymetric chaotic repulsion, and the Source of ancient philosophical and religious metaphors; the Firmament of Enoch, the Waters of Genesis, the Yin of the Eastern Philosophers, the Shiva of the Hindu, the Itz of the Aztecs, and, that it is ‘spun’ by the Left Hand Force of The Gnostics.

This then leads to the thesis, that, if the magnetic field is an indication of a dark or invisible and unmeasurable  ‘aether’, it would only lend itself to being ‘observed’ via magnetic means, not by means of light beams, since Einstein was adamant that any form of movement could not be measured within it. This implies that Michelson and Morley’s assumption was incorrect, and led science down the garden path away from the Lorentz Ether theory and later gave special relativity the stage and focus on particles and math and away from forces and basic classical experiments, even though Einstein himself vehemently disagreed with the new science of quantum mechanics when he famously stated; “God does not play dice with the Universe”. This leads to the fundamental concepts of magnetic flow, the lack of magnetic potential and the ‘rotational’ phenomena of James Clerk Maxwell.

The source of ‘e’ in special relativity (e=mc2), causes modern science to run away screaming because of the thought that the Source of e or light-energy, must, must, come from outside the Universe from ‘hyperspace’, some hyper-luminal Super-Source, that truth, remains a fact of special relativity, and caused Einstein to say he “wanted to know the mind of God, all else are mere details”. Since this must be true in order for atomic bombs to function, then the e or ‘light’, must have a transmission/consuming/binding media, and that media must be the opposite of light, in order to, as Einstein said, ‘freeze’ energy into matter, which leads to the opposite of his famous formula above; M=ec2 matter equals light SLOWED or LIMITED by the aetheric consumer which results in matter… IF this is the case, which it must be, then hyper luminal e, must be slowed, or consumed, down to the level of ‘light speed’, which implies ‘something’ does the slowing/consuming/freezing… The Source of e must emanate from the realm of hyper space, this is irrefutable. But, in science, such intuitive leaps are not allowed, only materialistic baby steps under the approved dogma of ‘credentialed authority’.

From established knowledge, it is known, that the only field or force, that can cause electricity/light to be affected is the magnetic field and peripherally(only slightly), gravity. (Chemistry being a higher level known physical phenomena that doesn’t apply to ‘fundamental’ forces.) This concept links light with magnetic and gravity fields, and by virtue of its existence, inertia, entropy, weak and strong forces as well, can all be seen as higher order functions of magnetic attraction/repulsion at their core. Curiously, fundamental ‘particles’ can only be ‘seen’ in the strong magnetic fields of atom smashers like the LHC, the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland. These are the folks who supposedly discovered the Higgs boson, nick named; The God Particle.

Since, these so called ‘particles’ can only be viewed via massive magnetic fields, the last of which being the God particle(Higgs boson), we state here, that the Higgs must only be a magnetic vortex side effect of the aether that aids the supersymmetry process of atomic ‘binding/clumping’ and is not going to be the ‘final particle’ found, as they increase their energies to unheard of levels, they will find themselves headed down the vortex rabbit hole of the Aether into the black hole(Dark energy) under all nuclear clusters. This negative or ‘dark’ force must be the Source of the Aether, which is below ‘normal’ space, we call sub-space, being the force that binds light, and pulls atoms towards entropy and thus, as Einstein said, light is ‘frozen’ in place.

Modern facts – Ancient wisdom;
The nano black hole at the center of every atom, is the logical consequence of the Source of the Aether, according to The Ancients(Enoch),  The Archa is the lake of fire that consumes all energy. Those who discount knowledge from thousands of years ago, do so at their peril. We are not referring to an actual black hole, but, a massive energy sink or pull against e/energy/Light. This is what so called ‘dark’ energy does to bind atoms together, it is the same force of Einstein’s Aether, and what the Ancients called by many names, which boils down to the phrase; The Power of Darkness (dark energy).

The ancients believed many things that now seem to provide a logical energy/force architecture for the Universe, that provides both a source and sink of all energetic forces, if, you step back and allow for the necessity of a Hyper-Intelligent Design. We merely find these ideas useful in defining an experiment to prove, once and for all, if the Universe is based on forces, or particles.

Science cannot allow for a force based Universe, because they are blinded by religions. But, did not the Bible even say, in Daniel, that ‘God’ is; ‘The God of Forces’, as in plural or multiple forces? Then this leads to an investigation of the possibility of a ‘Proto’ Magnetic Aether, that could be thought of as water like, which would require a way of observing the flow of this substance. This would require a rethinking of magnetic fields, and electromagnetic coils to take into account the actual cause of the phenomena known as; Hysteresis.

If there is an invisible aether, and it flows or rotates to cause magnetic/gravity/inertial fields, it seems the only way of measuring it would be to ‘see’ hysteresis, and then prove its cause. (Remember, physics only measures, it loathes the intuitive leap, allowing only those provable leaps allowed within the bounds of materialistic thinking.)  Hysteresis, or the property of magnetic coils to store a charge, has been known since the early days of the 19th century, but its cause has never been proven. We think, that it is the point of interface between the light and dark energies, which reveal themselves to us as electro-magnetism, but then, must also be seen as gravito-magnetism.

Then, this leads to the necessity of reinventing the magnetic field coil, because the only means of ‘seeing’ magnetic disturbances, perturbations or flows, would be through the mysterious phenomena called; hysteresis. Like many things in physics this is a phenomena that is like gravity, only understood in relation to the ‘how’ to measure it, not the Why it happens, mathematically ‘how’ to model it, but unable to prove the Cause of it(for if we could, we would have anti-gravity by now, but, physics is stuck in the particle paradigm). But if the ancients truly did have an advanced civilization, as archaeology certainly hints at, then they would have to understand the Forces of Creation, would they not?

This ancient knowledge is key to the understanding of an Aetheric component to the Universe, because it plays a part in the speed and consumption of electric charges, and thus, the electron’s component photonic waves, and leads to the Why of the speed of light; c in (e=mc2). Thus the question is asked; Is there a way to create a magnetic coil that has less or even zero hysteresis, creating a symmetrical coil geometry? If so, would the interaction of an aether via the magnetic field, be proof that an aether exists, and, as James Clerk Maxwell said in his original ‘Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism’, that magnetism is a ‘rotational phenomena’? That it is basically a force, and cannot be a particle, that ‘pseudo particles’ can coalesce from forces, but the reverse cannot be. The way this ‘problem’ is handled now, is simply to over engineer it with high amperage windings, this is why electric devices, motors, etc., have such dismal performance and efficiency… the problem of electric cars is not batteries, but the fundamental inefficiency of their motors.

An interesting phenomena that can demonstrate the magnetic foundations of matter, where external and internal energy flows can combine together to give a physical ‘phenomena’, is  witnessed in blacksmithing knives and swords. All blacksmiths understand how to heat treat and quench a hardened steel blade. But Real Smiths understand that there is a ‘trick’ that takes the process from black magic towards actual science. Many smiths will heat and quench, only to see one of three outcomes.

If they don’t heat the blade above its magnetic point, the quench will do nothing, the steel will not recrystallize and gain ‘hardness’. Or if they have worked the steel below that point(too cold), they may get cracks. But, the tricky part is if they don’t quench the blade while pointing it towards true magnetic north, and will gain a warp in a much worked piece of steel, effectively destroying hours or days of work, if they are lucky they can rework it. But, they don’t understand The Trick.  To always heat the steel above the point where it loses it magnetic property(cannot be attracted to a magnet, becomes amorphous/non crystalline internally), and then quenching in oil while pointing it to the North. A blade not oriented properly, will curve towards true north, and ruin the blade.

Connections in common;
This is pure James Clerk Maxwell theory of atomically aggregated magnetism, but surely, if all the internal structures in a human body are visible in an MRI machine, and a steel blade reacts to magnetic north, there is something in common that has nothing to do with magnetism, for one is magnetizable and the other, is not.

The original Stern-Gerlach experiment, established the notion of atomic spin by the use of silver ions passing through magnetic fields, yet silver is not magnetic. Today, the only way to ‘see’ particles, is by the use of massive magnetic fields in particle accelerators.  It dawns on you, that there is a magnetic component to ALL matter. This connection between magnetic and nonmagnetic material is a necessary logical deduction because all atoms react to magnetic fields regardless of whether they are magnetic materials or not. This must point to a ‘magnetic aether’, not a ‘luminiferous'(light) aether, because it is the only possible explanation in common.

The final clue in the understanding of the Universal Truth of an energy based Universe, is the extra-universal foundation of The Zero Point or vacuum energy of the cosmos.  The only explanation is in establishing that the ‘Imponderable Aether’ of Einstein, is also called by the ancients The Firmament of Enoch, the reason why we refer to the book of secrets, Enoch’s second book, as the True Holy Grail. In ancient myths this firmament has gone by many names; as Plato and Einstein’s ‘Aether’, the Waters of Genesis, the Itz of the Aztecs, the Yin of Buddhism, the Shiva of Hinduism.

This is the ancient idea that there is a ‘protogenic’ substance in the void of the cosmos, this is proven by many phenomena, but on this subject, modern science is locked in the materialistic paradigm of particles and only sees the phenomena as a Zero Point energy field. It doesn’t accept that this Zero point, is the true zero point caused by hyper-spacial energies of infinite positive and infinite negative in a super tension field of light and dark energies. The proper model of reality being hyperspace pulling against subspace, and normal space being the Zero Point membrane of bubbles, of water being boiled by the light, and the air churning the entire edifice into Chaos, which results in Earth. Thus, the entire philosophy of the ancient Hermetics, being; Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, as the Cause of all things, was, an entirely metaphorical but accurate representation of an ancient Unified Field knowledge, not theory. Thus the entire Universe’s energy structure can be represented by the simple equation;

(+)Infinity + (-)Infinity = 0

It doesn’t matter that the existence of an Aether would resolve many if not all of the ‘mysterious phenomena’ of physics, because that would lead to places where science chooses not to tread, a clue to the final proof that an Intelligent Design exists within the structure of Creation because the energy of special relativity must come from ‘outside’ space-time and it also must flow into the cold dark place of quantum dark energy  to give ‘hardness’ and also mixed with a third force of Universal Consciousness that gives energy pattern design to the chaos of forces. That if there is a ‘God’, He/She/It, must be hyper-cosmic, or outside reality, in order for reality, to be ‘real’. To give credit, some in the physics community have recognized the probable existence of a ‘hypercosmic God’ and the necessity of ‘nano black holes’ at the center of each atom, but, by the time the rest of physics recognizes this, it may not matter anymore.

Others recently proved that so called ‘gravity waves’ propagate throughout the Universe, as Einstein predicted. We were skeptical that such things could be measured due to aetheric noise, but now it appears other experimenters have found them. Thinking further through it, it becomes obvious, that they must be there, measurable or not, simply because of the magnitude of the perturbations certain cosmological phenomena can impose on the Aether. But in thinking through the issue in hindsight, it becomes apparent that most scientists still don’t get it. If gravity waves are real, then so is our theory of galactic waves, or cycles, which are revealed in the long cycles of the Sun and how everything is connected as One, which also, gives a foundation for ancient astrology. Like lunar tides, these cycles affect everything, and everyone, but for them to be real, The Aether itself, must Be.

In order for gravity waves to be felt light years away from their source, there must a medium for those waves to travel through, like the waves on a pond. This is mandatory because Einstein said that an “imponderable aether” must be present in order for General Relativity(GR) to be functional. When seen through the lens of the Unified Field of God, the nature of the Aether, is as a transmission medium for vibrations of all types of waves, gravity, magnetism, electric, light, all being ‘electromagnetic’ in nature, with the exception, supposedly, of gravity. In keeping with this idea, scientists threw out the concept of the Aether after the Special Relativity(SR) theory supplanted The Lorenz Ether Theory. This came after the most famous ‘failed experiment in history’; The Michelson-Morley experiment. But our investigations reveal that maybe Michelson and Morley should have changed their assumption about the nature of the Aether and energy. That, all energy is dual in nature, electro-magnetic, implies that you must have both in order to accomplish a dynamic system, defined as; work.

In the Unified Field of God, we have proposed that Einstein’s ‘Imponderable Aether’, is nothing less than what was described by the ancients under several names, including; The Firmament of Enoch, The Waters of Genesis, The Power of Darkness of Hermes, and now in this time as the Dark Energy of Quantum Physicists. Our original experiments with field coils led to the Zero Geometry coil, and led to the discovery of a gravity wind. This is nothing less than the Aether being sensed moving past the Earth from east to west, and is a visible measurement of Einstein’s frame dragging of GR, a measurement of the immeasurable, or, imponderable. Subsequent experiments have shown a direct link between magnetism and time, by the creating of a localized time dilation bubble. This was a direct linkage between magnetism and gravity,  thus linking GR and SR through the commonality of the Aether by the slowing of time in a very small area relative to the ‘outside’ world. Final experiments have verified a direct linkage between electric fields, and gravity, through modifications of the original Townsend Brown experiments in electrogravity.

These experiments, plus the known phenomena of quantum entanglement, prove conclusively, that The Aether is real, however, it is the opposite of what Michelson and Morley were searching for. It is not the basis of light or a ‘luminiferous’ aether(being a cause of light), it is, to coin a word, magniferous, being the cause of magnetism. There is no magnetic monopole, for each atom causes a ‘chaotic’ magnetic field by its very nature, spinning, which causes the attached Aether to flow with it, like a vortex in water. This reveals a new atomic model of dual energy vortexes for the internal structure of the quantum, that looks like the ancient Yin-Yang symbol, did the ancients know something we don’t? Thus all magnetic fields have a north and south pole down to the atomic level. The problem is we humans have always concentrated on what we can see, and light is a visible phenomena. In our Universe, this light is considered ‘energy’, but magnetism, not so much.

Is this true, or is this merely, The Illusion? If a magnetic field ‘erupts’ when atoms are properly aligned in a material, where does the magnetic field come from? If light is released when iron is placed in a fire and visible light in the form of heat is revealed, where does the light come from? If a magnet is moved across a wire, and electricity is moved in a wire, what is the source of the electric current, and how can it move at near light speed when the magnet was barely moving? Obviously, something else is going on rather than a mere ‘static’ field. And light itself is well known to be either ‘chaotic’ or ‘collimated’, white light is a chaotic mixture of many frequencies, while laser light is light of a single frequency. Thus, the basic foundations of matter/energy can be either chaotic, or synchronized. This fact is finally proven in the very structure of an MRI machine, which requires a large magnet to ‘align’ NON-magnetic material, such as YOU. Finally, subatomic ‘particles’ can only be seen by the application of large magnetic fields. The implication being, that ALL things have a light component and a magnetic component, but these components are spun together by what James Clerk Maxwell called; Curl. Thus, at its essence, a magnetic field is a spinning helical field, made up of helical waves within The Aether, and regardless of orientation in the  Aether, they all spin in a left handed motion, this itself, implies an ‘outside’ influence, outside being, outside the Universe itself. The Ancients referred to this as the ‘Left Hand Force’, the Tao of the eastern philosophies, The Air of the Hermetics, The Brahma of the Hindu’s, The Voice of God from Enoch.

What is e(energy)?
Is light ‘real’, or is it a component part of something higher or deeper in reality? Obviously, light, like Einstein said, is ‘a’ building block of matter, but, modern physicists now know, that light is less than half of what is considered; Matter. Also obvious, is that light is released from matter when matter becomes unbalanced, this is the foundation of the ‘static case’ of the theory of special relativity; e=mc2, where e is energy or ‘light’, and m is matter as we said above. The biggest proof of this theory is the atomic bomb, which, when detonated, first releases the light of a thousand suns in an instant, the radioactive component, can now be considered the ‘magnetic’ component, or the dark energy component.

James Clerk Maxwell told us, in the beginning, in his famous tome, ‘A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism’, that magnetism is a ‘rotational phenomena’. But modern scientists, seem to throw out the original thinkers, and lose something in the process. If magnetic fields are a rotational phenomena, then, something ‘real’ has to be rotating? Wouldn’t this real rotational force, be more of a cause of electricity moving at near light speed, than a magnet moving at a few kph?

Our focus, from the beginning, has been to go back to the original thinkers, and pick up the nuggets forgotten by modern thinkers, and see if anything worthy of notice shouldn’t have been thrown in the ditch of knowledge, magnetism being a rotational phenomena, seemed like a primary candidate to extend our knowledge of creation as a universe built upon energy vibrations. For if one thinks about it to any length, it then becomes obvious, that there is no such thing as ‘hardness’ in our universe, there is only magnetic repulsion and attraction, mitigated and communicated through chaotic rotational fields at the ‘atomic’ level. Thus everything in the Universe ends up rotating, spinning, orbiting, or twisting itself upon the skein of reality being nothing more or less, than energy of two kinds, twisted together by a third kind, Curl. Which we refer to in the Unified Field of God as; The Third fundamental invisible force of Pi.

Metaphysics becomes physics, again;
To prove this thesis, the Unified Field of God, requires three forces; Light, Dark, and Rotation, or Spin, or Curl, or… Pi. These forces were known by the ancients, from the time of Enoch and Hermes, down to the beginnings of the Roman Catholic Church, when all this knowledge was declared Heretical and all the ancient libraries were burned to the ground as ‘pagan temples’, including the Library of Alexandria. Thus, mankind was thrown backwards over a thousand years. So, to prove this ancient knowledge(fragments) has validity comes down to a proof of only one thing, the proof of The “Imponderable” Aether.

To find truth, we must abandon the particle paradigm, and fully examine the Paradigm of Forces. This requires an understanding of the Dark side of the Forces, because the Dark side is the Aether, and we are all within the materialistic matrix of The Waters of The Aether. All things are One within the Aether, it is what communicates all vibrations, all quantum entanglements, and likewise, the ancient connections between man and planets. Yes, astrology has a real component that is scientific, if your science can see into the so called ‘particles’ and what forces Cause them to be and how ‘hardness’ is both real and illusion,and, how quantum entanglement is communicated which also shows how the very stars and planets are connected to the atoms within your DNA, because, at some time in the past, all of us, the components of matter, were created in the belly of stars…

Gnosis, the Truth of reality, life and death, is founded upon an Aether;
All those who talk about metaphysics, reincarnation, spiritual geometry, hermetic philosophy, and other ‘occult’ science, are both right and wrong, in that, without a Firmament or Foundation for The Energy(S),  they can build no basis of proof, and without proof they do not have Spiritual Hyper-Science, they only have more occult based ‘Mystery Doctrines’.  In the end, The Love of Mystery is the problem, not the solution to mankind’s problems. This is why God wanted man to understand this from the beginning, and why Enoch was given books to write from the mouth of God<sic>. Maybe this is part of the ‘Original Instructions’ of the Hopi? Or the doubled edged sword (of truth) that comes out of the mouth of The Lord at the End of an Age? An ‘age’ is two thousand years. The Holy Roman Church defined the beginning of this age at the birth of Christ. What if, they got it wrong? What if the Age of Churches, should have been defined at the Birth of The Savior, The Death of the Body? Then, the Age will end in about 2034, curiously, when Earth enters the center of the Galactic Rift, the area of maximum ‘darkness’.

We can only reveal, that heaven and hell are real, but they are far more complex than religions can quantify, and human beings are more complex than simple matter can reveal, but perhaps the MRI machine gives us a glimpse into the energies you are made from? As an aside, if you are made from multiple harmonic layers of energy, and energy cannot be destroyed, then by deduction, it should be noted, that some part of you can never die…

This is now provable by the God Science that we were shown, to show that it is provable, and, engineer-able by revealing the fundamental nature of the Aether, and its primary revealing phenomena; electro-magnetic hysteresis. The basis of this, was to return to the 19th century and begin again, at the basic understanding of electric coils, in particular, the solenoid coil, the foundation of electromagnetism. The results of this inquiry have been carried out by research and experiments over three decades, results which show, we have a limited understanding of our Universe, and the foundation of this misunderstanding revolves around the concept of; The Aether.

We discovered that the Aether is best viewed directly through the lens of the magnetic force, for which, modern science has no explanation, even though the original experiments in the 19th century, were closer to actual reality than the current particle paradigm.  Science still looks for the elusive magnetic monopole, and the gravtiton particles, but they will never find them because they cannot be, what they will find is some shadows of invisible vortexes that interact with the aether, that is the underlying structure of all things whether chaotic or collimated. A magnetic field can be thought of as the collimated laser of the aether, and gravity can be seen as the chaotic magnetic field, like light emanating out of hot iron. Our experiments in the aether show that it is dark(or invisible), and protogenic(the cause of the magnetic,gravity,weak, and strong forces), and a media of light and magnetic fields, and a generator of electricity and gravity, and that side effects of quantum entanglement, inertia, and entropy are further proof that all things are One within the structure of the Unified Field of God.

Experimental results;
Experiment 1
The Zero Hysteresis or AEtheric Geometry coil. Was given as a spiritual gift of sudden intuition. We discovered that hysteresis can be controlled, something thought not possible except by extreme brute force, which is the primary characteristic of current electromagnetic engineering.

Experiment 2
The gravity wind experiment, showed that a standard coil, would reveal the presence of a magnetic field around Earth, aligning itself with the magnetic field of Earth. But the Zero coil would acted in a profoundly different way, revealing the presence of a magnetic movement from east to west of ‘something else’ through a moving mobius pattern at the end of the pendulum. The pattern of movement, revealed the movement of the aether around the Earth, that is a direct measurement of the frame dragging of General Relativity using magnetic means, an indication of a gravito-magnetic connection.

Experiment 3
The Time bubble experiment.  Revealed a connection between a moving magnetic field and localized time dilation. This connects the magnetic field to the gravity field through the GR predicted measurement of time. This shows that Hafele-Keeting was not absolute, and that the magnetic field is connected, if however loosely, to the gravity field, in short, a gravito-magnetic field.

Experiment 4
Repeating the Townsend Brown electrogravity experiments with modified Pi geometry devices, revealed that moving electric charge affects local gravity, but only if in free air gravity, which implies a connection to the magnetic and gravity fields. This was not the ionic lifter, but the electric field, that moves in a magnetic/gravity field in relation to polarity. We found that geometry of the field plays a part. Some would say this is just ancient history, disproved and nothing but an ‘ionic’ effect. But, the effect must move against ‘something’, like a curve ball it must have air to effect the curve, so the electric must have the gravito-magnetic to move against, and the experiment proves it must have a direct connection to an aetheric substance to allow it.


The phenomena of Hysteresis is the defining phenomena that shows that electric and magnetic are joined together through the Curl. That the geometry of the structure of a coil can have a great effect upon the performance of said coil due to the internal field geometry.

The Nature of the Aether is therefore, magnetic, being a perfect medium for the transmission of light waves, which when combined into an electrical spark, reveals that electricity is light bound together by the third force, Pi. Light, is embedded within the aether, and thus matter, and can only be seen or used when matter is unbalanced by nuclear, chemical or magnetic means. The result is light of different frequencies and harmonic composition, being classified as radiation, heat, fire or electricity.

The Aether, gives a drag on reality, or, an energy storage medium which causes all energy transfers to be delayed or extended, we now show how this is one revealing theoretical foundation of hysteresis, which is the foundation of the ‘free energy’ work by Bedini and others, can never give more energy out than a fraction of what goes in.  The Zero angle coil, shows that the Aether flows through the coil instead of being impeded by the coil windings, thus reducing or eliminating hysteresis by the reduction of internal aetheric geometric ‘drag’ (magnetic chaos = c = Ae Impedance * Surface area) and alignment of the Curl between layers of the coil windings. This Aetheric Impedance causes drag between the surface of the wire and the Aether, which spins up the ‘rotational’ magnetic field, which is spinning faster than light speed(it must, for quantum entanglement is a hyper speed event).

This spinning current either aids or maintains the current flow after the cutting of the current flow. Because of this aetheric ‘drag’, the phenomena known as Hysteresis is generated as a flywheel that keeps turning after the motor is turned off. According to the following graph, this dark energy is rotational, but not sinosoidal. As the aether is rotated or spun it has a tendency to continue its motion in the direction of rotation for a certain time after the impetus is removed, this is the Cause of inertia as well(since hard matter is magnetic chaos, and moving through space, each integral movement in a direction is aided as an impetus to the next integral space(the Planck constant, or minimum distance in space-time) Thus, the following graph of the theory of Aetheric Hysteresis;

AethericDragGraphNotice how the sinusoidal wave carries over the center point of the AEd area, which is the basis for the so called ‘Free Energy’ machines of Bedini et al. It is free, but, it is also the reason why they run into limits, it requires a large input, or magnetic field,  to gain any extra output. They would need a generator the size of New York, in order to power a single dwelling. This is because of The Aether’s ‘sticky’ property, and its resistance to change, otherwise known as inductance or capacitance, inductive reactance or capacitive reactance, otherwise known as Aetheric Drag =  Change Impedance. This also shows the great efficiency drag on alternating current systems, whereby the ‘change’ in voltage is transmitted more ‘efficiently’, because the conductor is ‘one’ with the Aether, but with the changing polarity, therefore, direction, of the current or ‘bound light’ flow, the flow actually reverses direction between half cycles of the ‘alternation’. Thus the direction, or dielectric permissiveness ‘robs’ the circuit by aided or impeding that flow in the opposite direction.

This is the same ‘phenomena’ of EMF kick in high voltage coils, like your spark plugs are being driven by a 12 volt battery. This magnification of voltage occurs because ‘something’ that is related to ‘speed’ collapses around the coil, which is due to the collapse of the 12 volt ‘primary’ coil of very few turns that is against a secondary coil of many turns, thus the scientist, not knowing what magnetism is, would simply say something like “magnetic fields cause electric flow magnified by the turns ratio”, a statement of fact, vs a statement of EXPLANATION of the CAUSE of magnetism, because, they still do not KNOW, what, a magnetic field IS. They are caught in the particle trap, and still, after a hundred years, search in vail for the magnetic monopole( the N, or S, pole, in a magnet), something they will never find because the only valid explanation of magnetism, is Aetheric Communication or Connection. A magnetic ‘field’ is a toroidal vortex perturbation in the Aether, an Aether, that ‘binds’ light into ‘photons’ and ‘electrons’ and even protons, neutrons, quarks, and the so called ‘God Particle’ or Higgs boson, which is nothing but a necessary precursor to the Quantum Foam, or, the bubbling of the Aether by the HolY Spirit Light, which is the Firmament of all things. Thus magnetism, is merely ‘coherent’ aether, where incoherent aether, is the source of gravito-magnetism, a tri-energy field like electromagnetism.

Thus, the new dark-aether theory, gives a foundation for the true physical make up of the electro-magnetic quantum foam ‘God vortex'(particle), which is an exact match for the strange attractor of Chaos Theory. This also explains polarization of photonic/electro-magnetic waves, as their rotation and stickiness, locks them into the angle of emission from the source. You can also see the reason the ancients said that the electrical or light was like a serpent that was eating its tail, the source of polarity is from the Source Light, and the ‘chrism’ is the foundation of all things. As The Unified Field of God shows, the Holy Light boils the Waters, which is a membrane over the Darkness of the Abyss that leads to the Lake of Fire, which forms the Quantum Foam that is basis of all things. The Positive Infinity + Negative Infinity = 0, the Zero Point energy field of space-time represents a ‘almost’ perfect balance between the energies. If the energy balance was a perfect zero, then nothing would be possible and the Universe would be nothing, no movement, nothing but a Great Void.

In 1963, Edward Lorenz developed a simplified mathematical model for atmospheric convection. The Lorenz equations are derived from the Oberbeck-Boussinesq approximation to the equations describing fluid circulation in a shallow layer of fluid, heated uniformly from below and cooled uniformly from above.[1] This fluid circulation is known as Rayleigh-Bénard convection. The fluid is assumed to circulate in two dimensions (vertical and horizontal) with periodic rectangular boundary conditions. This is a small subset of Chaos Theory, but shows the very smallest possible structure within the reality matrix formed within The Aether. The following is the closest mathematical approximation that is able to allow us to see that energy and fluid are the same, this is called a Lorenz (strange) attractor;


This form, ties the photonic, the electrical, and the magnetic, and matter, into one fractal geometric structure that is applicable to electromagnetic fields, and to actual atomic and nuclear matter.  But most usefully, provides a theory for the foundation of a New Electrics, and the possibility of a higher efficiency curve when constructing electric motor/generators.

This new field theory shows in the following coil configurations will prove to provide a much higher energy/horsepower and allow the creation of zero hysteresis (symmetical) coils with a much higher turns density(smaller wire size), that do not need resistive ballasts, thus, at a minimum, doubling the amount of available energy to consume in the windings instead of the balance/motor controller, this could form the foundation for a true breakthrough in the sense of creating a motor/generator that could be efficient enough to parasitically power itself and a load.

(Picture of coils removed due to personal attacks, and accusations of ‘demon sorcery’ or ‘mixing science and religion is a non sequitur’. Jeez, really? Since neither side understands, that both are merely competing paradigms of The Realty, and must, MUST, have something in common for either of them to be REAL, then figure it out for yourself.   SO… I don’t care what you believe, keep your illusions, there are very few that have ‘eyes that see’ The Unification Paradigm being the only path to Truth.)

Notice anything different between the two coil configurations? Here we are looking ‘into’ the wires in a coil. See how the internal field is colored in the dark overlapping areas? This is a visible demonstration without any complicated math or other high and mighty sounding scholarly presentations. Science, if real, should be obvious, the math is merely a representative way of working with the underlying philosophical concept.

The Aether is real, but it is the Source of the Magnetic force, not the Light. The Light comes from the Light above, and is merely The Broken Chrism that is the source of the polarity of electric charge, and looks like a snake eating its own tail. This ‘snake’ represents the positive and negative ends of a quantum, the smallest discernible entity in reality. It lies at the center of the strange attractor and churns the aether into a quantum foam of the zero point energy field of the Universe. But our science has always chosen to measure what is visible, and the invisible is the most important for the hardness of reality composed of two energies, light, and, dark(or invisible).

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The Meaning of Life and the Blacksmith

The following correspondence, is from a man who fills the Piper’s heart with hope. That there are still Seekers of Truth in the world, and they are not mainstream fakkirs. This is my contribution, stream of consciousness style, as is my wont, to his group/page on the meaning of life. At the bottom we will pull it all together here, so that he can see the fullness of the Unified Field of God, and how a humble blacksmith brings it all in to focus.



It was with great pleasure and excitement that I discovered your web page on blacksmithing… which led to many wonderful and esoteric places… 🙂 Including the page on the Quest for the Secret to the Meaning of Life. It appears there are more of me out there, as I too, have been on this quest for 40 years. Every since I walked out of the hypocrite church when I was 14, I have maintained that life and God and happiness, are all tangled up together, somehow. But also, somehow, Men, have completely fucked it up. Why? I asked myself long ago, and the answer keeps coming back to one thing, money, and the answer to the oldest question of the ages, what is the meaning of life?

You, like myself, are old school, we used to make stuff when I was a kid, I joined the army and went to a place called Vietnam. I left and became a computer tech when computers were the size of apartment buildings… <haha, I still prefer english over ‘txt’> When I grew up, I became a manager in a fortune 100 ‘Big Pharma’ company, and had my ‘test’. When you work for the Big Boys, you always get tested, what ‘test’? The test of the Soul. I was requested to lie to my employees over a new IPO stock option scam, where everybody was gonna get screwed except for ‘them’. Management still thinks they are God, but to me, they went from idols to demons. I found out quickly, that going from the golden haired child(of the VP), to the red headed stepchild was painful, and they intended to pour on the pain until I quit. So, being foresightful, I never gave them the opportunity, I went Galt, and never looked back.

After a few years of having my own businesses, and helping others, and struggling to acheive ‘The Dream’, I too was drawn to blacksmithing, after my long search for the meaning of life after walking out of that church in a huff…

What does blacksmithing have to do with the meaning of life? It gives me Joy. Purpose. Fullness within. Taking earth, air, fire and water, and creating something from my mind. It has become a philosophy of philosophies, a breakoff of alchemy and Hermes, a fulfillment of the Holy Grail of Enoch and Jesus, it is Zen and love combined, it is the basis of civilizations and the key to understanding the Firmament of The Waters and The Chaos of Creation.

After 40 years of knocking on heavens door, on Nov 11, 2011, I had a vision, or a dream, or I just passed out from lack of eating… 😉 In this, the Door of Heaven opened, just a crack, and what came out overwhelmed me. I was literally on all fours on the floor, vomiting, with liquid coming out all bodily orifices, as the Holy Spirit touched me, and I literally ‘Saw the Light’. Trust me, the meaning of life, at that level, is more than a mere human being can withstand, I thought I was going to die for a week. Now some people would ridicule and dismiss the previous statements as a “bit of undigested beef” or some other materialistic explanation, and at an earlier point in life I might have even agreed with them. However, I am not a young man anymore, and I, like yourself methinks, are a discerning soul and can tell the difference between a mere dream and a spiritual experience…

What came out of the Light was the message that I had been on ‘a path’, determined for me since before the beginning of the world, or even, The Universe. That Destiny works in the Universal Mind that plays within The Firmament of Waters, and that, it is my mission to find and prove, The Source of all things. That I had been studying the necessary knowledge since I walked out of the Church, digging through the cast offs of scholars and ‘learned’ men, picking up golden nuggets from the sewers of ‘Forbidden knowledge’ and learned that The Churches themselves, are, anti-Christ. Because, there are no free tickets to paradise and hell is not necessarily a ‘life sentence’. That Christ is more than what they say, or can know, because they burned the books that held the private teachings, and Foundations, or, The Original Tablets, given to us by the Progenitors during the First-Time. This was the time of the first civilizations, Atlantis, Lemuria, Han<?>, and Rama, that are now nothing but misunderstood piles of scattered rocks and ancient myths, and the hints of cities below the oceans, that are portrayed in metaphorical sense in the Bible and other ancient ‘religous’ and allegorical texts. That man, is older than he knows, yet is still a child, trapped in the land of Nod, the land of sleep, dreams, forgetfulness within matter.

What came from the Light was the Unified Field of God, a God Calculus if you will. A proof that God, is more than what we think, or can think, or can comprehend with material minds. That the Ineffable One lives in hyperspace, as a hypercosmic force, and is the Intelligent Designer that maintains reality by sitting upon His throne, to modulate The Light and give the Waters the voice of chaos and destiny, that all things were determined at the beginning. He who lives in The Light of Hyper space, begot the Logos, or Word, or Manifestation of The Idea, that co-creates life within the Firmament through the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, that shows, we are all Proto Gods, Sons of God. For what is the Inheritance of a God? But only the Prodigals will inherit. For only those who have ‘fallen’ into ‘darkness’, will gain the strength of self character, to prove themselves worthy. Evil is not the enemy of goodness, it is the Definer of it. For without evil, can there be good? Without evil, how does the good man, know he is good? Without evil, and the struggle within the dark animal soul, how can a hypercosmic entity(called spirit) grow? Without ‘overcoming’ the Darkness, how can we acheive the Light?

Within the God Calculus, are proven many things that current science thinks are impossible conundrums, mysterious ‘phenomena’ of physics, but they are merely indicators, puzzles for children to solve. That they cannot, or will not, recognize any Source of the Energy that IS all things, is their great failing. And their downfall is defined in the single word; Mammon, which is Materialism. That they cannot, will not, look past their own defilement of their own laws of science, to see the bigger truths. They see the Light that comes from rocks, and the atom bomb is manifested, but they stop short when asking the question; From Where comes The Light? NO, they prefer to see only the radiation, the dark energy component. That is the Ultimate contribution of the Unified Field of God, to show that dark energy is The Waters of Genesis, the Firmament of Enoch, and the ‘Imponderable Aether’ of General Relativity, that produces a God Particle, the first vortex layer down into the Abyss. They cannot accept, but some have seen, that the black hole is the Ultimate Darkness, not because of what it is, but because of what it is connected to. The Lake of Fire that Consumes all energy. But then, without a positive and negative pole, can there be any such thing, as energy? No. There cannot, the darkness is necessary to give hardness to reality, by magnetic repulsion and attraction at the surface of each atom.

So, I guess, in long winded fashion, I have covered 40 years, and that the meaning of life, is JOY. That Joy cannot be manifested without knowledge, and knowledge without action is as nothing. Thus, the current state of knowledge is defined only by The Rich and their sycophants, who destroy knowledge and take away the Joy of The People, for their own profit and gratification. For animals cannot know true joy, they can only satisfy their immediate lusts. They cannot take The People to the stars, to find the next level of Spiritual Evolution within The Ascension, no, they cannot, they must control the bodies and minds, through the control of knowledge and money, which is the water of life within the material world. It is only when you abandon this idea, and give way all your materialistic desires, that truely, you can find God, and within that, you find the purpose within your spirit, your gift, and then Joy will find you. And thus, blacksmithing, can become an alchemy of souls, a philosophy of life, a true calling to rebuild civilization from earth, air, fire and water, as it was in the beginning so it shall be. Where the First shall be last, and the last shall be first. Those races who came first shall be the last to find the Light, and the Last race to be born shall be the First to find the Ascension to the Light. For the Ultimate purpose of Life is Joy within the Kingdom of God, and that kingdom truely is, within you.

And so, in conclusion, I merely say, I’m glad to have found another light in the darkness. That through the Lights, we can weave a web of lights in the darkness, so that it shall be on Earth, as it is, in the Heavens. That Joy may survive the coming dark times, we must build a community of lights, with a single purpose, in unity, to eschew doctrine and dogma, to eliminate ridicule and agenda, to overcome materialism and all the other ‘isms’ of Men. That Joy may be found even in the sceptic, for even they must recognize, that rights that come from God, are preferable, than privileges given out by men. That the Temple of God is truly within us, as the spark of God is part of each of us. But we must begin to see, that religions, and science, must reunify, so that we may “pound our swords into plowshares, and our spears into pruning hooks, and neither shall we learn war, anymore”.

I look forward to hearing from you sometime.

May The Force be with you.

Piper Michael


A simple blacksmith, is what I have become. After years of technology and corporations, and years of going Galt and seeking The Truth behind The Veil. It all boils down to the original four elements, earth, air, fire and water, and how they can be the very basis of reality, and how reality was constructed. This is what the ancients believed, as spoken of by Hermes Trismagistus and other ancient sages. But, you see, it is not the ‘elements’ as we moderns would think, no, but the very FORCES that create the elements themselves.  Thus, the Forces of fire boils the waters(the Zero Point Energy), are blown by the air, to create the Chaos of the Universe, that becomes The ALL, Suns and Earths.

What in the hell am I talking about?  Look at the following simple graphic;


Ok, simple enough? Now compare to the ancient Ankh symbol of the ancient egyptians:


Now compare these two, to the vector forces model of the Unified Field of God:


Can you say; Oh My God.

God was the ultimate blacksmith… and His canvas will the subject of our next post; The AEther.

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Fire clay tablet II; The legendary Emerald tablet

Fire clay tablet II
The Legendary Emerald Tablet

(Books of the Original Instructions?)

Part 1; The Fire clay tablet
In part 1 we discussed the myth of the Hopi and other Indian tribes, concerning the prehistoric tablets of knowledge and the coming revealing of something called; The Fire Clay tablet. But like all things, God’s Time is His alone, for purposes none of us can see,but, apparently, in the Beginning, He gave us “Original Tablets”. That we might know, truly, what is good and what is evil, what is truth and what is lie, and what is Big Lie. This is given in many old tales, like the tablets of Moses, but those tablets were destroyed, and replaced by others, what pray tell, was on the Originals? But the Hebrews weren’t the only ‘tribe’ that was given some tablets. Now whether you believe in God, or extraterrestrials, it matters not, because all things had to be ‘created’ (despite what some scientists blather, you cannot get something from nothing), and certain of the created, it appears, always stick to these ‘Original Instructions’… like the Hopi and the Kachina, ‘Fallen Angels’ or ‘Extraterrestrials’ who taught them spirit things?

Tablets and Trees
Robert Ghostwolf was a modern Shaman who predicted that the Fire clay tablet would come to light in the near future, brought forth by a white man. It would be a tablet of knowledge so profound, that many would see the error of their ways, and change would come about through the unification of mankind because the truth of the Creators’ existence would become proven, and not a mystery as it is now. Curiously, the book of Revelation, also speaks about a time when, the “Mystery of God is finished” and about a time when the doubled edged sword proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord, an obvious symbol of truth being revealed. But why would truth need to be revealed, again, if the Bible is the Word of God? A conundrum that the orthodox answers with even deeper mysteries for something so simple and obvious. What the Lord taught ‘privately’, has become new again with the discovery of the Nag Hammadi codexes, curiously, just before a time of troubles.

Ghostwolf saw the structure of the tablet, a plus sign above a circle, with a negative sign below, the signs for positive and negative energy,  joined in the circle(the basis for cycles within reality).


But primitive Shamans do not know anything about energy, do they? Well, if the Universe itself is simply rock constructed from energy as Einstein said, the tablet becomes a scientific or mathematical representation of the 3 Primal Forces of Creation. It also reveals the Source of the Light that comes from atom bombs, as matter is converted to its component energies. The atom bomb releases the light of a thousand suns, and it is the highest visible manifestation of the Holy Spirit within matter, The ancient Secret in the Rocks. But the secret goes much deeper into the foundations of gravity itself… the following image, is a distillation of all of ancient philosophies of the Sacred 3 Primal Forces, perfectly symbolized by the Shaman’s symbols(we merely expanded them slightly for comprehension to show the Unified Field is the basis of  this tablet);


Ghostwolf said the inner meanings of the tablet was the important thing, that the Earth mother was holy because she was made from spirit energy, and all things therein were holy too. That the rocks of the Earth were not just rocks, but constructed from the duality of divine energies, the same as Men. This was the ultimate message, proof of our being ‘Created’ through the mathematical necessity of a creator force, and that the Earth was our cradle, but not our destiny, The Stars are. That for a civilization to grow to the next spiritual evolutionary level, beyond the simple Earth bound materialism and disrespecting of the Earth mother we have known for thousands of years, man, had to evolve into a space faring race in order to avoid the fate of this Earth and be able to take the next leap of evolutionary change(the entire message of the Emerald tablet, change being the force of creation).

The ‘Secret in the Rocks’, is the Key to the Divine, because the secret leads directly to the knowledge of the holy spirit energy within all things. The Secret of the AEther which is the Firmament of Enoch and the Waters of Genesis, is revealed by the dual relativities of Einstein, which leads directly to the Unified Field of God and the  Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil  as unification of multiple ancient philosophies and religions into The Ancient original religion of Oneness. A unified mathematical model and architectural construct of The Intelligent Design, left to us by the ancients, and that it is a good thing, not the evil thing promoted by preachers and their misinterpretations of a mere politically correct fragment of ancient scriptures called The Bible. But even The Bible has multiple versions and missing pieces between them.

The reason certain texts were chosen over others, was for the furtherance of power of the Holy Roman Empire,  that, to know the Source of good and evil reveals their own bad doctrines, and allows us to know ourselves, what is truly evil and what is the fruits of good and evil, our origins, and our ultimate destiny as the ‘Fallen’ Sons of God. But even the term ‘Fallen’ was misused, if you see the Gnosis, you and I, are Fallen because our spirit came from the highest Aeons, to Fall into the Darkness, and become More than we were through the process of suffering and overcoming evil which lives in The Darkness of the Material Universe. It is this darkness we must overcome, not simply as individuals, but as humanity.

For only if we know ourselves, and our destiny, can we unite all the tribes of mankind, and where the people are united, governments fall. In the prophecy of Isaiah where this phrase is found, it ends with “and neither shall they learn war, anymore.” If any thought is given to this, it is essential that all modern forms of government, money, and divided religions are eliminated before this could ever happen. And that implies, that only a Remnant of our current civilization will be left to carry out anything of the kind, and that would require a Cultural Memory. Especially if we are to retain enough knowledge of technology to provide a way to the stars, which, is the only way to insure the survival of the species…

Most Christians and others believe its because God will come down to Earth, but, if any more thought is given to it, and the Unified Field proves, is, that that is impossible because all of creation is dependent on God being God. That God is a force, the third force twisting everything together, the force that spins the light and dark energies into the chaos that is the Universe(s). And science, and God science agree on one concept, that all things are energy and that energy must come from ‘outside’ the known Universe. This precludes God from entering the Universe, because He IS The Universe. This is the purpose of The Messiah, the First Created Son, The Logos or The Word, He who manifests the Father’s Idea, and He who is manifested in physical body. But, in all our scriptures, He and God, do not want us waiting around for Him to show up, He expects us to be His hands of Justice. It is the only way justice can be done, Isaiah was talking about MEN cleaning up the evil on the Earth, but men will manufacture any seemingly moral excuse to validate cowardice and apathy, these are the primary ‘doctrines of devils’ that allow evil to succeed by men doing nothing.

The biggest part of this prophetic significance, from Enoch to the Revelation of John, and many others including the Hopi, was the elimination of the Source of Evil, the Head of Gold, the power structures of land ownership and money creation tied to usury that has only one god; Mammon, and sees the Earth as merely a set of resources to be exploited until they are depleted. Thus this corporate system is seen as the result of the deeper prophetic interpretations of the Prophet Daniel in the statue of Nebuchadnezzar.  That the Rule of Gold is both the builder and destroyer of civilizations, and the only stability is the Golden Rule carried out by tribes and families, by eliminating central powers and wealth.

Thus the Rule of Gold, must be conquered by the Golden Rule. But first, all the people must see that Babylon is The System; centralized powers of money-government-religion, as One, each giving moral authority and materialistic justification to the other, the system invented in Babylon under the Rubric of Usury and fixed contracts of debt, Babylon’s greatest invention. People must come to the knowledge, that Power can only be powerful by the tools of ignorance and division, we give them the Power because we want “Kings to rule over us”(the lesson of Samuel and Saul is largely overlooked and marginalized, like the prophecies of Daniel, because they oppose the Powerful and give power to truth). Thus the method being to ‘turn the tables’ on the money changers, by going ‘into the wilderness’, which means, leave The System. Many are waking up to this thought, today, witness the great anger building in the world, yet the Elite are clueless.

Thus we live in a land of lies, promoted by those with a vested interest in the tools of power, and a more spiritual society is the victim of materialism. But those who search for truth, know that materialism is only half of life, that leaves many empty and searching for the Meaning of Life. In a time when Knowledge is king, mere faith in ancient notions of a Mystery God, like all fairy tales of youth, are often discarded leaving a vacuum in the souls of men, yet men shortly discover that knowledge of material things is not enough to satisfy the yearning of his heart. But in this world, the Material man yearns only for material things, for the gratification of things is the only thing the Animal can ever understand.

And power is gained over our minds by the simple device of Mystery. That if we do not toe the line and ‘submit to Godly authority’, we will die and go to hell, forever. This is Babylon’s big stick, that makes you think they have ‘Divine Authority’ or the Divine Right of Kings. Preachers use The Bible verses however they want, to make you think whatever they want, because somewhere in there is a verse that backs up their opinion. In fact whole religions are based on just a single Bible verse, thus even Christianity becomes divided more and more by our own book. We argue over the silliest things because the Truth itself was divided, obscured in translation, and outright burned as heresy. We are all  reduced to a bubbling mass of feelings locked in apathy, unable to rise above complacency and materialism, while our anger at The System grows into a fiery furnace. The result of which, causes us to be divided politically by our minds and feelings, falling generally into the ‘approved’ ideologies, left and right.

There is no escape as a civilization, until the illusions of power and control are forged back together with the ‘Original Tablets’ on the anvil of reality by the hammer of truth. All things rely on the concept of heaven and hell, and our illusion of reality.  But like all things in this Universe, heaven and hell themselves are not so simple minded. There is no single ‘heaven’ or ‘hell’, as is even in your Bibles when Paul ascended to the third heaven, but his complete journey into the layers of the heavens, was deemed heresy by the church. There is so much missing or mistranslated from the original texts, that this is a subject for another day because it would take a lifetime. Suffice it to say, we are waking up from the slumber of acceptance, a wool we pull over our own eyes and allows the ‘spiritual wickedness in high places’, to rule over our minds.

Part 2; the Perennial Philosophy
There is a belief that the ancients held unusual scientific knowledge, of which only fragments remain today. This belief was held by many great philosophers and scientists who participated in the Enlightenment, the “scientific revolution” that ended The Dark Ages. The Dark ages was the result of the fall of Rome and the resulting power vacuum being filled by the Church, which pursued power through the destruction of knowledge by outlawing of books and philosophy. Though research by these men led to great discoveries, many were convinced that they were merely scratching the surface of an immense but lost pristine knowledge (Prisca sapientia) somehow reflected in the architecture and remains of ancient civilizations. Within the metaphysical and theosophic communities, there was something called the Perennial Philosophy, what could be termed a Universal Theology or Meta-Religious “Theory of Everything”. Today, these are merely subjects for laughter from our very sophisticated modern scholarly and scientific types, but remember, the Way of Knowledge is the way of imposing forgetfulness through outlawing books or authors, ridicule and confusing morality, changing the meaning and spelling of words, because only ignorance is compatible with Power. Thus, Truth is always the victim of power…

Aldous Huxley compiled an anthology of the world’s religious and mystic traditions which describes many features common to this “philosophy of philosophies.” In his preface, he defined it as follows:

Philosophia Perennis — . . . the meta-physic that recognizes a divine Reality substantial to the world of things and lives and minds; the psychology that finds in the soul something similar to, or even identical with, divine Reality; the ethic that places man’s final end in the knowledge of the immanent and transcendent Ground of all being — the thing is immemorial and universal. Rudiments of the Perennial Philosophy may be found among the traditional lore of primitive peoples in every region of the world, and in its fully developed forms it has a place in every one of the higher religions. — The Perennial Philosophy, p. vii – Aldous Huxley

Something that was ancient, even to ancient Greece;
“These teachings are, therefore, no novelties, no inventions of today, but long since stated, if not stressed; our doctrine here is the explanation of an earlier and can show the antiquity of these opinions on the testimony of Plato himself.”Plotinus, Enneads V. 1. 8

The foundation of a perennial philosophy, of a common denominator — rather, The highest common factor — that forms the basis of truth in the world’s many religious, philosophic, and scientific systems of thought, goes back tens of thousands of years at least, the archaeological record shows this, if you have spiritual ‘eyes that see’. The Roman statesman and philosopher Cicero, for example, speaking about the existence of the soul after death, mentions that not only does he have the authority of all antiquity on his side, as well as the teachings of the Greek Mysteries and of nature, but that “these things are of old date, and have, besides, the sanction of universal religion” (Tusc. Disp. I.12-14).

There has been a least one scientific experiment which supposedly ‘proved’ the existence of the soul. And, this experiment is ridiculed instead of repeated, this alone should reveal the mindset of the powerful, that; The Soul, must not(be allowed to) be, proven… it was shown that the soul weighs 21 grams. But, if you were to try to repeat it and confirm it, you would be attacked and ridiculed from all sides because you would be committing an ‘immoral’ act. It is not that your action would be immoral, no, it is the fact that you would be piercing the veil of Mystery they wrap themselves in. But in order to absolutely define a ‘soul’, one has to enter the realm of metaphysical science, and that means “God’s” Science, that we call; Hyperspace and Subspace, the truth of heaven and hell.

In such a realm of science then, one must first define the measuring parameters or variables  that can be ‘measured’ and can thus make calculations. For in any Godly Science, one must begin with Einstein because Everything is energy and movement in time, and then drag in whatever modern, or ancient knowledge, that fits the Equations of energy and time that fits a tri-space model(hyper/normal/subspace), because the precept of an energy based spacetime continuum, is, that the energy that powers everything, must, come from ‘outside’ the known Universe, and it must flow through the Universe, which implies a Source and a Sink of energy. This assumption has been proven to be true, by many confirming experiments of Special and General Relativity, including the most profound proof of all, the atomic bomb, which is nothing short of light squeezed out of rocks… (what the ancients called; The Secret in the Rocks), thus it should be obvious to even the least educated that the rocks of creation were made from hyper-dimensional light and ‘something else’.

Einstein was a man who never accepted a particle based universe, preferring to consider them the surface illusion above the Primal Forces. If this is so then, we must define what we call; Energy, that Einstein said was Bound or ‘frozen’ in constant movement in an eternal Now, within a dark spacetime, which is the basis of Time and the two relativities, that now must be reconciled with the L.E.T.( H.A. Lorentz’s 19th century Ether Theory).   So, what all this long windedness purports, is, before one can define a soul for proper analytical measurement, the material the soul is composed of must first be defined, which is; dark energy, The Key to all things. This is also the Key to understanding the concept of Heaven and Hell, that they are in harmonic layers, many heavens and many hells. In fact, the Middle layer, reality, is our reality, and is in fact, the top layer of hell, that is on the edge of The Bottomless pit, which leads to The Abyss, that ends in the lake of fire which consumes all things, The ultimate energy Sink.

Even the term; energy, under our current scientific understanding, is a fragmented and sometimes misunderstood concept. There are many mysteries of science, one of them is dark energy, revolving mainly around the concept of The Particle VS. The Forces (Or wave)  schools of thought within main stream physics. You see, even Science is divided around the concept of a particle that can also be a wave, or many waves combined, or a wave that becomes a particle. This is a mystery to them because they abandoned the concept of The Aether and ignore their eyes. They threw out the basic precept of Einstein, that, in order for General Relativity to be workable, an ‘Imponderable Aether’ must be present.  Science, threw out the Aether due to ‘failed’ experiments conducted in the 19th century(Michelson-Morley), and when Special Relativity was introduced, the concept of the Lorentz Aether was thought to be unneeded since ‘energy = matter’ was the basis of the theory. Science should build upon existing knowledge, not toss it out as babies who outgrow their rattles.

But this merely exposed the divided nature of the relativities with the new science of the Quantum, they saw the trees and thought they could ignore the forest. When science embraced the idea of ‘particles are everything’, they could not reconcile the energy basis of the universe, nor, the emergence of many mysteries at the quantum layer. These particles, it appeared, were spinning faster than light speed(The Stern-Gerlach experiment), and, were all connected together at a lower, more invisible layer below the ‘almost measurable’ particles(quantum ‘entanglement’).  The split between ‘classical’ physics and quantum physics has never been resolved, they cannot see that The Ancients Knowledge of The Aether resolves all their confusions. It is the pervasive nature of The Aether that should have been rethought instead of tossed out, reconciling quantum physics with general relativity, which would also reveal the mechanisms of special relativity and The Particles of matter having an ancient and internal structure of The Dual Vortex(a ‘wave’ that can also a be a ‘particle’, look upon the YinYang and see the structure of the smallest unit of matter).


This paradigm shift away from the idea of an Aether was a hundred years before the idea of ‘Dark’ energy came into their equations and models, and like the Imponderable Aether of General Relativity, dark energy is required for particles to BE, but is still essentially a mystery.  So called ‘Mainstream’ science went down the path of particles and ended up at something called; The God particle or Higgs boson. Which is the work being carried out at C.E.R.N. in Europe. But now, it has become obvious to the best thinkers, that the Higgs Boson is not ‘Causal’, or fundamental in the sense of being able to ‘unify’ or explain all known forces of matter and energy including gravity, magnetism, inertia and entropy.  All of these forces, are still, after over a hundred years of ‘advanced’ particle science, still, a mystery. When we add in connectedness or quantum entanglement of particles, the concept of an aether becomes irrefutable, if you are truly open minded. In our theory of the Unified Field of God, once they break through the Higgs layer, they will simply find more and bigger things that scare the hell out of them, because that is the doorstep they will land on. They will go down the rabbit hole deeper and deeper until they find a micro black hole at the center of every atom, and their minds will split. It is the only logical result of a dark aether, because you break into subspace, and the Source of the dark energy.

Fundamentally then, there can be no matter without energy, and a large portion of this energy must be dark, or invisible(so called Super-symmetry). Scientists already have the foundation of a unified theory of everything, they have eyes, but refuse to see because the implications of dark energy means, a ‘dual’ energy universe. Thus, since ‘energy’ comes from ‘outside’ the known universe, science, in order to accept this, must acknowledge the concept of a hyper-dimensional  ‘Creator’. This cannot be seen as the religious concept of God because of the inherent unfairness of religions, but must be seen as a third Force of Nature that contains and imposes Torsion(twist/spin) on those energies, because the reality of energy is that it is always in motion, dynamic, and also, spinning in three dimensions. The result of this third force is a universe of spinning yet lopsided vortexes, that can be quantum tops(the lopsided particle of the Unified Field of God), orbitals, and Suns, that are the only visible objects in the unending darkness of spacetime.

The Entanglement of The Infinities
Quantum Entanglement is a property of matter, which says, that individual particles of matter, can be connected at a distance. That what you do to one, happens to the other, if this is so, then hyper-luminal energy transfer is also proven. If all things are energy, then, and energy cannot be destroyed, only converted from one form into another, usually from concentrated to diffuse, then this gives the foundation not only of the Universe itself, but of the Foundation of the Souls of Men, that like energy, cannot be destroyed, merely converted to a more diffuse ‘bound’ pattern.

There is an overwhelming thought in one of Plato’s Dialogs( The Symposium (§202-4), that love is the midway point between ignorance and wisdom, the mediator between humans and the gods, and that through love we attain spiritual understanding. St. Paul, spoke of love in one of the most beautiful passages of the Bible: that even if he could speak all the languages of men and angels, and did not have love, he would be as sounding brass and tinkling cymbal; and even had he the prophetic gift and knew all the mysteries of life and had faith to move mountains, but had no love, he would be as nothing — an homage to his Lords’s commandment, that “ye love one another as I have loved you.”

This idea is put forth in Buddhism as the ideal human being, the Bodhisattva who is “awakened” to the Reality behind life’s illusions, who is said to possess a “great loving heart.” and has arrived at the “other shore” of enlightenment guided and strengthened by perfecting in himself the two most important virtues in Buddhist philosophy, karuna and prajna, “love” and “discriminating wisdom” born of altruism.

This perfect person is The Elect, that is opposite of The Elite.
In the Hebrew Kabbalah, the final desires of the soul that lead to seeking either spiritual truth or seeking power and control over others are manifested in the two archetypes, master of spirit and master of animal. One the direction towards the Light, the other the direction towards the darkness, The Way of Spirit or The Way of Materialism. There is little disagreement that The Elite run The World, and The Elect are all but unknown, would the world be a different place if the reverse were true?

Even the Christian concept of The Elect is talked about in the Bible, but as all things of modern Christianity, it is confused and divided by individual doctrines and denominations because the original meanings were destroyed in order to create the “New Narrative for peasants”(Origen) of the Holy Roman Church. Are The Elect, simply, those who have ‘awakened’ to this disturbing reality of Duality? That the church has become ‘old dry bones’, and many souls seek a higher truth while the church experiences a ‘Great Falling away’? Is this because many have evolved beyond the ‘mystery’ of churchmen, the unconscionable fairy tales and conflicting doctrines that support materialism, division and centralized authority?

How can religions of God, that purport to worship the same deity, be so different? Do modern souls seek something more spiritual, more… provably divine? Has modern man outgrown fairy tales? Is there a higher truth than; pledge allegiance to Jesus in public, be good, be prosperous, pay your taxes and tithes, and you’ll get a free ticket to heaven no matter what evil you do as long as you are sorry? Did Jesus say these things, or have His words been misrepresented, twisted all out of context? Did Jesus teach that the universe is a mystery, or something else? How could we know if The Church destroyed all the ‘private’ teachings and called them; Heresy?

Are The Elect those who know that there are more things in heaven and Earth, than are hidden by the Churchians? Is there something missing in a ‘faith’, that has caused divisions, arguments, denominations, persecutions, and even… ‘Just’ wars of genocide and conversion of barbarians ‘in the name of God’? Is there an even higher purpose of spiritual knowledge than simple ‘redemption’? If we knew how the Universe truly worked, would that make any difference in the behaviors of men and societies?

Shadows of The Ancients
Before science and spirit were divorced by the Catholic church, the Perennial Philosophy was spread across the Earth in fragments and ancient myths with only a shadow of some even more ancient common origin. The foundation of the Christian trinity, the yin-yang-tao of the East, the Shiva-Vishnu-Brahma of the Hindu, the God of Forces in the Hebrew book of Daniel, the Original Tablets or Instructions of the Hopi, the idea of the Sacred 3 Primal Forces of Creation, it appears, goes back into prehistory thousands of years. The concept of the ‘Pure Divine Knowledge’ or Perennial Philosophy, seems to converge as history becomes more ancient, and the myths and legends become more distant.

It appears, there was a time before recorded history, when religion and science, were one and the same, not divorced as they are today. But today, men’s desire for truth has grown with his increased knowledge, however, religion doesn’t satisfy and science is uncaring about what it cannot measure. Men have evolved, spiritually in knowledge, beyond the current paradigms, they seek truth, because they know inherently, in their soul, the truth will set them free in more ways than one… physically, spiritually, economically, culturally. In fact, truth, to be truth, must be all those things, integrated as One, not fragmented, not divided, not in conflict, truth is unity, and unity is joy.

This is the reason why we call The Book of Secrets of Enoch, the Holy Grail, because it is the ultimate container of ancient wisdom that lays the foundation and reveals the origin of the Sacred 3 Primal Forces behind the stories, myths and legends. It provides a textual format written in a form that survived the purges of authorities, and like the Dead sea scrolls, was buried in ancient times, hidden away until our time, and Revealed for our time by Serendipity. It provides an ancient Key to the fragmentary evidence scattered around the globe in archaeological digs, ancient documents, and pagan dogma. One of those ancient clues, and pieces of rubble was called; The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismagistus, which was probably a distillation of The Hermetica.

Isn’t it curious, that such proven ancient texts are ridiculed by modern authority, especially Christian authority? It is because they bound themselves to the Doctrine of Mystery and do not have Knowledge of The Key contained within The Holy Grail. A knowledge that is the key to the ancient “Secret in the Rocks”, of which, Einstein’s relativities and quantum science is only a hint of the ultimate hidden truths above and below our reality. That we, our body and soul, are composed of energy, and energy can never be destroyed, only converted or transmuted to another form. In short, we are eternal beings trapped in a decaying prison of flesh that can only ‘die’ in something called The Second Death, the death or consumption of our personal energy pattern. Our ultimate destination depends not simply on our ‘sins’, but on our deepest desires, we are drawn towards that thing that we love, either light or dark.

What is science and religion? They both speak about the same thing, and have a common definition, at least at the highest level. They can both be defined as; The understanding of man, his place in the Universe, and how it all works. Did modern man lose something when science was outlawed by the Catholic church? Did the ancients have anything to add to our modern understandings? Did we lose anything when the great library of Alexandria was burned, and ten thousand years of ancient knowledge went up in flame? Doesn’t all of mankind lose when knowledge of any kind is destroyed? The Church destroyed the best part of us, when it created a materialistic religion, that destroys and ridicules spiritual knowledge while giving moral authority to tyrants and the very enemies of mankind. We are still suffering from the Dark ages caused by their outlawing of knowledge itself.

Has modern western civilization lost a part of its soul? Has it lost its way, when it decided on the religion of Mammon/Materialism, which worships money and pays lip service to God. It results in the Faustian bargain of always having to have something new, never being satisfied, never able to get it right and keep it that way, to never know peace or tranquility. Throwing traditions out the window every generation or so, including confusing the difference between becoming educated, or gaining a credential? Can we have context without history? Can we grow wise without a sense of who we were, where we’ve been, what mistakes we’ve made, without repeating those same mistakes over and over? Are our children better off being indoctrinated by political ideology, rather than educated in reality? Are our future societies better off by abandoning reality, and substituting political fantasies? Hasn’t history shown the folly of abandoning knowledge regardless of whether it is deemed ‘good’ or ‘bad’? How does one learn the truth, with only half the story? How can one know good, without knowing evil? Is western civilization and Christianity the only arbiter of good and evil? Then how is it, that their definitions change with the times?

But this phenomena is not new, in fact, we are caught in the trap of our own ignorance of what was, only to repeat it. Witness the current madness of crowds that seeks to destroy the confederate battle flag and all the monuments to brave men. The confederacy was not about slavery, even many southerners thought it was outmoded and an abomination, the institution would have passed into history without a war, eventually. No, that war was instigated by the north because the federal government received 2/3rds of its tax revenues from southern planters and the export tariffs on cotton. The northern industrialists wanted that cotton for a cheap price.  But, history, as they say, is written by the victors, and the victors needed slavery as a ’cause de jeure’ in order to rally the north against the south because the south was winning…

What sort of children would we have today, if they had been brought up on Plato, Aristotle and Aristophanes, Virgil and Dante, and Shakespeare and the greatest literary work of all time, the Bible. A book that was banned from American schools along with God and morality, which shows as well as anything why America has become nothing more than a giant capitalist racket. When we stopped teaching history and philosophy, we began the process of decay of the mind, which has now become a political and moral decay into a society of ‘feelings’, and feelings are a lousy way to measure and deal with reality. That is the Left leg of ideology and the sticky clay of emotions, that keeps the Head of Gold in power. The Left, or the Ideology of Envy, moved into the vacuum, and the rest as they say, is history.

Feelings are the tools of animals, and maybe that’s what the Bible refers to when it speaks of a ‘Beast’ system. When fantasy feelings and political correctness overcome the Mind, the sticky clay of emotions conquering the iron minds. Was this what Daniel was ultimately referring to with his interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s statue with the head of gold? Daniel said we would not know what the prophecies truly meant, until the Time of the End. Just on the surface of history, we can see where our tribe has built great civilizations, and then went crazy and tore it all down, just to start over again. Is this the cycle of men, or simply men who have lost their Original Instructions, and succumbed to The Reality matrix? Do we even remember what the reality matrix is?

No, unfortunately, we threw that away too, when we burned the ancient knowledge as being ‘witchcraft’. The knowledge of Enoch and Hermes, the foundations of God’s science and religion, which are One Thing, the Ultimate ‘revealed’ knowledge of creation, our Original Instructions, the ‘Revealed Tablets of Knowledge’.  But all of these are just words as long as The Rule of Gold, the Statue with the Head of Gold remains ‘in charge’, because people will have to struggle harder to live, because The System of Usury forces you to earn money in order to live and to pay taxes on land you supposedly ‘own’. But preachers will say “doesn’t everybody need money my son”? It is not seen as ‘evil’ per se, simply because ‘that’s the way it is’. And it has, it has been this way for thousands of years, as each manifestation of civilization, is always run by the rich and powerful, and the peons under them, love money and will do whatever it takes to make it. This in and of itself is not evil, it is necessary for men to work in order to eat.  What is evil, and wrong, is also the most secret part of The System; Where does The Money come from, who ‘owns’ it, and ‘rents’ it out to us at ‘USURY’?

This ‘false’ or fiat bank money, causes prices to go up faster than wages, as we have seen in the last 30 years. Simply because they are allowed to write bad checks, legally, and with that power they can control markets. Only rich men love higher prices, and their system is designed to do just that, at our expense.  Is there anyone alive who thinks what our standard of living today, is better than it was 30 or 40 years ago? Then I call you a liar, or an Elite banker or sycophant of the Elite, because I was alive in those times, and today is foreshadow of even worse times. Simply because, the math doesn’t lie and the population continues to climb. But if we were a spiritual society, and not a materialistic society, then there would not be so much wasted resources, because the things of Earth would be seen as holy, to be preserved for all the generations, not just rocks and dirt to be exploited for profits and polluted because it is cheaper to pollute than it is to clean up our own messes.

This idea of money, comes from Babylon in two forms, in the mind or in the hand, bank credit or physical money.  Bank credit is a thing of the mind without heart, that sees but cannot reveal, that it alone knows the vagaries of life, the meaning of seasons, the trouble life itself is, and the trouble it brings, will always, always, deliver wealth into the hands of any man who holds a fixed contract of debt above your head. This is why God told us not to have a money based in Usury/Interest, because everybody loses, except the Owners of Capital. But preachers ignore the very lessons in the Bible they don’t want to hear, and push lessons that are personal, between men and God. Instead of integration of knowledge, they promote division, ignorance and play mind controller, leaving liberty in the dirt.

This alone, was, and is, the Basis of civilizations since the time of Babylon. Until in our time it could be said, that Babylon the Great, a great global Babylon, is the Dark Horse of Revelation, and The Beast being ridden by The Mother of Harlots, the Church riding The System of Mammon, named; Babylon… Money, government, religion, as One, for the benefit of The Elite. They love it because it is a clever System that gives them legitimacy, since the time of Babylon, he who has the gold, made the Rules. Thus; The Money/Government/Religious System itself, IS, Babylon, The System of Mammon and Anti-Christ.  The System then, must, must, destroy anything that is a counter idea to the idea of materialism, that; either you can see it and measure it, or its religious superstitious hogwash, go away. Their version of ‘god’ gives full forgiveness for destroying people, and the Earth, as long as they ask nicely. They give out free tickets to paradise, and go on their merry way doing ‘Gods work’ by destroying nations.

What if, a science of God was discovered, through hints hidden in the bowels of ancient books. Books that have been revealed by serendipity, out of the sands of time, revealed again, to us, in this time, no longer Forbidden, and they reveal, the ‘Secret in the Rocks’, that, there is, a measurable piece of God in a rock. A secret that resolves a mysterious phenomena of physics never solved until now. It is a secret that reveals that you, me, the Earth, Sun and Stars, are all part of the Universal AEtheric Oneness. It is a knowledge that reveals the stars and planets do have an influence over us, oh my God, the Occultists were right? Call in the Dogs, its witchcraft. Our minds being stuck in both the 4th and the 21st centuries…

Modern mainstream science and religion, both, purport to be the ‘authoritative’ seekers of universal and absolute truth, but, it appears they are merely defenders of the modern paradigms of materialism, mystery, and above all, bank and corporate profits. The material paradigm, or the ancient paradigm of ‘darkness’, controls all things in this world. It even has its own name; Mammon, the god of materialism which is concentrated power in the form of money, because money will buy you any material thing. This societal programming can be seen by the response of ‘authority’ to anything of a ‘metaphysical’ bent. We are programmed by society itself, to ridicule anything that doesn’t fit the modern norms. We are programmed to only see what can be seen with the eyes, and anything else, is a ‘joke’…

In the ancient world, religion and science were one thing combined, designed to reveal universal truth, and metaphor was the tool used to hide the mysteries from society at large, because society at large is scared of anything they don’t understand. In the ancient world, there were public teachings in the temples of ‘The Gods’, and the deeper mysteries were taught to ‘seekers’ in private, but the authorities of all times have no use for anything but their own agendas. Even today, like yesterday, people are suspicious of science, as they were of ‘occultism’ long ago. Even today down in the deepest part of their souls, some people still think scientists are dealing with things they shouldn’t be. Maybe they’re right, when you stop to consider what modern man has done with his science. If I were to say, that my research into the “Power of Darkness”, has led to the mathematical proof of God’s existence, you would say I was mad, and then, you would say I am deceived by devils. If I were to invent some new technological device, based on ancient alchemy, there are many who would consider it the fruit of the demon. People still think like this, today. The quest for ultimate truth, has always been at war with the fearful and ignorant, especially those who gain money and become powerful.

Can ancient alchemy lend assistance on our quest for truth? It can, if it can be seen in its true light, in the Light of the Ancient Magi, the philosophy of the Magi who visited Jesus. But when you begin to speak in such metaphors, meanings become clouded, you are accused of talking in ‘mixed metaphors’, by those who have little understanding. Many of the modern metaphors, are ancient in the extreme, but, culturally biased, depending on whether you are of western, eastern, or other cultures.

The Sun is one such ancient metaphor, a symbol of The Holy Light. But to say that the Sun symbol, a ball of light, could also be an ancient symbol for the Holy Spirit, is laughed at by Christians because the Holy Spirit is a ‘mystery’ and its symbol is a ‘dove’. They don’t understand, it was deliberately converted into a mystery to satisfy the new narrative designed at the creation of the Church, that of the Mystery Doctrine and the Deity of Jesus. The new Trinity, that was directly copied from the ancient Triads, or Sacred 3. The Sacred 3, was the foundation of ancient pagan philosophy, and a basis of Alchemy, which was supposed to reveal the workings of the universe. The Dove is a symbol of this, as we have seen it in the following symbol, where the Holy Spirit, the Voice of God(Pi, the Circle), is connected to the Imp of Darkness, the I or Impedance of energy;

holysymbolThis was also symbolized by the Egyptians, as the Ankh;


What the catholic church did, was cherry pick from ancient scriptures to redesign the entire universe from a philosophy/scientific one based on cause and effect, to a magic/mystery one based on crime and punishment. From a promise of a higher purpose of spiritual evolution and ultimate inheritance of a loving creator, to a simple heaven or hell based in a universe of God and devil, intelligent forces became vague ‘entities’. From an ultimate destiny of divine inheritance, to a vague sense of redemption for sins. From a spiritual awareness of all things being Holy, to being cut off from the divine purpose and thinking of reality as merely something to use. From the idea that a rock contained something of the divine, to the idea that a rock was just a rock. From a Universe based on the God of Forces, to a Universe of Rocks. From the knowledge that we are Eternal Beings trapped in physical bodies, to the idea of the physical bodies being the beginning of life, and the Soul being something vague, instead of our connection to our true higher self.

The Christian Trinity was a redesign of the Sacred 3 primal forces, only it was designed for the purpose of deifying Jesus and hiding reality, not revealing it. If you tell a Christian, that Daniel’s “God of Forces”, was the same pagan ‘Sacred 3 Forces’, you will get ridiculed. If you show that the ancient magi, the occultists, Gnostics, philosophers and even astrologers, were trying to seek the truth of creation and man’s origins and destiny, they will call you a devil worshiper. If you tell them that the Magi knew that Jesus was the Manifestation of the First Begotten Son of God, come to reveal our own divine source from above, you will get attacked if you say we are all the sons of God. All this shows is that too many of us, in too many ways, still think in 4th century terms. What the Church did, was throw mankind backwards over a thousand years, and we are still trying to catch up to the elimination of superstition, with logic and reason.

This is what science purports to do, but, they have chosen the path of materialism and atheism as a backlash to the persecutions of the Church. To them, God, or primal forces, can have no part in their creating their god in a particle. Thus, as Einstein said; Religion is blind, and science is lame, and men, have no where to turn for understanding this gnawing need in their souls for universal truth. Mankind has thus gone down the path of materialism, again, and again, built up a great civilization, that is now falling back into the immorality of material lusts and feelings based ideologies that spread into all areas of life, and mankind screams for truth. For it is only when we combine science and religion, at the nexus of ancient knowledge, do we arrive at the Holy Grail we call the Unified Field of God. And its proof is shown by the Secret of the Rocks. Which is curious, since the ancient revealers of knowledge, were called the “People of the Knowledge of the stones”.

Part of this process of destroying our ‘revealed knowledge’, is the lack of understanding or foundation in metaphor, which leads to the fear of anything ‘occult’ sounding, and thus we have many vague sounding modern interpretations of what is known as; The Emerald Tablet. Could the Unified Field of God reveal the science of a creator’s intelligent design behind the metaphors of an ancient tablet of stone? Could an ancient tablet, hold more meaning, more truth, than modern science or religion? Only if you understand the language of metaphor and symbols, and the foundation of alchemy was once called the Pure Knowledge, what the Hopi called our Original Instructions, and what the scholars call; The Perennial Philosophy. Were the Tablets of Moses, given by the hand of God, part of our Original Instructions? Methinks the tablets were a story about an even older set of tablets, maybe those given to Enoch, which Moses would have known about being brought up in the Temples of Egypt. It is also obvious, that Moses had knowledge of Enoch, if you see that Genesis contains the same stories of ‘fallen angels’ in a very redacted form. Whether these were angels, aliens or hyper-dimensional entities, does it really matter, since it is obvious that civilization itself sprung up out of the mud, and somehow, had a little leg up?

Alchemy was not the simplistic quest to turn lead into gold, or to find the Philosophers stone and thus immortal life, no, that is what it degenerated into. Originally it was to seek the ultimate truth of man and the soul, its source and destination, its sojourn in reality and how that reality worked. It was about immortal life, in several ways, the broken world, and broken souls. It was to find the Original Instructions, repair man, and prepare man for immortal life as a Son of the Creator. Isn’t it odd, that today, we find that man has a ‘broken’ DNA, and if it wasn’t for certain defects in it, man could live forever? Is this indication of a deliberate fiddling with our basic ‘instructions’, that condemns us to lives that are nasty, brutish and short?

What things could man achieve, if but he had the longest life imaginable, able to learn and create for thousands of years, to actually remember the times of Christ, what changes would be wrought in history if men simply remembered their history because it was a part of them and not some fable, myth or legend? Would men become as gods, and is that the ultimate meaning of biblical and scriptural texts, that say the world is broken, and only through advanced spiritual knowledge would it eventually be repaired? Or would it be a battle with the religious forces of fear?

One of the ancient source documents we have available, is called The Emerald Tablet, supposedly containing the Secret of the Universe. If we examine this document, with the right eye of metaphor, then what we find, is another confirmation of the Holy Grail of Enoch, and the Sacred 3 ‘Primal Forces’ as the foundation of all the ancient ‘pagan’ philosophy religions, as One. But the overriding metaphor is the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil, being properly seen as the life creating assistant powers of God, otherwise known as; The Elohim, or The Family of God. So the question is asked, if you were God, would you not delegate most of the work of creating? This is the essence of the pagan religions, an understanding of the Universe, not simply blind faith.

In this, Christianity stands apart, then, as the only true ‘Mystery’ religion of the universe formed by magic and not scientific principles. Sadly, modern discoveries of buried ancient Gnostic texts, show that Jesus taught the Gnosis or Divine Knowledge ‘privately’, but it was not fully understood or accepted by all the disciples. This is revealed by the early days of the church, before Rome created the Catholic, or Universal Church and its Holy Roman Empire. There is a good reason why Jesus taught the Gnosis privately, because most people want to live their lives in ignorance, and, the authorities of this world attack anything that reveals too much spiritual truth. Even today, some people are honest enough to admit that they prefer ignorance of a universe that scares them, thus many were not deemed worthy because the teachings would be casting “pearls before swine”.

It is only in the modern age, that Christianity has partially succumbed to a science it had viciously put down in the previous era when it outlawed philosophy and single handedly created the Dark ages and threw mankind backwards a thousand years or more. When the Library of Alexandria was burned, because it was a pagan temple, it is said that over ten thousand years of accumulated knowledge went up in flames. The Catholic’s primary crime was converting the concept of reality into a Crime and Punishment mystery universe, instead of a Universe of Cause and Effect created out of love.

If there was ever a crime against humanity, this was it, the imposition of; The Babylonian Mystery doctrine or Imposed Superstition. The Christian however, twists ‘mystery’ as the pagan religions, the mysteries of occultism, and anything that isn’t ‘Christian’. Anything that isn’t Christian is seen as witchcraft, sorcery, and occultism, without any knowledge of what those words meant, they are just things you don’t want to be exposed to because “the Bible says so”, without any knowledge of the history of the bible, its many mistranslations and misinterpretations, editing, and outright destruction of many books deemed ‘heretical’ by The Authorities.

To those who think this is only ‘ancient history’, consider the concept of evolution. The church fought against it in the early 20th century, and still fights it to this day. If you don’t believe that, ask yourself why the Church still maintains the office of the Grand Inquisitor? Also, there are still those who argue that the Universe is only six thousand years old, despite rational and logical evidence to the contrary. But nothing is certain in science either, for there is also fossil evidence that man walked with dinosaurs, despite the modern ‘linear’ idea that man is only a relative few thousand years old. Despite this idea, there is also archaeological and written evidence, that man, or something like man, was around thousands of years before generally recognized and had achieved a higher civilized state, maybe even more than we enjoy today.

Did man spring up out of the mud, into civilized cities, and created scientific methods of alchemy and astrology, or is it more likely, that these ‘ancient’ philosophies were mere shadows of knowledge of creation that was even more ancient? The stories from Enoch and other sources, even archaeological sources, say that man was instructed in the arts of alchemy and astrology by Fallen Angels, ‘other worldly’ people, that were also called the People of the Knowledge of the stones. Whether extra-dimensional angel, extra-terrestrial alien, or perhaps, hyper-dimensional entities?, we can not know. Those who built the ancient stone structures that are over ten thousand years old( it is revealed, but not widespread knowledge, that the stone around the Sphinx has water erosion, showing that it was eroded by rain, but Egypt has been a desert for more than ten thousand years…) had a purpose in building them, and it was not a simple tomb, but a way of concentrating the energies of creation in a geometric configuration to match the spiritual geometry of Pi, to form a gateway to the Light of God.

Archaeological scholars see the symbol of the Sun in these great stone edifices, because they do not have eyes that see, the Sun symbol is the symbol for the Holy Light of God, the Holy Spirit. We have lost the foundational principles of the symbols, and have no basis for understanding these ancient things, so they have made up stories about gateways to the stars, and fantastic power generators, and alien landing pads, anything, to keep God out of it and keep the mystery in it. Mystery, is man’s shield against the darkness, the immense and overwhelming reality of cosmic chaos. Mystery is also the way of the authorities, in defending the paradigm of profits and monetary misery that runs the world.

Mystery then, in the sense of the ancients, being simply, a way of hiding the secrets OF AUTHORITY or from authority. In this, it was an ancient form of the Holy Joke, something real, yet at the same time, not real, depending on who was doing the seeing. The Magi, and ancient practitioners of The Mysteries, drew upon alchemical, astrological, philosophical, and ultimately, scientific principles as the basis underlying their form of mysteries. Even Christ’s private Gnostic teachings, appear to align perfectly with Hermes, when the proper translation of the metaphors is understood. This is the value of the Grail of Enoch, it can see through the mysteries by the simple understanding of the Sacred 3 forces, in particular, for our reality, an understanding of the Force of Darkness, The Firmament of Enoch, and the Waters of Genesis, which is also called, The Imponderable Aether of Einstein’s General Relativity and the Dark energy of Quantum physics.

But to fearful men, both ancient and modern, this ‘darkness’, is always a mere entity of evil, they don’t understand it is a necessary component of reality, and people always fear what they don’t understand. The Darkness is what gives hardness to the light energy of the Universe through the process of magnetic torsion at the atomic level. Science, would say this is crazy, because it is hidden from their eyes. They have been looking for the magnetic ‘monopole’ for almost a hundred years, it doesn’t exist, they are still caught in their particle illusion, they refuse to understand Einstein and Hermes, Enoch and Moses, Tesla and Bohm, that Force, and not Particle, is the Cause of Creation.

But to recognize this, they would have to recognize a Hyper-Dimensional Intelligence, some call God. The reason knowledge of the Primal Forces was important enough to survive the ages, was because God Himself gave us our original instructions in order that we would understand the Universe and could eliminate fear of the unknown, and find joy. But the only way to find joy, is to find ourselves, and to find ourselves, we must understand The Source and Destination of Souls and to know that, we must know How it all works.

The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus
The origins of Western alchemy can be traced back to Hellenistic Egypt, in particular to the city of Alexandria. One of the most important characters in the mythology of alchemy is Hermes Trismegistus (Hermes the Thrice-Great). The name of this figure is derived from the Egyptian god of wisdom, Thoth and his Greek counterpart, Hermes. The Hermetica, which is said to be written by Hermes Trismegistus, is generally regarded as the basis of Western alchemical philosophy and practice. In addition, Hermes Trismegistus is also believed to be the author of the Emerald Tablet.

The Emerald Tablet is said to be a tablet of emerald or green stone inscribed with the secrets of the universe. The source of the original Emerald Tablet is unclear, hence it is surrounded by legends. The most common legend claims that the tablet was found in a cave tomb under the statue of Hermes in Tyana, clutched in the hands of the corpse of Hermes himself. Another legend suggests that it was the third son of Adam and Eve, Seth, who originally wrote it. Others believed that the tablet was once held within the Ark of the Covenant, as one of the ‘Original Tablets’. Some even claim that the original source of the Emerald Tablet is none other than the fabled city of Atlantis. It is possible, that it was all those things, considering the time lines involved, it could have been passed down, from Seth, to Atlantis, to ancient Egypt where Moses could have been a student of Hermes at the Library of Alexandria.


An artist’s impression of the Emerald Tablet. Photo source: Wikimedia.

While various claims have been made regarding the origins of the Emerald Tablet, as yet, no verifiable evidence has been found to support them. The oldest documented source of the Emerald Tablet’s text is the Kitab sirr al-haliqi (Book of the Secret of Creation and the Art of Nature), which was a composite of earlier works. This was an Arabic book written in the 8th century A.D., and attributed to a ‘Balinas’ or Pseudo-Apollonius of Tyana. It is Balinas who provides us with the story of how he discovered the Emerald Tablet in the tomb of Hermes. Based on this Arabic work, some believe that the Emerald Tablet was an Arabic work written between the 6th and 8th centuries A.D., rather than a piece of work from Antiquity, as many have claimed.

While Balinas claimed that the Emerald Tablet was written originally in Greek, the original document that he purportedly possessed no longer exists, if indeed it existed at all. Nevertheless, the text itself quickly became well known, and has been translated by various people over the centuries. For instance, an early version of the Emerald Tablet also appeared in a work called the Kitab Ustuqus al-Uss al-Thani (Second Book of the Elements of the Foundation), which is attributed to Jabir ibn Hayyan. It would, however, take several more centuries before the text was accessible to Europeans. In the 12th century A.D., the Emerald Tablet was translated into Latin by Hugo von Santalla.


A reconstruction of what the Emerald Tablet is believed to have looked like by the International Alchemy Guild. Image source.

The Emerald Tablet would become one of the pillars of Western alchemy. It was a highly influential text in Medieval and Renaissance alchemy, and probably still is today. In addition to translations of the Emerald Tablet, numerous commentaries have also been written regarding its contents. For instance, a translation by Isaac Newton was discovered among his alchemical papers. This translation is currently being held in King’s College Library in Cambridge University. Other notable researchers of the Emerald Tablet include Roger Bacon, Albertus Magnus, John Dee and Aleister Crowley.

The interpretation of the Emerald Tablet is not a straightforward matter, as it is after all a text of ancient metaphors. And like the textual renditions of metaphors in scholarly translations of the symbols on the pyramids and other ancient stones, the scholars have the symbols right, but the meanings all wrong. This is because they usually come from a biased world view of materialism. Anything that is not material, unseen, is ridiculed or mistranslated into materialistic or modern ideas like the sun symbol. But there are true seekers, who seek to find the meanings behind the symbols, so they lapse into religious and esoteric explanations of ancient mysterious teachings. They are right, and wrong, in the sense of merely repeating the ancient Holy Joke, a joke that has no meaning to modern men, and very little usefulness to modern science.

Ultimately, ancient philosophy, the Emerald tablet, alchemy, astrology, and other disciplines of the Magi(a generic term used here to simply give the proper name to ancient philosophers), were about understanding creation and man, and being able to manipulate it and make use of it, the very definition of science. But, to tell a scientist that an ancient alchemical document, contained the Theory of Everything within it, would only be met, at best, by stares, and usually nothing but ridicule.

To say that the Emerald Tablet, could have been a tablet of the Creators children given to man in the beginning, as the Original Instructions of the Native American spiritual traditions, the tablets of Earth, Air, Fire, and water, and that these instructions, could be ancient in the extreme, likewise, would be met by ridicule. But, if it could be proved, by modern scientific methods, that all these tablets of knowledge that were left by the “People of the Knowledge of the stones”, that built impossible to build ancient stone edifices, whose origins were lost in the mists of time, what form, could such a ‘proof’ take?

It could be the very Secret of the Rocks, the oldest mystery of science, that; energy can be squeezed out of rocks, and big rocks rise above little rocks, and reveals the secret of the Universe, that God’s fingerprints are in the very structure of the Universe if you have ‘eyes that see’. It could also lie in the remaining mysterious phenomena of physics and electromagnetism. If God left His fingerprints on creation, where would it live, in what is revealed in particle accelerators, or what is hidden in the rocks?

But, let us first see what others say about the Emerald Tablet, with two translations and interpretations…

The Emerald Tablet
By Eloise Hart

“As above, so below” is part of a declaration engraved on the Emerald Tablet of Hermes. While the origins of this tablet are lost to us, its ideas are said to have been derived from the Mystery-tradition of Thoth, the Egyptian god of wisdom whom the Greeks called Hermes Trismegistus, the “Thrice Greatest.” Over the centuries these teachings have inspired the production of great works of art and science, never revealed (the Degenerate form of) the formula by which ordinary metal can be transmuted into gold and(The Original Instruction) to turn human nature into divinity through understanding.

While the statement “As above, so below” may seem obvious, its applications and the wisdom and wonders it involves are concealed within the full declaration:

It is true, no lie, certain to be depended upon: What is below is like that which is above, and what is above is similar to that which is below, to accomplish the wonders of one thing. As all things were produced by the mediation of one being, so all things were produced from this one by adaptation. Its father is the sun, its mother is the moon. It is the cause of all perfection throughout the whole earth. Its power is perfect if it is changed into earth. Separate the earth from the fire, the subtle from the gross, acting prudently and with judgment. Ascend with the greatest sagacity from the earth to heaven, and then descend again to earth, and unite together the power of things inferior and superior; thus you will possess the light of the whole world, and all obscurity will fly away from you. This thing has more fortitude than fortitude itself, because it will overcome every subtle thing and penetrate every solid thing. By it the world was formed.

Here we are told that what is above and its reflections below are productions of one thing or being. Thus there is no essential difference between opposites such as what is superior and what is inferior, between heaven and earth, past and present, young and old. Each is part of one being, follows the same laws and patterns of behavior, and draws strength from the same source.

Reflecting upon these ideas from “below” (from the vehicular, material side of being), or from “above” (from the spiritual), we discover that at every state in the process of evolutionary unfoldment, the qualities within/above are expressed outwardly. And that every living being, ourselves included, is a “treasure-house” of potential virtue and wisdom which can be drawn upon in time of need – as we know! Under the pressure of disaster, acts of heroism, generosity, and creativity indicate the outflowing of inner potential. This is revealed throughout nature – all following the same law – as was evident after the torrential rains that transformed California’s barren Death Valley desert into a colorful garden. The profusion of flowers and insects that had not been seen there for decades demonstrates the abundance that hibernates below the surface of all forms of life.

Acknowledging this inner potential, we gain incentive to seek solutions to otherwise “insurmountable” problems and to look for answers to life’s “unanswerable” questions. For example, if we wonder what happens after death, we can examine what happens during sleep, death’s twin brother. Or to know how this planet or galaxy came into being, we can examine how we came into being, for the same laws and patterns apply throughout. And how did we come into being? Turning to the ancient Mystery-tradition we learn that at each new birth, the spiritual self, returning from its journey in other states of being, comes bearing the freight of past sowings into the environmental conditions of former associations. Entering this earthly milieu it is drawn to its parents-to-be and upon conception builds, in a most marvelous manner, a body suitable for its present life’s purpose. Upon physical birth its growth continues but now under more conscious direction until death frees it from its physical confinement. As we participate in and observe this procedure among flowers, birds, humans, planets, and galaxies, we can but conclude that Hermes was right: one pattern, one law, does prevail throughout.

Or perhaps we are thinking of the future – of what lies ahead for us and mankind. Once again Hermes’ axiom sheds light on our questions, reminding us that the future (the greater and unknown) reflects and repeats the past and present (the smaller and known). The energy-seeds of the thoughts and acts we planted in the past will bring us their fruit today and tomorrow. Thus, if we would change our life or that of the earth, if we would create a brighter future and a pleasant after-death sojourn, we need but improve our thoughts here and now.

For those of an analytical mind, “As above, so below” is the law of analogy that has brought into our lives the phenomenal knowledge, progress, and convenience we enjoy today. For the mystical, the message encoded on the Emerald Tablet awakens their souls and leads to the discovery of the mysteries of life, the philosopher’s stone, and the elixir of life. These centuries-old phrases hide and reveal esoteric wisdom and the transforming processes of spiritual training and experience which can guide us and help us become one with our inner divinity. This achievement may be referred to as attaining enlightenment, Shambala, or the Kingdom of Heaven. Anyone who achieves this becomes, as Hermes Trismegistus implies, wise, loving, and joyous in the three worlds – the terrestrial, intellectual, and spiritual – where this great truth, so simple and clear, illumines the mysteries of life.

(From Sunrise magazine, April/May 2006; copyright © 2006 Theosophical University Press)
Commentary on the Emerald Tablet by Rawn Clark
Different translations of the Emerald Tablet can read significantly differently. This is a modern English translation of the 12th century Latin version of the document.

[It is] true, without a lie, certain and most true,
That which is below is as that which is above, and that which is above is as that which is below, to perform the miracles of the one thing.
And as all things were from the one, by means of the meditation of the one, thus all things were born from the one, by means of adaptation.
Its father is the Sun, its mother is the Moon, the Wind carried it in its belly, its nurse is the earth.
The father of the whole world [or “of all of the initiates”?] is here.
Its power is whole if it has been turned into earth.
You will separate the earth from the fire, the subtle from the dense, sweetly, with great skill.
It ascends from earth into heaven and again it descends to the earth, and receives the power of higher and of lower things.
Thus you will have the Glory of the whole world.
Therefore will all obscurity flee from you.
Of all strength this is true strength, because it will conquer all that is subtle, and penetrate all that is solid.
Thus was the world created.
From this were wonderful adaptations, of which this is the means. Therefore am I named Thrice-Great Hermes, having the three parts of the philosophy of the whole world.
It is finished, what I have said about the working[s] of the Sun.

As should be expected from esoteric texts, the meaning of the tablet is not straightforward, and different readers many interpret it differently.
As Above, So Below:
The most known line of the tablet is line 2, commonly abbreviated to “As above, so below.” This reflects the concept of macrocosm and microcosm, the idea that the structure and workings of the universe are mirrored in a variety of smaller systems, including the human form. Understanding of one helps you with understanding the other. This principle is particularly important in alchemy. Alchemists were not looking to get rich quick by transmuting lead into gold. Thy were attempting to find a process that transmuted a crude common things into a perfect, rare thing. It’s a metaphor for elevating the soul, for becoming closer to God.
Hierarchy of Elements:
Separating the fire from the earth is part of this same concept. Earth was considered the most base and crude of the four physical elements. Fire was the most rarefied. Lead is a very earthy metal, while gold – rare, brilliant, attractive, and strongly associated with the golden and fiery sun – was considered a metal of fire. To separate the fire from the earth is to separate the superior from the inferior.
Therefore Will all Obscurity Flee from You:
Occult pursuits are about knowledge and spiritual transformation. To understand the nature of higher things is to actually transform one’s nature into a higher, more spiritual state. Thus, when you fully grasp how these forces work and how one exists within it, one will possess all the knowledge there is to know.
Thus was the World Created:
This is a spiritual understanding of the creation of the universe. (“World” was commonly used to mean the universe in pre-heliocentric texts.) To fully understand our origins is too fully understand everything that came forth from that creation.

A most excellent alchemical commentary on the emerald tablet, by Rawn Clark.


The Pipers commentary on the Emerald tablet.

Were the ancients, the Hopi and Enoch right? Were men given ‘Original Instructions’ from a race of hyper dimensional or extra terrestrial beings, that were the basis of all knowledge of creation? It is curious, that the great ancient civilizations of Sumer, Ur, in mesopotamia, in India and all over the world, created great stone edifices that cannot be constructed by modern equipment today. We are told to believe, that ancient civilizations simply sprung up out of the mud. While there are also legends of angels or aliens that came to Earth and instructed us in the civilized arts. Yet these accounts, in many different forms, are ridiculed as myths and legends. Enoch’s version of the tale, led God to bring the Flood because angels had corrupted mankind in the ways of war. The curious part, is there are many similar stories, legends, myths, that speak of “The People of the Knowledge of the Stones”, that became the basis of traditions of many peoples.

A fuller understanding of the Emerald tablet, can be aligned with modern scientific understandings, but only if a Key to the metaphors is found. This is why we refer to the Book of the Secrets of Enoch, as The Holy Grail, for it ‘contains’ the key to understanding The All(The Universe). Which is composed of; The Light and The Dark forces, and when they come together become The Chaotic Middle, proven by The Unified Field of God, validated by science and all the ancient legends, myths and stories. The proof of God, being, the Secret of the Rocks, the proven presence of the holy spirit, The Light, the source of the energy in the rocks, that became the Atom bomb.

If we use Enoch as our base reference, and God’s science as our interpreter, then we arrive at the Unified Field of God, that creates everything from three forces, the Light, the Dark, and the God Tangent( Pi). They are that which manifests all life as a wheel of churning of the energies of creation by the mechanism of constant change. From void, to chaos, to complexity, from simple animalistic of the gross material form, to highly evolved moral beings, unto the highest form of spiritual evolution, to highly evolved ascended beings who possess much knowledge and experience gained in the dramas between good and evil. At the end of the day, there can be no good unless there is evil.

Let us look at the text of the Emerald tablet again, and think about it line by line.
[It is] true, without a lie, certain and most true,
… Here is Truth. Self explanatory.

That which is below is as that which is above, and that which is above is as that which is below, to perform the miracles of the one thing.
… As above, so below, is the truest meaning of Enoch and the Gnostics, within the structure of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. That which is above, is mirrored by that which is below, the Light powers are mirrored by the Dark powers. The Treasury of the Light was all the Knowledge of creation, and all things that would happen in that creation, for all time. This was the Creation of Time itself in the First Begotten Son, the Great Age. This is also the utmost meaning of the God Tangent force of Pi, the Spin or Causal force, that also contains the data for all things. The never repeating numbers of Pi, that are entangled with the Mediating force, which we call; The God Tangent and The Entanglement of the Infinities. That all the Knowledge of creation, is embedded within the structure of the Light and Dark energies of creation itself. This is known as the Intelligent Design, which embeds the impetus for the design of life itself upon the energies of creation itself, so that creation itself is seen as a life manufacturing engine. That all the worlds of the Universe, have the potential for life. That all of these miracles, stem from the Design of The One, manifested as a Tree of Life powers, emanated from the Logos or Word(that implements The IDEA of God), or images like in a movie film, that are projected upon the darkness, which manifests it through the layers or octaves of energies. Hardness, is the key to understanding, and how material hardness is formed from energy and consciousness.
And as all things were from the one, by means of the mediation of the one, thus all things were born from the one, by means of adaptation.
… Here is a key to understanding. The words; mediation and adaptation.

First, mediation, is a process of standing between two others in conflict, and adaptation means to adapt to changes. So for a full understanding on a scientific level, we say that the mediator is the modulator or controller of the Energies that are in conflict, or is the creator of chaos that births complexity. Enoch II said, ‘Be thick’, and the third force(Pi, the God Tangent), was the Voice of the Ancient of Days(The One, Creator), who spoke upon the energies He created first, and they formed the Firmament of Waters, that is above the bottomless pit, which sits upon The Abyss, which is the dark force of the Archa, the eternal Lake of Fire that consumes all energy. Matter, then, was formed by the process of ‘seven suns within seven suns’, or, octaves, layers, or harmonics of the dual energies.

Thus the energies form the foundation of chaos, that forms all life by the process of chaos that births molecular complexity, and evolves or adapts, and changes, through a process we call; Spiritual Evolution. The forms brought forth via spiritual / intelligent design.

Thus darkness is the force of hardness, and makes hard the images from above by the chaotic mixing of the energies of the Firmament below, and the Middle or Center is the result, the reality of space-time.

Adaptation, is the intelligent design of evolution, the process of spiritual evolution. The process of change, the chaotic becoming more complex, the lower forms that gradually become higher forms. As their experience is taken up by their spirit, to ride the wheel of life and bring that knowledge back down with them, again and again, to eventually become an ascended being. This is shown through the fact that energy is eternal, but can take many different forms.

Its father is the Sun, its mother is the Moon, the Wind carried it in its belly, its nurse is the earth.
… In this text, the Sun is a metaphor for the Holy Fire, or The Holy Light that is called the Holy Spirit by the Orthodox. Enoch showed that this entity, Adoil, was the First Created thing. It supplied light to the Void, but because light and thus energy, was the Source of creation, it needed an opposite ‘pole’ of potential in order for the energy to flow. This is revealed by science as the vacuum potential, or the Zero point energy of space-time. The Moon is the symbol of darkness, it is that which reflects the light of the Sun. Thus the darkness, or firmament, reflects the light, after it passes through the Images, or hyper-cosmic design patterns. Hyper cosmic simply means an energy that is outside visible light, like x-rays, only much higher. The Aether is The Waters of Reality that is like the wind that carries all things in its ‘belly’. The Earth is the nursery in that, without a planetary sphere, no life is possible.

The father of the whole world [or “of all of the initiates”?] is here.
… The Father is the third force, the God Tangent of Pi, that the ancient Gnostics called the Invisible or Left handed force(…most things seem to spin, rotate and orbit counterclockwise…), that is IN all things. The Voice of Chaos, the mediator force between the Light and the Dark, that which causes the energies to spin into what we all know as; The Quantum, what we call; The Quantum Vortex; the basis of atoms or ‘particles’. To see this as a picture, the Asian legends term this the Yin-Yang symbol, a vortex of two energies merged into hardness. Thus ‘The Father’ is ‘in’ ALL things. The hardness is given by the power of darkness, the Firmament, the repulsive power of a chaotic proto-magnetic force-fluid(the Imponderable Aether of GR and the LET ether theory of Lorentz, the Dark energy of quantum mechanics).

Its power is whole if it has been turned into earth.
… Thus the energies of light and dark, become hard, and whole, when combined. But all things of The Whole must be seen as Whole-e, or (W)holy.

You will separate the earth from the fire, the subtle from the dense, sweetly, with great skill.
… Here is wisdom, why do big rocks rise above little rocks? Because they contain the powers of God within them. Only when you can separate the power of Holy, from the Power of Whole, or, the subtle Holy Fire(the Light, symbolized by the Sun), from the dense darkness. To separate the earth from the fire, is to see the makeup of matter, its primal components. This is revealed by the Secret in the Rocks; Why do big rocks rise above little rocks, why does atomic fire spring forth? This seems such a simple thing, but it is one of the seven great mysteries of physics. It cannot be resolved using matter alone, or with your mind turned towards only the physical. You must see the Holy Spirit and The Father as the binding forces within the Rocks, you must merge science and religion into a Nexus of the Whole,  if Truth if your goal.

When you do this, you see it is such a simple mystery. For the power of spirit IS within all things, and even the rocks reveal it. The big rocks rise within little rocks because the energy density of the spirit and the father is higher than the little rocks around it, and the energy of the big rock shows that gravity is only half of the forces that keeps the Earth together. To see this, is revealing, and can become something profound if seen in the eyes of science, that would reveal a way for man to leap into the cosmos, to find the “New Heavens and the New Earth”.

It ascends from earth into heaven and again it descends to the earth, and receives the power of higher and of lower things.
… This refers to the mechanism of the Medicine wheel,the Wheel of Life, reincarnation from lower forms of life to higher forms of increasing complexity. This has many names in many traditions; the Tree of Life, that is also called; the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, what the ancients called; The Hypostasis or The HyperReality. You must die, and be born again, as your soul/spirit connection becomes more complex, more Whole as it conforms to the higher evolutionary images. Knowledge from one ‘incarnation’ is taken up, and brought back down again to improve the species. In a process we term; Hyper or Spiritual Evolution.

The native Americans had the best metaphor for this process called; The Medicine Wheel. It is an image of the DNA molecule, seen on end, as it would be seen from ‘on high’. This combined all the elements of animal, physical and spiritual, and reveals how an animal soul is combined with the higher spirit, to gain higher knowledge, and become a higher being, through the process of reincarnation. Thus ‘redemption’ is not the end game of spiritual knowledge, but, becoming a higher being, inheriting your birthright as a ‘Son of God’, to ascend, and bring yourself, your knowledge and experience, to the highest planes above the seven layers of the firmament, The Aeons. This is the hyper-cosmic realm of the family of God, the Elohim, which are the powers of the Tree of Life. These were also called the Gods, the Pantheon of the Gods, the Highest mountain of God. This is hyperspace, a place of pure energy and consciousness imbued with knowledge, but no direct experience of the Lower things, the Dramas of Life between good and evil.

One thing was also clear in the ancient writings, that heaven, or the highest places above the Seven layers of Chaos, was void and without form and was silent. That some of the angels rebelled, and it appears, heaven was boring. How do you relieve the boredom of eternal life? You create drama and forgetfulness, thus the darkness was necessary, and so, was rebellion. It was all created in the beginning, good and evil, to give strength to the good, by overcoming evil, by giving evil power over the lower things. It appears, from the ancient Gnostics, that God knew better than all of us, what was good for us all. To grow, in strength, and knowledge, and complexity, requires a struggle with evil. This is the essence of the ascending and descending on The Wheel, to grow and evolve into a Son of God that inherits a sons inheritance…

Thus you will have the Glory of the whole world.
… The end product of spiritual evolution, is to inherit all knowledge that resides in the Light, the inheritance of the Sons, the power to create new Universes. But only those who have overcome the darkness, will inherit ‘The Treasury of The Light’.

Therefore will all obscurity flee from you.
… The Knowledge of the All, reveals All things that are worth revealing, which is that; The Meaning of Life, is Joy. For truth lives in knowledge, but knowledge without action is frustration and boredom, and action is required of the Knowing. But to see is not to know, only by doing can you know. But to know is not to see, thus we come into darkness to forget, obscured from The Light, in order to grow by struggle.

Of all strength this is true strength, because it will conquer all that is subtle, and penetrate all that is solid.
… To gain the knowledge of the Light, is to gain eyes that see, to see through all those who are dark and love the world(and its evil systems), to see the lie, and the deceit, which is the way of the world. To gain psychic strength, is the truest strength of all. To see that the minds of man are linked through the body, the Aether links and penetrates all things, and the spirit through the Light itself. Which, the Unified Field of God reveals that your spiritual antenna is in your hair. Thus the world makes you cut your hair, that the native Americans said, was their connection to the spirit gifts, and it is revealed by a simple God calculus equation, that mirrors the equation of the secret of the rocks, that reveals the nature of gravity, magnetism, and how everything is held together, including, men.

Thus was the world created.
From this were wonderful adaptations, of which this is the means. Therefore am I named Thrice-Great Hermes, having the three parts of the philosophy of the whole world.
It is finished, what I have said about the working[s] of the Sun.
… The workings of The Holy Spirit, is the creation of all things, through the process of adapting changes, spiritually driven evolution from ‘above’, that works with the powers ‘below’ to create hardness in The Middle, the Triad of Forces that manifests the Tree of Life.

*** The end of the Emerald tablet

Could the Emerald tablet, be, the Fire clay tablet of the Hopi? Thus we leave you with one final great proof of the ancient things, the truth of the elements of Earth, Air, Fire and water.


The Primal forces of Holy Fire in conflict with the Waters of The Aether, are a boiling cauldron in the Great Firmament called Aether, stirred by the Voice or the Air that proceeds out of the mouth of God, that creates Chaos, and The Earth results.  Thus the Firmament is laid for the Tree of Life. Compare the ancient symbol of the Ankh, which means the same thing;

ankhWhich is the foundation of The Cross, and now compare the vectors of the Unified Field of God;

The Unified Field of God

The Unified Field of God

Thus The Firmament is laid, ready to begin the Purpose of Creation, Life. The Christian Trinity was The Barbelo, and the Holy Spirit was Mother, not some vague amorphous entity. The Holy Light was created, and then Father merged with Mother and begot Son, a “Great Age”.  This Great Age, or Logos, was the invention of Time, the Intention manifested in The Word. The Father, Mother and Son, taken together form the Barbelo, The Root of The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

The Powers of the Creation of Life

The Powers of the Creation of Life

Thus all things are One, as above, so below,  the universe is a life creating engine.


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